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Mongoid geo

A Geo extension for Mongoid.

MongoDB Geospatial Indexing

  • Supports Mongoid 1.7 sphere distance calculations and
  • Adds nearSphere inclusion method
  • Adds a set of geo related inflections
  • Adds an exta option for defining a “geo” field, to have the generated attr_writer parse and convert strings etc. to float arrays.

Mongoid 2 geo features

Find addresses near a point

  Address.near(:latlng => [37.761523, -122.423575, 1])

Find locations within a circle

  base.where(:location.within => { "$center" => [ [ 50, -40 ], 1 ] })

Create geo-spatial index

  class Person
    field :location, :type => Array
    index [[ :location, Mongo::GEO2D ]], :min => -180, :max => 180

  # to ensure indexes are created, either:
  Mongoid.autocreate_indexes = true

  # or in the mongoid.yml
  autocreate_indexes: true

These are the only geo features I could find are currently built-in for Mongoid 2.
Mongoid Geo implements the following extra features…

Mongoid Geo features

The following briefly demonstrates all the features that Mongoid Geo currently provides

Geo index

Old/Manual way: index [[ :location, Mongo::GEO2D ]], :min => -180, :max => 180

Using new geo_index class method : geo_index :location

Note: For embedded documents, you must define the index in the root collection class. (davemitchell)

Special geo-array attribute writer

When setting a geo-location array, the setter should try to convert the value to an array of floats

Old/Manual way:

  class Person
    field :locations, :type => Array

    def locations= args
      @locations = args.kind_of?(String) ? args.split(",").map(&:to_f) : args

With the new :geo option supplied by mongoid-geo :

  class Person
    field :location, :type => Array, :geo => true

    geo_index :location

   p =

   # A Geo array can now be set via String or Strings, Hash or Object, here a few examples...
   # Please see geo_fields_spec.rb for more options!

   p.location = "45.1, -3.4"
   p.location = "45.1", "-3.4"
   p.location = {:lat => 45.1, :lng => -3.4}
   p.location = [{:lat => 45.1, :lng => -3.4}]
   p.location = {:latitude => 45.1, :longitude => -3.4}

   my_location  = :latitude => 45.1, :longitude => -3.4
   p.location   = my_location

   # for each of the above, the following holds
   assert([45.1, -3.4], p.location)

   # also by default adds #lat and #lng convenience methods (thanks to TeuF)

   assert(45.1 ,
   assert(-3.4 , p.lng)

   # the #lat and #lng convenience methods can also be customized with the :lat and :lng options
  field :location, :type => Array, :geo => true, :lat => :latitude, :lng => :longitude

  assert(45.1 , p.latitude)
  assert(-3.4 , p.longitude)

  # or set the array attributes using symmetric setter convenience methods!
  p.latitude   = 44
  assert(44 , p.latitude)


News update (March 2)

  • Added support for geoNear queries!!!
class Address
  include Mongoid::Document
  extend Mongoid::Geo::Near

  field :location, :type => Array, :geo => true

# Find all addresses sorted nearest to a specific address loation
nearest_addresses = Address.geoNear(another_address, :location)

class Position
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :pos, :type => Array, :geo => true

# Find all positions sorted nearest to the address loation
nearest_positions = Position.geoNear(another_address.location, :pos)

# perform distance locations in Speherical mode inside Mongo DB (default is :plane)
nearest_positions = Position.geoNear(another_address.location, :pos, :mode => :sphere)

# other options supported are: :num, :maxDistance, :distanceMultiplier, :query

# GeoNear distance returns distance in degrees. Use distanceMultiplier to return in Miles or KM.
# set distanceMultiplier to 6371 to get distance in KM
# set distanceMultiplier to 3963.19 to get distance in Miles

If you need to operate on the Mongoid models referenced by the query result, simply call #to_models on it
Fx to get the city of the first model instance from the query result:

nearest_city = Position.geoNear(another_address.location, :pos)

You can also use a #to_model method on an individual query result like this:

nearest_city = Position.geoNear(another_address.location, :pos)

  1. the model returned also has a distance accessor populated with the distance calculated by running the geoNear query

nearest_distance = Position.geoNear(another_address.location, :pos).first.to_model.distance

You can now explicitly set/configure the Mongo DB version used. This will affect whether built-in Mongo DB distance calculation will be used or using standalone Ruby Haversine algorithm. By default the version is set to 1.5. See geo_near specs for more details/info on this.

Mongoid::Geo.mongo_db_version = 1.7

Mongoid Geo extra inclusions

Find addresses near a point using spherical distance calculation

  Address.nearSphere(:location => [ 72, -44 ])

Mongoid Geo extra inflections


  base.where(:location.nearSphere => [ 72, -44 ])
  # => :location => { "$nearSphere" : [ 72, -44 ] }


Find points near a given point within a maximum distance

  base.where(:location.nearMax => [[ 72, -44 ], 5])
  # => { $near: [50, 40] , $maxDistance: 3 }

  base.where(:location.nearMax(:sphere) => [[ 72, -44 ], 5])
  # => { $nearSphere: [50, 40] , $maxDistanceSphere: 3 }

  base.where(:location.nearMax(:sphere, :flat) => [[ 72, -44 ], 5])
  # => { $nearSphere: [50, 40] , $maxDistance: 3 }

You can also use a Hash to define the nearMax

  places.where(:location.nearMax => {:point => [ 72, -44 ], :distance => 5})

Or use an Object (which must have the methods #point and #distance that return the point and max distance from that point)

  near_max_ = ( :point, :distance).new
  near_max.point = [50, 40]
  near_max.distance = [30,55]

  places.where(:location.nearMax => near_max)

Note: For the points, you can also use a hash or an object with the methods/keys, either :lat, :lng or :latitude, :longitude


  center = ( :lat, :lng).new = 72
  center.lng = -44
  places.where(:location.withinCenter => [center, radius])

  # OR

  places.where(:location.withinCenter => [{:lat => 72, :lng => -44}, radius])


  box = [[50, 40], [30,55]]
  base.where(:location.withinBox => box)
  # => locations: {"$within" : {"$box" : [[50, 40], [30,55]]}

  base.where(:location.withinBox(:sphere) => box)
  # => locations: {"$within" : {"$boxSphere" : [[50, 40], [30,55]]}

You can also use a Hash to define the box

  places.where(:location.withinBox => {:lower_left => [50, 40], :upper_right => [30,55]})

  # or mix and match

  places.where(:location.withinBox => {:lower_left => {:lat => 50, :lng => 40}, :upper_right => [30,55] } )

Or use an object (which must have the methods #lower_left and #upper_right that return the points of the bounding box)

  box = ( :lower_left, :upper_right).new
  box.lower_left =  [50, 40]
  box.upper_right = [30, 55]

  places.where(:location.withinBox => box)


  center = [50, 40]
  radius = 4

  places.where(:location.withinCenter => [center, radius])
  # => places: {"$within" : {"$center" : [[50, 40], 4]}

  places.where(:location.withinCenter(:sphere) => [center, radius])
  # => places: {"$within" : {"$centerSphere" : [[50, 40], 4]}

You can also use a hash to define the circle, with :center and :radius keys

  places.where(:location.withinCenter => {:center => [50, 40], :radius => 4})

Or use an object (which must have the methods #lower_left and #upper_right that return the points of the bounding box)

  circle = ( :center, :radius).new = [50, 40]
  circle.radius = 4

  places.where(:location.withinCenter => circle)


Geo-spatial extension for Mongoid 2







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