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This repository converts the Cosmolike only implementation of DES-Y3 3x2pt analysis in real space (y3_production repository).

To facilitate the conversion of other projects from Cosmolike to Cocoa, we summarize below the steps necessary for this refactoring, using the cocoa_des_y3 repository as a guideline.

Step 1: name the project and create the repository

Repository names must always start with the prefix cocoa_ followed by the project's name. Users must follow this proposed naming convention to avoid undefined behavior, given how we wrote the bash scripts that automate Cocoa's tasks. Also, projects must have the following directory structure

+-- cocoa_des_y3
|    +-- likelihood
|    +-- scripts
|    +-- data
|    +-- interface
|    +-- chains

We suggest the path for the chains folder to be included in .gitignore once the folder is added and committed to the project's repository. This exclusion avoids filling the project's repository with large chain files. See .gitignore as a template.

Step 2: copy the project's data products to /data

The data products must include the covariance matrice, data vector, source and lens redshift distributions, and mask files. See cocoa_des_y3/data as a template

Step 3: create a dataset file on /data

The dataset file is the place to include options about the project's dataset that users can alter at runtime. See DES_Y3.dataset as a template.

Step 4: create the Cosmolike interface on /interface.

The C++ code on files interface.cpp and interface.hpp consists of refactoring of several functions originally implemented at like_real_y3.c and init_y3.c. Most Cosmolike only projects contains C files with similar structure to like_real_y3.c and init_y3.c.

PS we've adopted a C++ interface given the straightforward procedure to link C++ code with Python. Advanced developers who prefer to code exclusively in C can create a pure C interface without any issues.

Step 5: create the interface's makefile on /interface.

The Makefile contains the list of the necessary refactored cosmolike_core files, located at ${ROOTDIR}/external_modules/code. See MakefileCosmolike as a template. A snippet of the places that need to be modified in MakefileCosmolike for different projects is shown below.

    ${ROOTDIR}/external_modules/code/cfftlog/cfftlog.c \
    ${ROOTDIR}/external_modules/code/cosmolike/pt_cfastpt.c \

    ./cfftlog.o \
    ./pt_cfastpt.o \

MakefileCosmolike also creates a shared dynamical library that will be loaded from the python likelihood code, as shown below

all:  shared

(...) $(OBJECTC) $(CSOURCES) interface.cpp
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -DCOBAYA_SAMPLER -shared -fPIC -o $@ $(OBJECTC) interface.cpp $(LDFLAGS)
    @rm *.o
        @rm -rf  *.o	

PS given that Cocoa can load multiple Cosmolike projects simultaneously, the mandatory nomenclature for the dynamical library is the prefix cosmolike_ followed by the name of the project followed by the suffix _interface.

Step 6: create a script on /script that teaches Cocoa how to compile the project

See files compile_des_y3 as a template. Users should adapt the snippet cd $ROOTDIR/projects/des_y3/interface on compile_des_y3 script to match the name of the desired project.

Step 7: create scripts on /script to set/unset environment variables for the project

See start_des_y3 and stop_des_y3 as templates.

Step 8: create the project's python likelihoods on /likelihood

Each two-point function (or a particular combination of two-point functions) must have its python file (and class) and YAML files. For instance, the likelihood folder contains the following files

+-- likelihood
|    +--
|    +--
|    +--
|    +-- des_2x2pt.yaml
|    +--
|    +-- des_3x2pt.yaml
|    +--
|    +-- des_clustering.yaml
|    +--
|    +-- des_cosmic_shear.yaml
|    +--
|    +-- des_ggl.yaml
|    +--
|    +-- des_xi_ggl.yaml

Each Python file includes a class with the same name as the file. For instance, the schematic of the class des_3x2pt is shown below.

class des_3x2pt(_cosmolike_prototype_base):
    def initialize(self):
        Initialize CosmoLike before the chain starts, including reading the keys stored at /data/DES_Y3.dataset
    def logp(self, **params_values):
        Evaluate \chi^2 
    def get_requirements(self):
        Tell the Boltzmann code what Cosmolike needs to evaluate chi^2

Python programming paradigm can help to avoid code repetition. In the des_y3 project, the base class _cosmolike_prototype_base, located at contains almost all likelihood implementation.

The YAML files should point to the dataset file (step 3) as shown below

data_file: DES_Y3.dataset

Finally, the YAML file should also include the list of nuisance parameters, their priors, and reference points (initial distribution of points in the chains), as exemplified below

        dist: norm
        loc: 0.0
        scale: 0.018
        dist: norm
        loc: 0.0
        scale: 0.036
    proposal: 0.018
    latex: \Delta z_\mathrm{s,DES}^1

To avoid repetition of code among multiple YAML files, we suggest the usage of the following command, included in des_3x2pt.yaml, des_ggl.yaml, des_xi_ggl.yaml and des_2x2.yaml scripts.

params: !defaults [params_des_3x2pt]

Step 9: link the Cosmolike interface to the python likelihoods

Linking C++ and Python is rather straightforward. First, we've created the file named on the interface folder, and inserted the following snippet in it

def __bootstrap__():
    __file__ = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '')

Second, we've inserted the following snippets of code at interface.cpp

// Python Binding
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
namespace py = pybind11;


PYBIND11_MODULE(cosmolike_des_y3_interface, m) {
    m.doc() = "CosmoLike Interface for DES-Y3 3x2 Module";

    m.def("initial_setup", &cpp_initial_setup, "Def Setup");  
    m.def("init_data_real", &cpp_init_data_real,"Init cov, mask and data", py::arg("COV"), py::arg("MASK"), py::arg("DATA"));

Notice that the module's name, shown in the snippet PYBIND11_MODULE(cosmolike_des_y3_interface, m), follows the mandatory naming convention for the dynamical library file ( The python file with the bootstrap snippet is also named following this rule.

Third, we've added the following flags, which do not need to be modified for different projects, in MakefileCosmolike

ifdef PYBIND
    CXXFLAGS += $(shell python3 -m pybind11 --includes) -DPYBIND11
    LDFLAGS += $(shell python3-config --ldflags)

Finally, we've added the project's directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH by inserting the following snippet on start_des_y3 (the script that set environment variables for the project - see step 7).

addvar LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ROOTDIR/projects/des_y3/interface
addvar PYTHONPATH $ROOTDIR/projects/des_y3/interface

The python likelihoods (see step 8), can then load the Cosmolike interface with the line

import cosmolike_des_y3_interface

The consistency of the required mandatory naming conventions allows Cocoa to load multiple projects without mixing their code. Users must be diligent in updating all _des_y3_ snippets with the appropriate project's name.

Step 10: cosmolike_core/theory refactoring

Check that all needed functions implemented at cosmolike_core/theory have been refactored in external_modules/code/cosmolike, which is an incomplete port to streamline development. Such refactoring require a few steps that we are going to explain below:

Refactoring Step 1: Create header files

See bias.c and bias.h as templates. Don't forget the following special guards on every header file to allow linking between C and C++:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus

Refactoring Step 2: update the project's code to take into account the API changes on window weights

For optimzations, we've changed the APIs of a few radial window weights (see radial_weights.c), including

double W_gal(double a, double nz, double chi, double hoverh0);
double W_source(double a, double nz, double hoverh0);
double W_HOD(double a, double nz, double hoverh0);

Refactoring Step 3 (optional): thread expensive loops with OpenMP

This is an optional (and dangerous) step that can significantly speed up the chains as Cobaya samplers utilize OpenMP to accelerate convergence. Given Cosmolike design, which caches critical information on static variables, threading loops that are computationally expensive was performed with the following general strategy

// single-threaded version of the loop
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    // call functions that hold static variables. If they need to be changed, 
    // that will happen at the i=0 iteration (please check that in your particular code)

// multi-threaded version of the loop
    const int i = 0;
    // do the i=0 iteration of the loop without threading
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) {
    // repeat the same loop code - now static variables will be read-only (Cosmolike design)

Users must carefully check the code against race conditions, by running chains with and without OpenMP threading and making sure they give consistent results. Changes in the code to increase the locality of variables written inside OpenMP loops are also required to avoid race conditions.

On double loops, this general strategy can be used recursivelly to avoid the i = 0 evaluation to dominate the project's runtime, as shown below

// single-threaded version of the double loop
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<M; j++) {
        // call functions that hold static variables. If they need to be changed, 
        // that will happen at the i=0 iteration (please check that in your particular code)

// multi-threaded version of the double loop
    const int i = 0;
    // do the i=0 iteration of the loop without threading
    	const int j=0;
	// inner loop w/ i=0,j=0 (no threading)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int j=0; j<M; j++) {
    	// inner loop
#pragma omp parallel for // when possible threading only the outer loop is more optimal
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) {
    for(int j=1; j<M; j++) {
        // inner loop

Notice that our OpenMP threading requires duplication of code. Optimization and readability - as usual - are anticorrelated.

Refactoring Step 4 (optional): replace printf statements with log.c library calls

Below we show a few examples of log.c calls on /Cocoa/external_modules/code/cosmolike/cosmo2D_fourier.c

#include "log.c/src/log.h"


double int_for_C_cl_tomo(double a, void *params) {
    if (a >= 1.0) {


double C_cl_tomo_nointerp(double l, int ni, int nj) {
    if (init == -1) {
        log_info("Called C_cl(l,z1=%d,z2=%d) with non-linear bias parameters set.", ni, nj);
        log_info("Cross-clustering beyond linear bias for cross-tomography bins not yet supported.");
        log_info("Use linear bias only for z1 != z2 clustering.");

For further information on log.c, read the readme file at /Cocoa/external_modules/code/log.c.

Step 11: add repository's URL to Cocoa/projects/

Even if the repository is private and inaccessible to most users, its URL can be added to Cocoa/projects/ as shown below.


The bash script will know how to handle cloning failures in private repositories.


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  • C++ 72.3%
  • Python 25.8%
  • Shell 1.9%