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Buffer interpolators

Andreas Plesch edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 25 revisions

Buffer interpolators


x3dom extends the standard interpolators with an option to use a binary data file, the buffer. This extension is based on how gltf uses binary data, and in fact the gltf inline function takes advantage of this extension. A few addtional fields for the interpolator nodes facilitate.


The buffer field defines the url to the binary data file. Accessor field nodes define key and keyValue pointers into the buffer and an additional offset for a view into the buffer. They also define size and data type for key and keyValue.

Here a glTF explanation of the terms:

New fields

SFFloat duration 1

Specifies the duration of the complete sequence. In glTF key values are time stamps whereas in x3d key values are typically fractions between 0 and 1. The duration value is used to normalize input key data by division.

SFString buffer ""

The url to the binary file, that contains the binary buffer data. [ could be MFString to be consistent with Urls in x3d which have fallback options ]. Binary data are expected in little endian byte order.

MFNode accessors []

A list of BufferAccessor nodes. One of bufferType "SAMPLER_INPUT" is intended for the key, and one of bufferType "SAMPLER_OUTPUT" for the keyValue. Both nodes are required. Other bufferTypes are ignored.

  • SFNode BufferAccessor

    The node has these fields:

    SFString bufferType ""

    Specifies if the accessor’s elements are scalars, vectors, or matrices, or sampler input or output. Use "SAMPLER_INPUT" for key, and "SAMPLER_OUTPUT" for keyValue. Other values may be used for binary buffer storage of geometry or other nodes. Due to glTF standards, SAMPLER_INPUT values (keys) will be divided by the value of the duration field of the interpolator (see above).

    SFInt32 view 0

    The related buffer view. Index into the related array of bufferViews.

    SFInt32 byteOffset 0

    The buffer byteOffset. The offset from the beginning of the referenced view in bytes.

    SFInt32 componentType 5126

    The buffer component type. The type of numerical representation as GL enum. Allowed values:

      5120 BYTE
      5121 UNSIGNED_BYTE
      5122 SHORT
      5125 UNSIGNED_INT
      5126 FLOAT

    SFBool normalized false

    Attribute normalization. If true, integer values will be normalized to [0,1] or [-1,1] based on their representation range.

    SFInt32 count 0

    The buffer element count. The count times the number of bytes defined by the components field is used to determine the size of the data in the buffer.

    SFInt32 components 0

    The buffer components. The number of bytes per value.

    SFInt32 byteStride 0

    The buffer byteStride. not used.

MFNode views []

A list of BufferView nodes. Each nodes defines a byte offsets into the binary buffer.

  • SFNode BufferView

    The node has these fields:

    SFInt32 target 34962

    The hint representing the intended GPU buffer type as GL enum to use with this buffer view. Allowed values:

      34962 ARRAY_BUFFER

    SFInt32 byteOffset 0

    The offset into the buffer in bytes.

    SFInt32 byteStride 0

    The stride, in bytes, between vertex attributes. Not used for interpolator. Always assumes tightly packed.

    SFInt32 byteLength 0

    The length of the bufferView in bytes. Not used.

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