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Keyboard shortcuts change in wxMEdit 3.2

Jia Yanwei edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 5 revisions


  • There were alternative shortcuts for the same operation as the deleted ones.
    e.g. You can still use Ctrl-L for "Edit - Delete Line", Ctrl- for "Scroll text up one line", etc.
  • Keypad shortcuts have also been added as alternatives to the corresponding shortcuts.
    e.g. You can now use Ctrl-KP_↑ for "Scroll text up one line", Alt-KP_3 for "View - Hex Mode", etc.
Menu item / Command Old shortcut key New shortcut key
Edit - Insert Ordered Sequence... Ctrl-Alt-N Shift-Alt-N
View - Fixed Width Mode Ctrl-Alt-F Shift-Alt-F
View - No Wrap Ctrl-Q Shift-Alt-Q
View - Wrap By Window Ctrl-W Shift-Alt-W
View - Wrap By Column Ctrl-E Shift-Alt-E
View - Display Bookmark Ctrl-Alt-B Shift-Alt-B
View - Display Line Number Ctrl-Alt-D Shift-Alt-D
View - Show End Of Line Ctrl-Alt-L Shift-Alt-L
View - Show Tab Char Ctrl-Alt-T Shift-Alt-T
View - Show Space Char Ctrl-Alt-S Shift-Alt-S
Edit - Delete Line (for wxGTK) Ctrl-Y (deleted)
Scroll text up one line Alt-↑ (deleted)
Scroll text up one line Shift-Alt-↑ (deleted)
Scroll text up one line Ctrl-Shift-↑ (deleted)
Scroll text down one line Alt-↓ (deleted)
Scroll text down one line Shift-Alt-↓ (deleted)
Scroll text down one line Ctrl-Shift-↓ (deleted)
Scroll text up one page Alt-PgUp (deleted)
Scroll text up one page Shift-Alt-PgUp (deleted)
Scroll text up one page Ctrl-Shift-PgUp (deleted)
Scroll text down one page Alt-PgDn (deleted)
Scroll text down one page Shift-Alt-PgDn (deleted)
Scroll text down one page Ctrl-Shift-PgDn (deleted)
Scroll text left Alt-← Ctrl-Alt-
Scroll text right Alt-→ Ctrl-Alt-
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