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XL Release Microsoft Teams Plugin

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This document describes the functionality provided by the 'xlr-msteams-plugin'


This plugin provides a notification task to send Teams messages to channels or direct messages. Based of Incoming Webhooks integration connector, which provides a URL within an authorization token to POST messages using a JSON payload. Check out Teams Incoming Webhooks documentation for background information on how to add Connectors to post messages from external sources into Teams


  • Clone the repository and run ./gradlew build to build the JAR file.
  • Copy the plugin JAR fole into the 'SERVER_HOME/plugins' directory of XL Release.


This configuration allows you to connect to a server. Before setting up a notification task it is required to setup an MSTeams server defintion within the following information:

  • Title: Name of the Teams server defintion.
  • Teams URL: Tokenized URL provided by the Incoming Webhook integration connector for the specific channel.
  • User name: OPTIONAL Name to use in notifications.
  • User icon: OPTIONAL Icon to use in notifcations, should be an emoji, e.g ':100:'


Available Tasks

The available tasks for interfacing with Teams. These utilize the Microsoft Teams API and the provided Teams Connector Authentication Configuration.


The MSTeams notification task needs the next information:

  • Server: The Teams server definition to use. (the shared configuration)
  • Channel: The target for the notification, use # to refer to a channel or direct message.
  • Message: The notification message text, it could be markdown


Notification Task Status

This task uses a release ID, phase title, and task title to identify a single task. The notification task will run until the specified task reaches a conclusive status (failed, completed, aborted,...), watching the specified task along the way. A standard use case would be putting any task of interest in a parallel group with this task, and having the notification task watch the other task in the parallel group. In this case, the ${} variable would be used in the Release ID field, and the phase and task titles would match the task of interest.

Example Notification

