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Adding new route matching data-type "RoutePattern".
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Andrew Farmer committed Apr 12, 2012
2 parents 95f3e6b + c053d34 commit f5a99eb
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 27 deletions.
114 changes: 88 additions & 26 deletions Web/Scotty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ module Web.Scotty
-- | 'Middleware' and routes are run in the order in which they
-- are defined. All middleware is run first, followed by the first
-- route that matches. If no route matches, a 404 response is given.
, middleware, get, post, put, delete, addroute
-- Be careful to ensure that notFound is the last route, as it will
-- match everything take precedence over later routes.
, middleware, get, post, put, delete, addroute, matchAll, notFound
-- * Defining Actions
-- ** Accessing the Request, Captures, and Query Parameters
, request, body, param, jsonData
, request, body, param, params, jsonData
-- ** Modifying the Response and Redirecting
, status, header, redirect
-- ** Setting Response Body
Expand All @@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ module Web.Scotty
, raise, rescue, next
-- * Types
, ScottyM, ActionM, Parsable
, RoutePattern(..)
) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString, fromLazyByteString)
Expand All @@ -50,6 +53,50 @@ import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port, run)

import Web.Scotty.Util
import Data.String

import qualified Text.Regex as Regex
import Control.Arrow ((***))

-- | Provides an interface for defining how different routes can be specified
-- This includes three options:
-- > Keyword - The standard approach to Sinatra style routes
-- > GET "/users/sam" -> Keyword "/users/:user" -> Just [("user","sam")]
-- >
-- > Function - Let the user specify how their route matches
-- > GET "/users/sam" -> Function (const (Just [("hello", "world")])) -> Just [("hello","world")]
-- >
-- > Literal - Ignore route parameters and match literally
-- > GET "/users/sam" -> Literal "/users/:user" -> Nothing
-- > GET "/users/:user" -> Literal "/users/:user" -> Just []
-- >
-- > Regex - Match path against a regular expression.
-- > GET "/users/sam" -> regexRoute "^/u(.*)m$" -> Just [("0", "/users/sam"), ("1","sers/sa")]
data RoutePattern = Keyword T.Text
| Literal T.Text
| Regex String
| Function (T.Text -> Maybe [Param])

-- Provides a shorthand for creating a regex-based route pattern
-- No named captures are supported at this point and instead you
-- look up each match via its (Text) regex index number.
-- > GET "/users/sam" -> regexRoute "^/u(.*)m$" -> Just [("0", "/users/sam"), ("1","sers/sa")]
regexRoute :: String -> RoutePattern
regexRoute pattern = Function rr
rr t = results
txt = T.unpack t
regex = Regex.mkRegex pattern
results = fmap (map (T.pack . show *** T.pack) . zip [0 :: Int ..] . strip)
(Regex.matchRegexAll regex txt)
strip (_, match, _, subs) = match : subs

instance IsString RoutePattern where fromString x = Keyword (T.pack x)

data ScottyState = ScottyState { middlewares :: [Middleware]
, routes :: [Middleware]
Expand All @@ -63,7 +110,7 @@ newtype ScottyM a = S { runS :: MS.StateT ScottyState IO a }

-- | Run a scotty application using the warp server.
scotty :: Port -> ScottyM () -> IO ()
scotty p s = putStrLn "Setting phasers to stun... (ctrl-c to quit)" >> (run p =<< scottyApp s)
scotty p s = putStrLn ("Setting phasers to stun... (ctrl-c to quit) (port " ++ show p ++ ")") >> (run p =<< scottyApp s)

-- | Turn a scotty application into a WAI 'Application', which can be
-- run with any WAI handler.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,12 +234,15 @@ param k = do
Nothing -> raise $ mconcat ["Param: ", k, " not found!"]
Just v -> either (const next) return $ parseParam v

params :: ActionM [(T.Text, T.Text)]
params = getParams <$> ask

class Parsable a where
parseParam :: T.Text -> Either T.Text a

-- if any individual element fails to parse, the whole list fails to parse.
parseParamList :: T.Text -> Either T.Text [a]
parseParamList t = sequence $ map parseParam (T.split (==',') t)
parseParamList t = mapM parseParam (T.split (== ',') t)

-- No point using 'read' for Text, ByteString, Char, and String.
instance Parsable T.Text where parseParam = Right
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,21 +270,29 @@ readEither t = case [ x | (x,"") <- reads (T.unpack t) ] of
_ -> Left "readEither: ambiguous parse"

-- | get = addroute 'GET'
get :: T.Text -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
get :: RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
get = addroute GET

-- | post = addroute 'POST'
post :: T.Text -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
post :: RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
post = addroute POST

-- | put = addroute 'PUT'
put :: T.Text -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
put :: RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
put = addroute PUT

-- | delete = addroute 'DELETE'
delete :: T.Text -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
delete :: RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
delete = addroute DELETE

-- | Add a route for each StdMethod type
matchAll :: RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
matchAll pattern action = mapM_ (\m -> m pattern action) [get, post, put, delete]

-- | Specify an action to take if nothing else is found
notFound :: ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
notFound action = matchAll (Function (\x -> Just [("path", x)])) (status status404 >> action)

-- | Define a route with a 'StdMethod', 'T.Text' value representing the path spec,
-- and a body ('ActionM') which modifies the response.
Expand All @@ -249,14 +307,11 @@ delete = addroute DELETE
-- >>> curl http://localhost:3000/foo/something
-- something
addroute :: StdMethod -> T.Text -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
addroute :: StdMethod -> RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
addroute method path action = MS.modify (\ (ScottyState ms rs) -> ScottyState ms (r:rs))
where r = route method withSlash action
withSlash = case T.uncons path of
Just ('/',_) -> path
_ -> T.cons '/' path
where r = route method path action

route :: StdMethod -> T.Text -> ActionM () -> Middleware
route :: StdMethod -> RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> Middleware
route method path action app req =
if Right method == parseMethod (requestMethod req)
then case matchRoute path (strictByteStringToLazyText $ rawPathInfo req) of
Expand All @@ -270,31 +325,38 @@ route method path action app req =

mkEnv :: StdMethod -> Request -> [Param] -> ResourceT IO ActionEnv
mkEnv method req captures = do
b <- BL.fromChunks <$> (lazyConsume $ requestBody req)
b <- BL.fromChunks <$> lazyConsume (requestBody req)

let params = captures ++ formparams ++ queryparams
let parameters = captures ++ formparams ++ queryparams
formparams = case (method, lookup "Content-Type" [( k, v) | (k,v) <- requestHeaders req]) of
(POST, Just "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") -> parseEncodedParams $ mconcat $ BL.toChunks b
_ -> []
queryparams = parseEncodedParams $ rawQueryString req

return $ Env req params b
return $ Env req parameters b

parseEncodedParams :: B.ByteString -> [Param]
parseEncodedParams bs = [ (T.fromStrict k, T.fromStrict $ fromMaybe "" v) | (k,v) <- parseQueryText bs ]

-- todo: wildcards?
matchRoute :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe [Param]
matchRoute pat req = go (T.split (=='/') pat) (T.split (=='/') req) []
where go [] [] ps = Just ps -- request string and pattern match!
go [] r ps | T.null (mconcat r) = Just ps -- in case request has trailing slashes
| otherwise = Nothing -- request string is longer than pattern
go p [] ps | T.null (mconcat p) = Just ps -- in case pattern has trailing slashes
| otherwise = Nothing -- request string is not long enough
matchRoute :: RoutePattern -> T.Text -> Maybe [Param]

matchRoute (Literal pat) req | pat == req = Just []
| otherwise = Nothing

matchRoute (Regex pat) req = matchRoute (regexRoute pat) req

matchRoute (Function fun) req = fun req

matchRoute (Keyword pat) req = go (T.split (=='/') pat) (T.split (=='/') req) []
where go [] [] prs = Just prs -- request string and pattern match!
go [] r prs | T.null (mconcat r) = Just prs -- in case request has trailing slashes
| otherwise = Nothing -- request string is longer than pattern
go p [] prs | T.null (mconcat p) = Just prs -- in case pattern has trailing slashes
| otherwise = Nothing -- request string is not long enough
go (p:ps) (r:rs) prs | p == r = go ps rs prs -- equal literals, keeping checking
| T.null p = Nothing -- p is null, but r is not, fail
| T.head p == ':' = go ps rs $ (T.tail p, r) : prs
-- p is a capture, add to params
| T.head p == ':' = go ps rs $ (T.tail p, r) : prs -- p is a capture, add to params
| otherwise = Nothing -- both literals, but unequal, fail

-- | Set the HTTP response status. Default is 200.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion scotty.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ Library
resourcet >= 0.3.2 && < 0.4,
text >= 0.11.1,
wai >= 1.0.0,
warp >= 1.0.0
warp >= 1.0.0,
regex-compat >= 0.95.1

GHC-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans

Expand Down

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