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Go HTTP Session

Ultra lightweight session handling functions for HTTP servers. Designed for server-side storage of session data with only a random token stored on a client cookie.

This library does not provide or assume a storage backend. It consists of a HTTP request cookie helper, a token generation, encoding, and decoding library, and storage agnostic middleware helper.


If using HTTP cookies, create a HTTP cookie proxy for use by your handlers.

proxy := &session.CookieProxy{
    BaseCookie: http.Cookie{
        Name:      "session",
        HttpOnly:  true,
        // Secure: true, // make sure to enable this in production!
    IDLength: 32,


At this point you can use the middleware to automatically load the user object from the database using the session id (if present).

mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/", adminHandler)

loaduser := func(sessionID []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	// load from database
	return &User{...}, nil

// Wrap context-setting middleware
handler := session.SetUserContext(mux, proxy, loaduser)

server := &http.Server{
	Addr:         ":80",
	Handler:      handler,

if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {

With the user record loaded, you can access it in your handlers

handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    user, ok := r.Context().Value(session.ContextKey).(*User)
    if ok {
        // User record loaded, user logged in

Manual usage

You can also manually load or create the session cookies

func privatepage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    sessionID := proxy.Load(r)
    if sessionID == nil {
    	// no session yet

func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    // Handle Login Here
    // Save or start session by creating session id and sending it to 
    // client in a cookie
    sessionID := proxy.Start(w)
    // Then store the user session data on the backend
    // i.e. store.SaveSession(sessionID, userDataHere)


You can also use the token library directly.

// Create a new token
sessionID := sessiontoken.New(32)

// Base64 encode a token for use in URLs, Cookies, JSON, etc..
encodedToken := sessiontoken.Encode(sessionID)

// Decode a base64 token from a HTML form request (or JSON)
sessionID := sessiontoken.Decode(r.Form.Get("token"))
if sessionID != nil { 
	// valid


It is highly recommended to transmit session tokens in a HttpOnly cookie with Secure set to true (over HTTPS) to help prevent theft of the cookie by unauthorized client-side code (XSS).

To reduce the risk of Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) it is also recommended that you use a library like in addition to session handling.


Lightwight HTTP session handling for Go







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