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Form3 Take Home Exercise

The original task can be found in the Form3 Interview GitHub repository.


This is my first go project ever.

In the last 10+ years I only wrote Java applications and services. The last C application that I wrote was at an 80486, so this was a great learning experience. No matter if the application is accepted or not; it was a great experience for me and nice to have some dedicated learning goal!

Why I applied?

My company provided us for a short time window the option to leave with some benefits. So I took the chance to try my first interview in 21 years. I'm still very happy where I am, but doing this after 21 years of not applying to any job felt the right thing in this situation, even when the outcome was totally unclear and the time window was very tight.


I will open this repository now to help those who are following me and are maybe in real need for a job. Basically this code got me an interview in which I seem to have failed. My hiring manager called me to let me know that I eventually failed in the interview, she was not able to provide much more details, except that I seem to have failed mainly in the first part of the interview.

Note: This code is not 100% what is expected I assume, but it is not totally wrong either, at least got me an interview.

I do not yet have any response where I eventually failed, not sure if I ever will get one, but until I have more information I will try to guess what I did wrong, so you may learn from it. The main questions in the first part of the interview were about this code.

After thinking a bit about the questions and my answers, I think what the interviewer was bothering about one of the following things:

  • Clearly my integration tests are suboptimal, because it is only one big sequential test, they could be split apart, at least the tests that are stateless like contacting a wrong service or inserting broken data. However, to my knowledge at this time the used test-framework does not run tests in parallel. I do not think this was a major issue.
  • A couple of the tests rely upon the state of the previous tests, for example I create an account and then test if it exists, and then I tested delete on exactly this. Clearly this could be broken up easily and could be improved in more isolated tests, but honestly, I think this is over-engineering for this case, maybe this was not making the interviewer happy, but I bet more on the next two points.
  • Another point I want to raise is that I simply was not testing the response. However, this is over-engineering in my mind, because I write the test only for this client library, I simply assume that the given service, the JSON parser, the operating system, transport layer and all other libraries or tools I use are tested by themselves and are working. I should be able to rely upon that, otherwise I'm going to do double testing. So when the service for example does not return an Id this is an issue that the service need to fix, not the client library. The point that could be discussed is what should happen in such a case in the client, so maybe it is still good to return an error instead of the account, but this is a complicated situation (see next point why). This can be discussed, and I think that was more or less the main reason for rejecting me, because in the interview I saw no need to verify the results returned by the service, but the question was so open that I did not recognize what exactly was the point.
  • Another topic was the Id, which I did not ask for in the NewAccount method. In the interview I argued that the client could generate it, when it wants, and that otherwise the service generates it. I assumed the customId was unique, so saw no real need while implementing. However, I got informed that the customId has no constraint, so I was saying that client could solve the issue of broken account generation using a WAL log. After thinking about this I would say the interviewer was right here, it very likely would have been better to force the client to provide an Id so that the optimistic locking of the service prevents double creation of accounts. It still required some state tracking of the user and synchronization with the own data, but would improve the situation, even while a WAL log would solve it either, but has other side effects and makes the user`s life unnecessary complicated. Very likely the best option would be, if the service simply would put a unique constraint on customId, this would free the user from all kind of synchronizations, he could simply ask for the account, when it does not exist, he could create it and all concurrency problems would be avoided, without the user needing to track some arbitrary UUID.

If you read so far, feel free to get inspired by my work and good luck in your interview!

P.S.: If you are interested in more of my go code, review my other repositories, I learned to love go and will continue to work with it in my free time.


The client library documentation can be found here.

Go 1.18

The code does uses generics, which are part of Go 1.18, therefore to build the code Go 1.18 is required. In most 64-bit x86 Linux systems the installation can be done like:

cd ~/Downloads/
curl -LO
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18beta1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir ~/go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH


The library comes with a docker stack that can be started using docker-compose up (as requested in the Shoulds).


The following options are available:

  • make: Create the library and demo binaries for the local docker stack (endpoint: http://localhost:8080/v1).
  • make test: Run standard tests.
  • make test-int: Run integration tests against docker stack.
  • make test-int-result: Shows the test coverage as HTML file in the browser.
  • make release: Create the library and binaries for production (endpoint:
  • make clean: Remove all build artifacts.
  • make doc: Generate the documentation in the doc/ folder.
  • make fmt: Apply auto-formatting.
  • make check: Check files for correct formatting.

Some special commands are:

  • make test-docker: Run integration tests from inside docker.
  • make docker: Create the library and binaries for execution inside the docker (endpoint: http://accountapi:8080/v1) .
  • make swagger-ui: Requires a running docker stack and installed chromium, if available, runs chromium against a swagger-ui to test the local docker account API.


The goal of this exercise is to write a client library in Go to access our fake account API, which is provided as a Docker container in the file docker-compose.yaml of this repository. Please refer to the Form3 documentation for information on how to interact with the API. Please note that the fake account API does not require any authorisation or authentication.

A mapping of account attributes can be found in models.go. Can be used as a starting point, usage of the file is not required.

If you encounter any problems running the fake account API we would encourage you to do some debugging first, before reaching out for help.

Submission Guidance


The finished solution should:

  • Be written in Go.
  • Use the docker-compose.yaml of this repository.
  • Be a client library suitable for use in another software project.
  • Implement the Create, Fetch, and Delete operations on the accounts resource.
  • Be well tested to the level you would expect in a commercial environment. Note that tests are expected to run against the provided fake account API.
  • Be simple and concise.
  • Have tests that run from docker-compose up - our reviewers will run docker-compose up to assess if your tests pass.

Should Nots

The finished solution should not:

  • Use a code generator to write the client library.
  • Use (copy or otherwise) code from any third party without attribution to complete the exercise, as this will result in the test being rejected.
  • Use a library for your client (e.g: go-resty). Anything from the standard library (such as net/http) is allowed. Libraries to support testing or types like UUID are also fine.
  • Implement client-side validation.
  • Implement an authentication scheme.
  • Implement support for the fields data.attributes.private_identification , data.attributes.organisation_identification and data.relationships, as they are omitted in the provided fake account API implementation.
  • Have advanced features, however discussion of anything extra you'd expect a production client to contain would be useful in the documentation.
  • Be a command line client or other type of program - the requirement is to write a client library.
  • Implement the List operation.

We give no credit for including any of the above in a submitted test, so please only focus on the "Shoulds" above.

How to submit your exercise

  • Include your name in the README. If you are new to Go, please also mention this in the README so that we can consider this when reviewing your exercise
  • Create a private GitHub repository, by copying all files you deem necessary for your submission
  • Invite @form3tech-interviewer-1 to your private repo
  • Let us know you've completed the exercise using the link provided at the bottom of the email from our recruitment team


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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