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Migrating to 0.4.x

gdrouet edited this page Sep 28, 2013 · 2 revisions

0.4.0 completely reviews the way we configure WUIC. The improvementmainly allow to :

  • use any engine and any DAO with a default configuration without having to declare it
  • polling the configuration
  • specify exactly the engines you want to process
  • use a specific terminology related to the WUIC architecture

This guide focuses on the migration of existing features and not on new features (like polling for instance).

Root tag

Before :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<wuic ehcache-provider="com.github.wuic.configuration.impl.DefaultEhCacheProvider">



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




Before :

        <resource-factory-builder id="imgSourceRootProvider" class="com.github.wuic.resource.impl.classpath.ClasspathWuicResourceFactoryBuilder" regex="true">
                <property key="c.g.wuic.classpathBasePath">/img</property>
        <resource-factory-builder id="appSourceRootProvider" class="com.github.wuic.servlet.WebappWuicResourceFactoryBuilder" />


        <nut-dao-builder id="imgSourceRootProvider" type="ClasspathNutDaoBuilder">
                <property key="c.g.wuic.dao.basePath">/img</property>
                <property key="c.g.wuic.dao.regex">true</property>
        <nut-dao-builder id="appSourceRootProvider" type="WebappNutDaoBuilder" />
  • A resource is now called a nut, a factory a DAO so a ResourceFactoryBuilder is now a NutDaoBuilder
  • A builder is now built with a type and not a class. The type is the simple class name.
  • Property names have changed, they now starts with 'c.g.wuic.dao' and their name are more global (c.g.wuic.dao.basePath for all builders instead the specific c.g.wuic.classpathBasePath).
  • Activating regex is now done thanks to a classic builder's property



        <group id="img" configuration="sprite-image-png" default-builder="imgSourceRootProvider">


        <heap id="img" dao-builder-id="imgSourceRootProvider">
  • The group is now called a heap
  • The nut is not necessary a file so we use now 'nut-path' instead of 'file'
  • The heap is linked to a DAO thanks to dao-builder-id

Workflows and engines


        <configuration id="yuicompressor-js" type="JAVASCRIPT">
        <configuration id="sprite-image-png" type="SPRITE">


        <engine-builder id="spriteEngine" type="ImageAggregatorEngineBuilder">
                <property key="c.g.wuic.engine.spriteProviderClassName">javascript</property>

        <workflow id-prefix="" heap-id-pattern=".*">
  • By default, some engines are injected by default. Here a memory cache injected by default is excluded thanks to the 'without' tag
  • Configurations don't exist anymore and have been merged directly with engines builders
  • We don't import a heap with its ID (group) anymore but with a workflow referencing it
  • The workflow will have the same ID as the heap if 'id-prefix' is empty
  • heap-id-pattern is a regex which selects here all the heaps
  • By default, YUICompressor & EhCache are not used, we must refer them in the chain of responsibility
  • The default builder for image aggregation does not use Javascript sprite, so we declare a custom one