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297 lines (223 loc) · 14.8 KB

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297 lines (223 loc) · 14.8 KB

Change Log

Anko 0.10.5 (2018-04-28)

Anko 0.10.3 (2017-11-22)


  • Anko support plugin compatibility with Kotlin 1.1.60+
  • Fix Xml to Dsl converter (#370)
  • lparams for CollapsingToolbarLayout, now returns correct LayoutParams (#275, #269)
  • Context.clipboardManager now returns new ClipboardManager instead of deprecated one (#180)
  • Generate layout wrapper for CardView (#269, #357)
  • Fix ClassParser's Boolean parser when type is Long (#464)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Dsl for classes from* as they shouldn't be used outside of support library

Other Changes

  • TextInputEditText added to anko-design (#205)
  • Anko commons dialog extensions now accept CharSequence instead of String (#422)
  • Add start and end rules to RelativeLayout.LayoutParams extensions (#497)
  • Add allCaps and ems properties to TextView (#459)
  • Add snackbar helpers with indefinite duration (#454)
  • Allow nullable values in createIntent and startActivity (#465)
  • Add extensions for View::backgroundColorResource and TextView::textColorResource (#254)
  • Return ComponentName from startService methods (#435)
  • Allow alerts to be cancelable (#405)
  • Add intent helpers for stopping services (#509)
  • Return toast object in toast helper functions (#512)

Anko 0.10.2 (2017-10-17)

  • Fixed Anko Support IDE plugin compatibility with Android Studio 3.0 RC1
  • Fragment.indeterminateProgressDialog now shows indeterminate progress dialog instead of classic (#487)
  • Added methods for creating and dropping a index for SQLiteDatabase (#472)

Anko 0.10.1 (2017-05-31)


  • Fix assertion in the Anko Support IDE plugin (#387);
  • Update dependency (the old one fails to resolve in Android Studio 3.0) )#381);
  • Fix inconsistency between hasNext() and next() in childrenRecursiveSequence() (#388).

Anko 0.10 (2017-05-17)

🐧 Notable changes:

  • Coroutines and DslMarker annotation support;
  • Anko Support IDE plugin updated for Android Studio 2.4.

Breaking changes:

  • DslMarker annotation support (calling lparams() inside View blocks is finally forbidden);
  • DSL listeners moved to anko-<platformName>-listeners artifacts (e.g. anko-sdk25-listeners);
  • View blocks with the theme parameter renamed to themed…() to avoid disambiguation;
  • Removed AnkoLogger(clazz: KClass<*>) and AnkoLogger(obj: Any).

New API:

  • anko-<platformName>-coroutines (e.g. anko-sdk25-coroutines) artifacts with the new listener helpers with coroutines support;
  • bg() function that executes code in background (wrapper on top of kotlinx.coroutines);
  • AlertBuilder interface with core and appcompat implementations. AlertDialogBuilder is deprecated;
  • Snackbar helpers #203;
  • Dialog.find() method #351;
  • foreach() extensions for SparseArray #255;
  • Reified version for AnkoLogger (AnkoLogger<MyClass>());
  • isError and hasValue to AttemptResult.

Other changes:

  • Anko Support IDE plugin upated in order to support Android Studio 2.4;
  • Added meta-artifact org.jetbrains.anko:anko;
  • Added Anko Commons artifacts for Android support libraries (anko-support-v4-commons, anko-appcompat-v7-commons) #158;
  • New Android SDK target: sdk-25;
  • Updated Android Support library dependencies;
  • anko-common artifact renamed to anko-commons to reflect the naming changes. anko-common is deprecated;
  • ClassParser now accepts all primitive types #320;
  • Synthetic properties (such as act or ctx) are now inline;
  • lparams functions are now inline #338;
  • Removed TextView.enabled generated property #245;
  • Accessing setter-only property values is now forbidden.


  • Fix NoSuchMethodError on accessing act property from the support Fragment #311;
  • Fix compatibility with Proguard #235;
  • Require the relative view id to be set in RelativeView helpers #363.

Anko 0.10 Beta 2 (2017-03-22)

Breaking changes:

  • DSL listeners moved to anko-<platformName>-listeners (e.g. anko-sdk15-listeners) artifacts;
  • The custom async() function introduced in 0.10.0-beta1 was removed (use async() from kotlinx.coroutines);
  • AnkoLogger(clazz: KClass<*>) and AnkoLogger(obj: Any) functions are removed;

Other changes:

  • anko-<platformName>-coroutines (e.g. anko-sdk15-coroutines) artifacts with the new listener helpers with coroutines support;
  • lparams functions are now inline #338;
  • bg() function that executes code in a background thread and returns Deferred<T>;
  • AnkoLogger now has the reified version: AnkoLogger<MyClass>();

Anko 0.10 Beta 1 (2017-03-06)

Anko 0.10 requires Kotlin 1.1.

Breaking changes:

  • View DSL functions that accept the theme parameter are renamed to themed…() to avoid disambiguation;
  • DslMarker support (lparams inside the View lambda are now forbidden);

Other changes:

  • Add anko-coroutines artifact with the Kotlin 1.1 coroutines support (async / bg);
  • New Android SDK target: sdk-25;
  • Android Support library dependencies updated;
  • AlertBuilder interface with core and app-compat implementations. AlertDialogBuilder is deprecated;
  • ClassParser now accepts all primitive types #320;
  • New artifacts: anko-support-v4-common and anko-appcompat-v7-common (with basic helpers, without the DSL functionality) #158;
  • Synthetic properties (such as act or ctx) are now inline;
  • TextView.enabled generated property is removed #245;
  • Accessing setter-only property values is forbidden;
  • SAM View listener setter functions are now inline;
  • Add isError and hasValue to AttemptResult;
  • Fix NoSuchMethodError on accessing act property from the support Fragment #311.

Anko 0.9.1 (2016-12-14)

  • Allow to use AnkoLogger as an instance #262;
  • FOREIGN_KEY now returns Pair<String, SqlType> #258 #219;
  • Fix SparseArray as sequence returns list which doesn't match its size #243 #240;
  • Allow ManagedSQLiteOpenHelper to accept null for database name #228;
  • Fix ProGuard warning (can't find referenced method 'int getThemeResId()' in library class android.view.ContextThemeWrapper). #206;
  • Add LayoutParams.baselineOf() #213;
  • Allow nullable values in intentFor #211;
  • Migrate Anko build to Gradle.

Anko 0.9 (2016-06-07)

  • Update to Kotlin 1.0.2 and IDEA 2016.1 #161 #177;
  • Support styles in DSL #16 #143;
  • Add KDoc comments for most of Anko utilities #168;
  • Rename async() to doAsync(), onUiThread() to runOnUiThread() for Fragment and Context;
  • Add AnkoAsyncContext.onComplete() #181;
  • uiThread() now returns false if code was not executed;
  • Ability to add an exception handler to doAsync() #182;
  • Add newTask parameter to browse() #186;
  • Add sendSMS() #171;
  • Add makeStyle() #132;
  • Add Activity.contentView property #157;
  • Add horizontalProgressBar() #23;
  • Add doFromSdk() and doIfSdk() #118;
  • Add alignStart() and alignEnd() to RelativeLayout.LayoutParams extensions;
  • AlertDialogBuilder: make the dialog property public #140;
  • Add okButton(), yesButton(), cancelButton(), noButton() to AlertDialogBuilder;
  • Add nullable values to SQLite helpers #154;
  • Add editText() with input constraints #25;
  • Add attempt() #182;
  • Change semantics of Intent.clearTask() and similar functions, now add flags, not set (replace old) #173;
  • Rename forEachReversed to forEachReversedByIndex();
  • Rename style() to applyRecursively();
  • Allow the database to be pluggable for query builders #187;
  • Fix NOT_NULL SQL type modifier #175;
  • Fix startActivityForResult called on wrong object (for Fragments) #76;
  • Fix include doesn't set LayoutParams from the XML #149;
  • View.backgroundDrawable is nullable now #169;
  • classParser has always not accessible constructor #136 #145.

Anko 0.8.3 (2016-03-02)

Built for Kotlin 1.0.

  • Remove deprecated function.

Anko 0.8.2 (2016-02-04)

Built for Kotlin 1.0 RC.

  • forEachChild(), forEachChildWithIndex(), firstChild(), firstChildOrNull() are inlined now #134;
  • Int.withAlpha #125;
  • ContextWrapper is now supported by AnkoContext;
  • Anko library size and method count was slightly reduced.

Anko 0.8.1 (2015-12-09)

Built for Koltin Beta 3 (1.0.0-beta-3595).

  • SQLite helpers are moved to anko-sqlite artifact;
  • Fixed "Implicit setContentView in onCreate doesn't work in 0.8" #114;
  • Fixed "Anko DSL Preview plugin 0.8 crashes" #115;
  • Add intention: 0xffefefef.toInt()0xef.gray.opaque;
  • Add forEachChild(), firstChild(), firstChildOrNull() helpers.

Anko 0.8 (2015-12-01)

Built for Kotlin Beta 2 (1.0.0-beta-2423).

  • AnkoComponent interface for writing reusable components;
  • New DSL preview plugin: much more fast and stable 🚀;
  • Add TextView.gravity #96 and ImageView.imageResource #102 properties;
  • Cancel is the default negative button name #112;
  • Fix;
  • Remove deprecated __dslAddView functions.

Anko 0.7.3 (2015-11-02)

Built for Kotlin Beta Candidate (1.0.0-beta-1103).

Anko 0.7.2 (2015-10-22)

Built for Kotlin Beta Candidate.

Anko 0.7.1 (2015-10-01)

Built for Kotlin M14 (0.14.449).

  • #86 New: Allow getting MenuItems as a Sequence.
  • New: Added findOptional<T> for View, Activity and Fragment.
  • Fix: An exception in DSL Preview plugin in Android Studio 1.4.

Anko 0.7 (2015-09-17)

Built for Kotlin M13 (0.13.1513).

  • Anko is now split to several components:
    • anko-common contains some basic helpers (such as async, toast or SQLite parsers). Does not contain any of view DSL).
    • anko-sdk15 (also 19, 21, 23) contains DSL bindings for the corresponding Android SDK version.
    • anko-support-v4, anko-appcompat-v7 and others - additional DSL bindings for the Android support library widgets.
  • #78 Changed async logic.
  • Most of extension properties for Views are removed because Kotlin now supports this seamlessly.
  • #74 New: Ability to iterate children views lazily using sequences.
  • #77 New: Extension functions for the optimized Android collections and arrays.
  • layoutParams property is renamed to lparams (due to the clash with View.getLayoutParams).

Anko 0.6.3 (2015-07-10)

Built for Kotlin M12.1 (0.12.613).

  • New: Tinted (appcompat) widgets support.
  • Deprecated extension properties for RSSurfaceView, RSTextureView, WebView are removed.
  • Intentions for Toast.makeText(...).show() and findViewById() in IDEA plugin.
  • #54 Fix: LayoutParams resolving for some widgets.
  • #60 Support more types in intentFor.
  • #65 Fix: AnkoLogger can't now be used as a delegate.
  • Fix: InterfaceWorkarounds fields.
  • DSL Preview plugin is updated to Robolectric 3.0 rc3.
  • DSL generator refactoring.

Anko 0.6.2 (2015-05-29)

Built for Kotlin M12 (0.12.200).

  • Sensible listener argument names.
  • Some listener arguments and properties are now not-null.
  • New: Added bundleOf function.
  • New: Added getBuilder in AlertDialogBuilder.
  • #42 New: Added Context.startService extension.
  • #46 Fix: IllegalArgumentException in AnkoLogger.
  • #44 Fix: Wrong return type for include.
  • #42 Fix: INTEGER SqlType instead of INT.
  • #31 Fix: Added withArguments for
  • #45 Fix: SingleColumnParser and ScalarColumnParser.
  • #38 Fix: SQLiteDatabase.dropTable signature.

Anko 0.6.1 (2015-05-06)

Built for Kotlin M11 (

  • #30 Fix: Arguments in intentFor.
  • #29 New: function.
  • #26 New: More extension properties (including emptyView for AdapterView).
  • #21 Fix: Supported String resources with progressDialog and indeterminateProgressDialog.

Anko 0.6 (2015-04-29)

Built for Kotlin M11 (

  • Breaking: package name change ( → org.jetbrains.anko).
  • Breaking: new syntax for multi-method listeners.
  • New: Supported Configuration qualifiers.
  • New: Custom views creation.
  • New: Supported appcompat.v7 views and properties.
  • Top-level DSL functions for simple views are removed.
  • New: startActivityForResult, dimen extension functions.
  • New: uiThread property for Context and Fragment.

Anko 0.5 (2015-04-02)

Built for Koltin M11 (

  • Rebranding: Koan → Anko! ✨
  • Preview plugin is available for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio.