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forked from Riimu/Kit-CSRF

Secure and simple CSRF library protected against timing and BREACH attacks


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Secure CSRF validator

CSRF is a PHP library for preventing [Cross-Site Request Forgery] ( attacks. A CSRF attack takes advantage of authenticated users by sending them to a malicious website that sends specially crafted requests to the targeted website in order to modify content on that website. The attack uses the authenticated user's browser to send the request to bypass any authentication. This library prevents these attacks by requiring a CSRF token in each POST, PUT and DELETE request. These tokens are not known by the attacker, which prevents them from sending malicious requests.

This library can store the CSRF tokens using cookies or sessions. In order to facilitate different kinds of websites and applications, the library allows submission of the secret token in a hidden form field or using a HTTP header.

In order to provide additional security against different forms of attacks against the CSRF tokens, this library uses constant time string comparisons to prevent timing attacks and encrypts each token with a random string to prevent BREACH attacks. On top of that, each CSRF token and encryption key is generated using a secure random byte source.

The API documentation, which can be generated using Apigen, can be read online at:

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In order to use this library, the following requirements must be met:


This library can be installed via Composer. To do this, download the composer.phar and require this library as a dependency. For example:

$ php -r "readfile('');" | php
$ php composer.phar require riimu/kit-csrf:2.*

Alternatively, you can add the dependency to your composer.json and run composer install. For example:

    "require": {
        "riimu/kit-csrf": "2.*"

Any library that has been installed via Composer can be loaded by including the vendor/autoload.php file that was generated by Composer.

It is also possible to install this library manually. To do this, download the latest release and extract the src folder to your project folder. To load the library, include the provided src/autoload.php file.

Note that if you install this library manually, you must also install the dependencies by yourself.


The idea of this library is to make security as convenient as possible. You only really need two methods provided by the CSRFHandler class. The method validateRequest() should be called at the very beginning of each request. This method will only validate POST, PUT and DELETE requests so you can safely call it on every request. The method getToken() can be used to retrieve the token that should be included in each submitted form using a hidden field named csrf_token.

If the token submitted in the form does not match the token stored in the user cookie, the validateRequest() method will send a HTTP 400 (bad request) header and kill the script execution. In normal use, this will not affect normal users, but it will prevent any CSRF attacks against your website.

As an example, here is a simple web page that has one form that can be submitted:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$csrf = new \Riimu\Kit\CSRF\CSRFHandler();
$token = $csrf->getToken();

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <title>Simple Form</title>

if (!empty($_POST['my_name'])) {
    printf("  <p>Hello <strong>%s!</strong></p>" . PHP_EOL, htmlspecialchars($_POST['my_name']));

  <form method="POST" action="<?=htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?>"><div>
   <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($token)?>" />
   What is your name?
   <input type="text" name="my_name" />
   <input type="submit" />

By default, the library will save the secret token to a cookie. If you prefer to save the token to a session instead, you can initialize the CSRFHandler by setting the constructor parameter to false. For example:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$csrf = new \Riimu\Kit\CSRF\CSRFHandler(false);

If you wish to have more control over what happens when the request sends an invalid token, you can set the parameter passed to validateRequest() to true. This will cause the method to throw an InvalidCSRFTokenException instead of killing the script. For example:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$csrf = new \Riimu\Kit\CSRF\CSRFHandler();

try {
} catch (\Riimu\Kit\CSRF\InvalidCSRFTokenException $ex) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
    exit('Bad CSRF Token!');

Note that if you are using ajax request on your website, you may also provide the CSRF token using a X-CSRF-Token header. This is particularly useful, if you are creating a RESTful api that takes advantage of PUT and DELETE requests.

Securing Your Website

Even this library does not prevent CSRF attacks if you fail to utilize the tokens correctly. It is very important that each request is properly validated and that the token is sent with each submitted form. However, there are still couple of pitfalls that you should be aware of.

In some rare cases, it may be possible to use [Session Fixation] ( attack to determine the CSRF token used by the authenticated user. Even if the session ID is regenerated upon login, the attacker may still take advantage of the known CSRF token. To avoid this, you should also regenerate the CSRF token upon authentication. To regenerate the CSRF token, simply call the regenerateToken() method provided by the CSRFHandler class. This invalidates all the previous CSRF tokens.

In order to create a website that is impervious to CSRF attacks, you must also remember that only POST, PUT and DELETE requests should change the state of the website. A CSRF token should be never be supplied in a GET parameter, because this can be leaked using various different attacks. Thus, GET requests should never affect the state. For example, allowing users to be deleted using a simple GET request would make your website vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

Finally, remember that CSRF tokens only protect you from external requests. They offer no protection against Cross-site Scripting attacks. If the attacker is capable of running javascript on your website, the CSRF tokens offer no additional protection. Using a XSS attack, the attacker is always capable of finding out the CSRF token. The security of your website only as strong as the weakest link.

Manual Usage

If you wish to have more control over the token validation, this library provides several methods that allows you to manually manage several aspects of the library. For your convenience, the CSRFHandler provides the following methods:

  • isValidatedRequest() tells if the current request is a POST, PUT or DELETE request which should be validated.

  • validateRequest($throw = false) validates the request and kills the script or throws an exception if the token is invalid. The token is only validated on POST, PUT and DELETE requests.

  • validateRequestToken() validates the token sent in the request. True is returned if the token exists and it matches the secret token.

  • validateToken($token) can be used to validate tokens manually. The token passed to the method should be the one that has been returned by getToken()

  • getToken() returns a valid base64 encoded token.

  • regenerateToken() regenerates the secret CSRF token and invalidates all the tokens returned previously by getToken()

  • getTrueToken() returns the stored secret CSRF token that is used to validate the tokens submitted by the user.

  • getRequestToken() returns the token sent in the request.

Anatomy of the CSRF tokens

All the CSRF tokens generated by this library are random 32 byte strings. These strings have been generated by using the SecureRandom library in order to ensure that they have been generated using a secure random source. However, the tokens returned by getToken() are very different in length. This is because they are base64 encoded strings that also contain an encryption key for the token.

In order to prevent BREACH attacks, each token is encrypted using a simple XOR encryption with another random 32 byte string which has also been generated using the SecureRandom library. The base64 encoded string actually consists of the encryption key and the encrypted CSRF token. Thus, the length of the decoded token string is 64 bytes.

Note that a new encryption key is generated every time getToken() is called. Thus, each string returned by that method is different. If you have a large number of forms on your web page, it may be more efficient to call that method only once and store the result into a variable.


This library is copyright 2014 - 2015 to Riikka Kalliomäki.

See LICENSE for license and copying information.

Implementation of this library is based on ideas from Go library nosurf by Justinas Stankevicius


Secure and simple CSRF library protected against timing and BREACH attacks







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