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Gen7 Timeline Calibration (PokeCalcNTR Only)

wwwwwwzx edited this page Dec 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

Why do we need this?

As you may already know, in Gen7 the frame advancement is complicated due to NPCs' and player character's blink determination. The timeline is designed for predicting when a blink happens and thus the "pace" of frame advancements, especially when the number of NPCs > 0.

In other words, if you calibrate it correctly, the frame advancement will perfectly follow the timeline. Your "future" is determined. You will never miss the frames in the timeline and never hit a frame which is not in the timeline.

Usually it works when other RNG sources are suppressed, such as most of final screens.

NPC = 0 is simple and trivial. Timeline is not required. It doesn't make any differences except for several moments in a long life frame.

What's a safe frame

When you try to hit a frame (press A at a certain frame number), the IVs spread is determined by not only the frame you choose but also the history of npcs blink status due to the frame advancement between A pressing and the real moment when the Pokemon is generated.

A safe frame is confirmed to be away from blink cooldown and without unpredictable history. Because the player character as well as npcs open their eyes wildly, if you hit this frame the future is only determined without knowing the history.

These frames are designed for eon timer user to hit, and also a good starting point of timeline.

Other unsafe frames will be safe if you know the history of NPCs' blinks, that's another benefit our timeline can give.

Under Mark column, -: safe frames, ?: unsafe frames, ★: blink will happen soon.

How to calibrate a timeline?

  1. Pause the game at the last input to suppress RNG noise before calibration. (Note: NPC movements and dialogue keypress could mess up the calibrated timeline.)
  2. Select Frame Range mode in RNG Info box -> Reset Filters (Note: Don't worry about any nice ivs spreads for now) -> check Safe F Only -> click Calculate.
  3. Advance to the nearest safe frame you can reach, right click and Set as Starting Frame. (Note: You might not able to land on the exact safe frame you looked at. As long as it's safe frame, that's fine)
  4. Now switch mode to Create Timeline/s and hit Calculate.
  5. Advance a number of times(clicking select), or let the game run for a while (click start to unpause and pause again), verify the timeline matches. (Note: Sometimes you will find an error here, like wrong initial seed)
  6. After checking the timeline, the calibration is done~
  7. Input your search parameters and find your target, advance to your target, initiate the encounter, enjoy!

Timeline 2.0

Sometimes the last input is somewhere the player is free to move. If you leave the character inactive for a while, you will see he/she will fidget around.

You can open the menu to freeze that, but when you close the menu, it will also advance 2 frames, which will ruin the timeline.

Timeline 2.0 will account for those frames consumed by fidgets, and fixed the timeline shift which happens every ~15 seconds.

There will be two types of character movements animations per gender.

  • Boy:
    BoyType1 BoyType2
  • Girl:
    GirlType1 GirlType2

How to calibrate a timeline 2.0?

  1. Follow the normal timeline calibration procedure. When verify the timeline, DO NOT advance too much. (Note: For the this step, the number next to Fidget should be below Starting Frame)
  2. Keep an eye on your character, when his/her movements is about to end, pause the game. (Note: make sure you pause at the first movement after the starting frame)
  3. Advance carefully until you see the timeline is off. For example, the timeline shows(1000 -> 1009), however you see the game advance to 1011 from 1000.
  4. Put the last correct frame to Fidget, i.e 1000 and choose Boy/Girl
  5. Hit Calculate and see the magic. You'll notice all these fidgets always happens on a frame and right after the movement animation.