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CS 4650 and CS 7650 will meet jointly, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:05 - 4:25PM, in Howey (Physics) L3. Office hours are listed here

This is a provisional schedule. Check back in August for more details. But be aware that there will be graded material due no later than the second week of the course (maybe even the first week).

Readings and homeworks are final at the time of the class before they are due (e.g., wednesday readings are final on the preceding monday); problem sets are final on the day they are "out." Please check for updates until then.

August 17: Welcome

History of NLP and modern applications. Review of probability.

August 19: Supervised learning 1 (Naive Bayes)

Bag-of-words models, naive Bayes, and sentiment analysis.

August 24: Supervised learning 2 (Perceptron)

Discriminative classifiers: perceptron and passive-aggressive learning; word-sense disambiguation.

August 26: Supervised learning 3 (Logistic regression)

Logistic regression and online learning

August 31: Review of classifiers and Word Sense Disambiguation

September 2: Expectation Maximization

Learning from partially-labeled data.

  • Reading: my notes, chapter 4-4.3.
  • Online demo

September 7: Official school holiday

Labor Day is a celebration of the American Labor Movement.

September 9: Language Models

N-grams, speech recognition, smoothing, recurrent neural networks.

September 14: Morphology, Stemming, and Lemmatisation

Finding meaning inside words! Also, we'll probably have to catch up a little on smoothing from the previous class.

September 16: Finite-state automata

Finite-state acceptors, transducers, composition. Edit distance.

September 21: No class

September 23: Part-of-speech tagging and Hidden Markov Models

Part-of-speech tags, hidden Markov models.

September 28: Dynamic Programming in Hidden Markov Models

Viterbi, the forward algorithm, B-I-O encoding for named entity recognition.

September 30: No class

  • TAs will be available to answer questions on problem set 3.
  • Jacob will be presenting research at DiSpoL 2015, a workshop on discourse structure.

October 5: Discriminative Sequence Labeling

Structured perceptron, conditional random fields, and max-margin markov networks. More about forward-backward. Maybe a little about unsupervised POS tagging.

October 7: Context-Free Grammars and Natural Language Syntax

Constituents, grammar design, formal language theory.

  • Reading: my notes, chapter 10
  • Optional reading: Bender chapter 7
  • Problem set 4 out.

October 12: No class, fall break

October 14: CFG Parsing

The CKY algorithm, the inside algorithm, Markovization, and lexicalization.

  • Homework 6 due
  • Reading: my notes, chapter 10.4-11.2

October 19: Mid-term exam

You may bring a one-page sheet of notes (two sides, any font size).

October 21: Statistical Parsing I

Mid-term review. Parsing in probabilistic context-free grammars.

October 25: Withdrawal Deadline

October 26: Statistical Parsing II

Making CFG parsing work better: markovization, lexicalization, refinement grammars. Intro to dependency parsing.

October 28: Dependency parsing and alternative models of syntax

Dependency grammar, projective and non-projective dependency graphs, related algorithms, and transition-based dependency parsing. Quick tour of feature-structure grammars, unification, combinatory categorial grammar (CCG), tree-adjoining grammar (TAG). Algorithms and applications.

November 2: Formal Semantics

Meaning representations, compositionality, first-order logic, and the syntax-semantics interface.

November 4: Shallow Semantics

PropBank, FrameNet, semantic role labeling, and a little Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR). Integer linear programming will also be discussed.

November 9: Lexical and Distributional Semantics

Latent semantic analysis, word embeddings

November 11: Anaphora and Coreference Resolution

Classification-based algorithms; graph-based algorithms; a brief intro to government and binding theory.

November 16: Discourse and Dialogue

Coherence, cohesion, centering theory, topic segmentation, speech act classification.

November 18: Machine Translation

November 23: Information Extraction

Reading for comprehension.

November 25: Thanksgiving break

No class.

November 30: Alternative Training Scenarios for NLP

Semi-supervised learning and domain adaptation.

December 2: Exam Review

December 9: Final Exam

2:50 - 5:40pm. You may bring a single sheet of notes, two-sided.