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Vue Basic Snippets (Visual Studio Code)

Deprecated! It has been included in the Vue2 or Vue3 code snippets, no longer maintained separately.

弃用! 已迁移至 Vue2Vue3 代码片断中,不在单独维护了。


🌈🌈🌈 Need to install "Vue 2 Snippets" or "Vue 3 Snippets" (coming soon), they are one combined release.



Vue 2 and 3 have relatively large changes, 2 recommends the Optional paradigm, and 3 recommends the Composition Functions paradigm. The commonly used "Global API, Directives, Transition, Async Components, Instance Events, Lifecycle" in Vue have undergone major changes. And VueX also launched 4 versions.

In addition, with the introduction of new features of "reactive refs" and "Teleport", the upgrade of many community resources will be major changes.

Therefore, it is not good to design Vue 2 and 3 Code Snippets together.

It is best to separate the Code Snippets of Vue 2 and 3 respectively. According to the actual situation in the project, select Disable (Workspace) in the extension. If you feel this is more cumbersome, you can install the extension supported by version 2 in "VS Code" , Install the extensions supported by version 3 in "VS Code-Insiders".

Vue 2 and 3 Template Directives are the same.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • HTML (.html)
  • HTML (.vue)
  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • Vue (.vue)

Resources 🤞


  • HTML
    • Style & Class
    • Directives
    • Dynamic Component, Keep Alive
    • Slot
    • Transition
    • Instance Methods Events
    • Vue Router
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


Style & Class

  • vClass - :class="{ 'class-name': expression }", Class binding: object syntax inline
  • vClass - :class="classObject", Class binding: object syntax
  • vClass - :class="[classObject]", Class binding: apply a list of classes
  • vClass - :class="[expression ? 'class-name' : '', classObject]", Class binding: with a ternary expression
  • vClass - :class="[classObject, { 'class-name': expression }]", Class binding: multiple conditional classes
  • vStyle - :style="{ 'css-property': 'value', cssProperty: ${styleValue}px }", Style binding: object syntax inline
  • vStyle - :style="styleObject", Style binding: object syntax
  • vStyle - :style="[baseStyles, overridingStyles]", Style binding: multiple styles


  • template - template
  • templateFunctional - functional template
  • xtemplate - x-template
  • vFor - v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index", Vue v-for
  • vForWithoutKey - v-for="item in items", Vue v-for, Without Key
  • vIf - v-if="condition", Vue v-if
  • vElse - v-else, Vue v-else
  • vElseIf - v-else-if="condition", Vue v-else-if
  • vIfWithKey_UNSAFE - v-if="condition" key="{feature}", Vue v-if, With Key, Vue 3 DEPRECATED!
  • vElseWithKey_UNSAFE - v-else key="{feature}", Vue v-else, With Key, Vue 3 DEPRECATED!
  • vElseIfWithKey_UNSAFE - v-else-if="condition" key="{feature}", Vue v-else-if, With Key, Vue 3 DEPRECATED!
  • vShow - v-show="condition", Vue v-show
  • vText - v-text="text", Vue v-text
  • vFilter_UNSAFE - :text-content.prop="text | filter", Vue v-bind filter, Vue 3 REMOVED!
  • vHtml - v-html="html", Vue v-html
  • vModel - v-model="value", Vue v-model
  • vOn - @click="handler(arg, $event)", v-on event/listener
  • vOnLonghand - v-on:click="handler(arg, $event)", v-on Longhand
  • vOnDynamic - @[event]="handler(arg, $event)", v-on dynamic event
  • vOnStopPropagation - vOnStopPropagation, v-on stop propagation
  • vOnPreventDefault - @click.prevent="handler(arg, $event)", v-on prevent default
  • vOnStopPropagationPreventDefault - @click.stop.prevent="handler(arg, $event)", v-on stop propagation and prevent default
  • vOnKeyAlias - @keyup.enter="handler(arg, $event)", v-on key modifier using keyAlias
  • vOnKeyCode_UNSAFE - @keyup.13="handler(arg, $event)", v-on key modifier using keyCode, Vue 3 DEPRECATED!
  • vOnOnce - @click.once="handler(arg, $event)", v-on triggered at most once
  • vOnObject - v-on="{ mousedown: handler(arg, $event), mouseup: handler(arg, $event) }", v-on object syntax
  • vBind - :attribute="value", Vue v-bind
  • vBindLonghand - v-bind:attribute="value", Vue v-bind Longhand
  • vBindDynamic - :[attribute]="value", Vue v-bind dynamic directive
  • vAttrs - "v-bind="$attrs", Vue v-bind $attrs
  • vOnce - v-once , Vue v-once
  • vPre - v-pre , Vue v-pre
  • vCloak - v-cloak , Vue v-cloak
  • vEmit - @event="$emit('event-name', $", $emit
  • ref - ref="reference"
  • key - :key="number|string|boolean|symbol"

Dynamic Component

  • component - <component :is="componentId"></component>
  • keepAlive - <keep-alive></keep-alive>


  • slotElement - <slot> Element
  • slotElementScope - <slot> Element, Scoped Slots
  • vSlot - v-slot
  • vSlotScope - v-slot, Scoped Slots
  • vSlotLonghand - v-slot, Longhand
  • vSlotScopeLonghand - v-slot, Scoped Slots, Longhand
  • UNSAFE_slot - UNSAFE!!! Slot Deprecated
  • UNSAFE_slotScope - UNSAFE!!! Slot Deprecated, Scope Removed
  • UNSAFE_slotSlotScope - UNSAFE!!! Slot Deprecated, slotScope Deprecated


  • transition - Vue Transition Component
  • transition - Vue Transition Component with JavaScript Hooks
  • transitionGroup - Vue transition-group Component
Custom Transition Classes
  • enterClass / transitionEnterClass - enter-class
  • enterActiveClass / transitionEnterActiveClass - enter-active-class
  • enterToClass / transitionEnterToClass - enter-to-class
  • leaveClass / transitionLeaveClass - leave-class
  • leaveToClass / transitionLeaveToClass - leave-to-class
  • leaveActiveClass / transitionLeaveActiveClass - leave-active-class
  • appearClass / transitionAppearClass - appear-class
  • appearToClass / transitionAppearToClass - appear-to-class
  • appearActiveClass / transitionAppearActiveClass - appear-active-class
  • beforeEnterHook/transitionBeforeEnterHook@before-enter='beforeEnter'
  • enterHook/transitionEnterHook@enter='enter'
  • afterEnterHook/transitionAfterEnterHook@after-enter='afterEnter'
  • enterCancelledHook/transitionEnterCancelledHook@enter-cancelled='enterCancelled'
  • beforeLeaveHook/transitionBeforeLeaveHook@before-leave='beforeLeave'
  • leaveHook/transitionLeaveHook@leave='leave'
  • afterLeaveHook/transitionAfterLeaveHook@after-leave='afterLeave'
  • leaveCancelledHook/transitionLeaveCancelledHook@leave-cancelled='leaveCancelled'
  • beforeAppearHook/transitionBeforeAppearHook@before-appear='beforeAppear'
  • appearHook/transitionAppearHook@appear='appear'
  • afterAppearHook/transitionAfterAppearHook@after-appear='afterAppear'
  • appearCancelledHook/transitionAppearCancelledHook@appear-cancelled='appearCancelled'

Vue Router

  • routerView - <router-view></router-view>, Router View;
  • routerViewNamed - <router-view name="viewFeature"></router-view>, Named Router View;
  • routerLink - <router-link to="">path</router-link>, Router link with literal string;
  • routerLink - <router-link :to="">path</router-link>, Router link using v-bind;
  • routerLinkPath - <router-link :to="{ path: 'pathname' }">pathname</router-link>, Router link to path;
  • routerLinkParams - <router-link :to="{ path: 'pathname', params: { property: 'value' } }">path</router-link>, Router link to path with params;
  • routerLinkQuery - <router-link :to="{ path: 'pathname', query: { property: 'value' } }">path</router-link>, Router link to path with query;
  • routerLinkAppend - <router-link :to="{ path: 'pathname' }" append>path</router-link>, Router link to path using append mode;
  • routerLinkReplace - <router-link :to="{ path: 'pathname' }" replace>path</router-link>, Router link to path using replace mode;
  • routerLinkNamedRoute - <router-link :to="{ name: 'routename' }">path</router-link>, Router link to named route;
  • routerLinkNamedRouteParams - <router-link :to="{ name: 'routename', params: { property: 'value' } }">path</router-link>, Router link to named route with params;
  • routerLinkNamedRouteQuery - <router-link :to="{ name: 'routename', query: { property: 'value' } }">path</router-link>, Router link to named route with query;
  • routerParams - params: { property: 'value' }, Router with params;
  • routerQuery - query: { property: 'value' }, Router with query;
  • routerActiveClass - active-class="router-link-active", Router active-class;
  • routerExact - exact, Router with exact match;
  • routerExactActiveClass - exact-active-class="router-link-exact-active", Router exact-active-class;
  • routerAriaCurrentValue - aria-current-value="page", Router aria-current-value;
  • routerTag - tag="a", Router tag;


  • v-cloak
  • enterCSS/ transitionEnterCSS.feature-enter {}
  • enterActiveCSS/transitionEnterActiveCSS.feature-enter-active {}
  • enterToCSS/ transitionEnterToCSS.feature-enter-to {}
  • leaveCSS/ transitionLeaveCSS.feature-leave {}
  • leaveToCSS/ transitionLeaveToCSS.feature-leave-to {}
  • leaveActiveCSS/transitionLeaveActiveCSS.feature-leave-active {}
  • appearCSS/ transitionAppearCSS.feature-appear {}
  • appearToCSS/ transitionAppearToCSS.feature-appear-to {}
  • appearActiveCSS/transitionAppearActiveCSS.feature-appear-active {}

JavaScript 🌿


  • importComponent / ivc, import Feature from '@/components/Feature';, import a vue component
  • importDirective / ivd, import Feature from '@/directives/Feature';, import a vue directive
  • importService / ivs, import { Feature } from '@/services/Feature';, import a vue service
  • importUtil / ivu, import { Feature } from '@/utils/Feature';, import a vue util
  • importConstant / ivc, import { Feature } from '@/constants/Feature';, import a vue constant
  • importConfig / ivcg, import { Feature } from '@/configs/Feature';, import a vue cnfig


  • beforeEnterEvent / transitionBeforeEnterEvent - before-enter
  • enterEvent / transitionEnterEvent - enter
  • afterEnterEvent / transitionAfterEnterEvent - after-enter
  • enterCancelledEvent / transitionEnterCancelledEvent - enter-cancelled
  • beforeLeaveEvent / transitionBeforeLeaveEvent - before-leave
  • leaveEvent / transitionLeaveEvent - leave
  • afterLeaveEvent / transitionAfterLeaveEvent - after-leave
  • leaveCancelledEvent / transitionLeaveCancelledEvent - leave-cancelled
  • beforeAppearEvent / transitionBeforeAppearEvent - before-appear
  • appearEvent / transitionAppearEvent - appear
  • afterAppearEvent / transitionAfterAppearEvent - after-appear
  • appearCancelledEvent / transitionAppearCancelledEvent - appear-cancelled

License 📃

MIT License



Code snippets for Vue Basic







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