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Generating Miniface

Aranaktu edited this page Oct 17, 2021 · 1 revision

With the Live Editor you can generate the minifaces for your players. The tool is using the Player Capture System created by EA that game is using for generating the miniface for your created player or homegrown talent.

If you want to use custom picture, check the Importing Miniface Guide


To be able to generate the miniface:

  • You need to run the game in windowed mode (preferred) or windowed borderless. On fullscreen your game may freeze.
  • You need to be in career mode (manager career mode preferred)

How to generate the miniface

  1. Open "Player Editor". Editing players guide
  2. Find the player that you want to generate miniface for.
  3. Press the "Generate miniface" button in top right corner
  4. The UI will disappear for a moment to generate the miniface
  5. When it comes back the press is finished. You should be able to see the new miniface in UI

Generating minifaces via Lua script

If you want to generate minifaces for bunch of players at once you can do that with the lua script. Here is an example script Keep in mind that the process of generating minifaces aren't super fast. On my PC it takes around two seconds to generate the miniface for one player. So, generating the minifaces for all players in game (there is around 19k players) will take 10 hours.


  • Can I make the player to wear the GK kit?

    • No, it's not possible.
  • Where the generated minifaces are stored?

    • By default in your game installation dir -> LiveEditorMods\root\Legacy\data\ui\imgAssets\heads

  • How can I delete generated minifaces?
    • Simply by pressing "Delete miniface" in top right corner in player editor, or by deleting the file from game installation dir -> LiveEditorMods\root\Legacy\data\ui\imgAssets\heads