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Map Starting Points and "Intended" Map Order

null edited this page Jul 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Map Starting Points

Here is a screenshot of all the map starting points. You'll find these same markers if you open your map in either Lion's Arch or Mistlock Sanctuary, or click Show Global Starting Points in the script menu while in a core map.

"Intended" Map Order

I want to make an important disclaimer here: Do not feel obligated to complete maps in this order, if you have your own preferred order then, by all means, follow that. If you have certain maps already done, obviously the order here doesn't matter. This is not the end-all-be-all map order.

With that in mind: All the cities start from their respective portal in Lion's Arch and Fields of Ruin starts from the Divinity's Reach portal.

If you want to follow the "intended" order:

  1. Lion's Arch
  2. Rata Sum
  3. The Grove
  4. Divinity's Reach
  5. Hoelbrak
  6. Black Citadel
  7. Metrica Province
  8. Brisban Wildlands
  9. Caledon Forest
  10. Queensdale
  11. Kessex Hills
  12. Gendarran Fields
  13. Harathi Hinterlands
  14. Bloodtide Coast
  15. Sparkfly Fen
  16. Mount Maelstrom
  17. Dredgehaunt Cliffs
  18. Wayfarer Foothills
  19. Snowden Drifts
  20. Lornar's Pass
  21. Timberline Falls
  22. Frostgorge Sound
  23. Fireheart Rise
  24. Diessa Plateau
  25. Plains of Ashford
  26. Blazeridge Steppes
  27. Iron Marches
  28. Fields of Ruin
  29. Straits of Devastation
  30. Malchor's Leap
  31. Cursed Shore

Furthermore, if you fancy a try at speedrunning and would like to download my LiveSplits split setup, you can get that here.