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Battlegrounds 2 (formerly known as Battlegrounds 3D or BG3D) is a 3D hovertank
deathmatch game based on the original 2D PSP homebrew game, Battlegrounds.

UP,DOWN         Select Menu Item
LEFT,RIGHT      Change Menu Option
CROSS           Accept Menu Item
CIRCLE          Back
TRIANGLE        When in the Map Editor menu, deletes a map

Analog          Movement
SQUARE          Cannon
CROSS           Laser
CIRCLE          Lay/Detonate Mine
TRIANGLE        Switch Camera
L               Boost
R               Strafe/Target Lock
SELECT          Score Menu
START           Pause Menu

[Top-Down View]
UP              Zoom in
DOWN            Zoom out

[Third Person View]
UP              Rotate cam down
DOWN            Rotate cam up
LEFT            Rotate cam left
RIGHT           Rotate cam right
R+UP            Zoom in
R+DOWN          Zoom out

[Spectator View]
Analog          Look up/down, left/right
R               Forward
CROSS           Back
SQUARE          Left
CIRCLE          Right
UP              Increase camera speed
DOWN            Decrease camera speed

[Map Editing]
Analog          Move cursor
D-Pad           Place Flags
CROSS           Place square block
SQUARE          Place mini square block
CIRCLE          Place circle block
TRIANGLE        Place mini circle block
L               Speed up cursor
R               Clear tile
Start           Pause

The HUD contains three bars: health meter, boost meter, and heat meter, in that
order. The goal of the game is relatively simple. Capture flags and destroy
enemies. You have a few abilities at your disposal to accomplish this goal,
including cannons, lasers, mines, and boost. While in game, you can turn on a
useful option, target lock. With target lock on, you need only be aiming in the
general direction of your enemy. Press and hold the right trigger and you will
lock onto the enemy. Should you choose not to use this feature, you must
manually aim and strafe to destroy your enemies.

Build with the included Makefile.
Depends on libpspmath, available from these sources:

Design, Coding, Modelling - xfacter
Textures, Sounds - Various Websites
Music - Abhoth

#psp-programming on
PSPJunkie, A_Nub, InsertWittyName and everyone else who helped test.
InsertWittyName and Raphael for coding support.