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Simulation toolkit based on Geant4 and ROOT

1. Installation


  1. CMake installed

    If CMake is not provided by your package manager, you can visit CMake for source code then install CMake in this way:

    cd CMake
    ./configure --prefix=path/to/CMake
    make install
  2. Geant4 installed
    If you want a UI with QT & OpenGL, please configure while installation. You can follow this way:

    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/Geant4\
    make install

    CLHEP and XERCES are required by Geant4. If they are not installed in standard directories, please specify:

    Now by default, Geant4 will install its own CLHEP.
  3. ROOT installed
    You can install ROOT in this way:

    cd root
    ./configure --enable-opengl\

    If you met an error saying mathmore is not installed, a possible reason can be that GSL is not installed in a standard directory. You can configure with:

    --with-gsl-incdir=path/to/GSL/include --with-gsl-libdir=path/to/GSL/lib


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Especially if you are working with gcc at a non-standard location, please run 

	export CC=`which gcc`
	export CXX=`which g++`

before you run `cmake ..`.
If you already called `cmake ..` but want to change the gcc directory, please remove CMakeCache.txt and then export `CC` and `CXX` as above and call `cmake ..` again.

2. How to use


  1. Geant4 environment is set already.

    If not, then

    source /path/to/geant4/bin/
    source /path/to/geant4/share/Geant4-*/geant4make/
  2. ROOT environment is set already.

    If not, then

    source /path/to/root/bin/
  3. Your working directory has been created.

    Example is a working directory for a simple simulation to show how g4sim works. It also serves as a template for someone who want to build another simulation.

  4. g4sim basic environment is set already.

    If you have already set environment variable $MYG4SIMROOT to the directory of g4sim, you can go to working directory, otherwise you will need to


    Then go to your working directory and set environment:

    	cd Example # or whatever working directory

To Start:

Type g4sim -h for the help message.

Usage g4sim [options] [macro]
		 In case [macro] is not given, UI mode will be activated
	 -e TYPE
		 Change the EmType. By default it's 0 (EmStandard). Only valid when the "PhysicsList" is chosen
	 -E energy
		 Change the default kinetic energy of the primary generator. Unit is MeV.
		 Available types: -1, EmLivermore; -2, EmCustomised; 0,3,4 EmStandard with the type number as option
	 -L cut
		 Change the low energy bound of production cuts to [cut] eV (9.900e+02 eV)
	 -N nEvents 
		 Added /run/beamOn nEvents command after the execution of the given macro. Will not be invoked if macro file is not given though.
	 -P physics
		 Change the physics List (QGSP_BERT_HP)
		 Available options: QGSP_BERT QGSP_BERT_HP QGSP_INCLXX PhysicsList
		 If the provided option is not supported, then QGSP_BERT_HP will be used as default
		 Register G4OpticalPhysics
		 Apply PAI to world
		 Register G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics
	 -O file
		 Set output file name [g4sim/Example/output/raw_g4sim.root]

A figure to show how it works:
Flow Diagram

To Configure:

By default (set in


With this default environment set already you can start simulation with /run/beamOn XXX immediately.


We provide couple ways to configure:

  1. Use another configure file

Currently we have these optional choices:

gen_mum_up      # Generate muon from upstream before MuPC
gen_gam_tgt     # Generate gamma from target position

You can either set the environment variable $GENFILEROOT or use macro command /g4sim/gun/ResetGen gen/gen_mum_up in Geant4 session to reset generator setting based on this given configure file.

  1. Modify some parameters using macro commands

Here are a couple of macro commands we can use:

Field options

By default there is no field in the simulation.

To add in field we have 2 options.

  1. Using uniform field. Just add the following lines to the macro file before the /g4sim/det/update command:
/g4sim/mag/ReadCard         mag/MagField_uniform

In the configure card mag/MagField_uniform you can set the field value.

  1. Using a field map. In this case add the following lines to the macro file before the /g4sim/det/update command:
/g4sim/mag/AddMap  1

Here the must be presentated in a certain format under the fieldMaps directory.
The number 1 in the end of the line denotes the scaling factor for the field values given in the map.
Here is an example of a field map (

param normB=-1
grid X0=-600.0 Y0=0.0 Z0=-1000.0 nX=13 nY=7 nZ=41 dX=100.0 dY=100.0 dZ=100.0
extendY flip=By
600.0 0.0 -1000.0 1.70498279459 0.0 -2.94780127359

Here the first line is optional. It denotes the normalization factor.
The second line is necessary. It defines the sampling grid, where X0, Y0, Z0 are the start point of the field map, dx dY dZ are the grid sizes on the 3 directions. nX nY nZ are the total number of points on each direction. Please be careful that when your map contains N grids, the number of points is N+1. The unit here is mm.
The third line is also optional. It defines how to extend the map. In this case the map is extended on the Y direction. With flip=By this means the By values in the extended side will be flipped. This is a mirror extention. The forth line here denotes that following lines are data points. The data points should be given in the order of X Y Z Bx By Bz where the units are mm and Tesla


Simulation toolkit based on Geant4 and ROOT






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