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remove zoom-send-message foramt arguments (demisto#28042)
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* remove zoom-send-message foramt arguments

* update release note

* fix page_size

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* breakingChanges json

* remove json
  • Loading branch information
jbabazadeh authored and xsoar-bot committed Aug 2, 2023
1 parent 28e20ee commit 884e046
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Showing 6 changed files with 30 additions and 144 deletions.
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions Packs/Zoom/Integrations/Zoom/
Expand Up @@ -1605,14 +1605,8 @@ Sends chat messages on Zoom to either an individual user who is in your contact
| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| user_id | Unique identifier of the user. | Required |
| at_contact | This field is required if the value of at_type field is set to 1. Email address of the contact. | Optional |
| at_type | The type of mention. You can use one of the following values: 1: Mention a contact. 2: Mention "all" to notify everyone in the channel. | Optional |
| end_position | The end position of the mention. | Optional |
| start_position | The start position of the mention("@") in the message string. | Optional |
| rt_start_position | The start position of the rich text in the message string. | Optional |
| rt_end_position | The end position of the rich text. | Optional |
| format_type | The type of rich text. There is some special logic which is the same as on the Zoom client. 1. AddLink's position can not cross multi lines. 2. A BulletedList will clear the formatting of a NumberedList, Quote, or LeftIndent after it. 3. Likewise, a NumberedList will clear the formatting of a BulletedList, Quote, or LeftIndent after it. 4. Only AddLink, NumberedList and BulletedList can apply to a message which already applied a Quote. 5. A Quote will clear the formatting of all styles after it except AddLink, NumberedList, BulletedList, or Italic. 6. An AddLink will clear the formatting of BackgroundColor, FontColor, or Underline after it. 7. BackgroundColor, FontColor and Underline can not apply to a message which already applied AddLink. 8. BulletedList, NumberedList, LeftIndent, Paragraph, and Quote will automatically expand to apply to the whole line. Possible values are: FontSize, FontColor, BackgroundColor, LeftIndent, Paragraph, AddLink. | Optional |
| format_attr | This field is required if the value of the format_type field is listed below: 1.FontSize value: s for small, m for medium, or l for large font size. 2.FontColor and BackgroundColor value: only supports RGB value. For example: FFC0CB 3.LeftIndent value: a positive pixel length. 4.Paragraph value: h1 for Heading 1, h2 for Heading 2, or h3 for Heading 3. 5.AddLink value: must be a valid URL, with an http or https prefix. For example: <>. | Optional |
| at_contact | Email address of the mention contact. | Optional |
| is_markdown | if a markdown message provide in the message argument| Optional
| message | The message to be sent. Maximum of 1024 characters. | Required |
| entry_ids | A list of the file IDs to send. This field only accepts a maximum of six file IDs. | Optional |
| reply_main_message_id | The reply message's ID. This field only returns if the message is a reply message. | Optional |
Expand Down
36 changes: 10 additions & 26 deletions Packs/Zoom/Integrations/Zoom/
Expand Up @@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ def zoom_send_file_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:

message_id = upload_response.get('id')
return CommandResults(
readable_output=f'Message with id {message_id} was successfully sent'
readable_output=f'Message with id {message_id} was successfully sent'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1367,14 +1367,7 @@ def zoom_send_message_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:
client = client
at_contact = args.get('at_contact')
at_type = AT_TYPE.get(args.get('at_type', None))
user_id = args.get('user_id')
end_position = arg_to_number(args.get('end_position'))
start_position = arg_to_number(args.get('start_position'))
rt_start_position = arg_to_number(args.get('rt_start_position'))
rt_end_position = arg_to_number(args.get('rt_end_position'))
format_type = args.get('format_type')
format_attr = args.get('format_attr')
message = args.get('message', '')
entry_ids = argToList(args.get('entry_ids', []))
reply_main_message_id = args.get('reply_main_message_id')
Expand All @@ -1394,10 +1387,6 @@ def zoom_send_message_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:

# check if the text contain markdown to parse and also provide text style arguments
if is_markdown and (start_position or end_position
or format_attr or format_type or rt_end_position or rt_start_position or at_type):

if is_markdown:
# check if text have more then 1 mention
if message.count('@') > 1 and at_contact:
Expand All @@ -1407,18 +1396,7 @@ def zoom_send_message_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:
json_data_all.update({"file_ids": zoom_file_id, "reply_main_message_id": reply_main_message_id, "to_channel": to_channel,
"to_contact": to_contact})
json_data_all = {"at_items": [
"at_contact": at_contact,
"at_type": at_type,
"end_position": end_position,
"start_position": start_position
[{"start_position": rt_start_position,
"end_position": rt_end_position,
"format_type": format_type,
"format_attr": format_attr}],
json_data_all = {
"message": message,
"file_ids": zoom_file_id,
"reply_main_message_id": reply_main_message_id,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1548,7 +1526,12 @@ def zoom_list_messages_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:
search_key = args.get('search_key')
exclude_child_message = args.get('exclude_child_message', False)
limit = arg_to_number(args.get('limit', 50))
page_size = limit if limit and limit <= 50 else 50
page_size = arg_to_number(args.get('page_size'))

if limit and page_size and limit != 50:
raise DemistoException(LIMIT_AND_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS)
limit = page_size if page_size else limit

if not to_contact and not to_channel:
raise DemistoException(MISSING_ARGUMENT)
Expand All @@ -1572,8 +1555,9 @@ def zoom_list_messages_command(client, **args) -> CommandResults:
data = raw_data.get('messages', [])

if limit and len(all_messages) + len(data) > limit:
remaining_limit = limit - len(all_messages)
data = data[:remaining_limit]
Expand Down
53 changes: 4 additions & 49 deletions Packs/Zoom/Integrations/Zoom/Zoom.yml
Expand Up @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ script:
Sends chat messages on Zoom to either an individual user who is in your contact list or to a channel of which you are a member. Use the command zoom-list-users to get the user id by the user email (for to_contact).
Use the command zoom-list-user-channels in order to fetch the channel ID by the channel name (for to_channel).
In order to send a message, you need to provide at least a message (message text) and to_contact (contact to send) or to_channel (channel to send to), but not both of them.
In order to send a style message you need to provide is-markdown=true and not provide any format_type or format_attr.
In order to send a style message you need to provide is-markdown=true and the message can contain a markdown format
If you are using mention markdown in a message, provide the email address in the at_contact argument.
- name: user_id
Expand All @@ -855,27 +855,16 @@ script:
required: true
- name: at_contact
description: >
This field is required if the value of at_type field is set to 1.
Email address of the contact.
Email address of the mention contact.
type: string
- name: at_type
description: >
The type of mention. You can use one of the following values:
1: Mention a contact.
2: Mention "all" to notify everyone in the channel.
type: string
- Mention a contact
- Mention "all" to notify everyone in the channel
- name: is_markdown
- "true"
- "false"
defaultValue: false
description: |-
You can provide a markdown message without any other arguments like format type,format attr,start and end position and rt start and end_position
You can provide a markdown message in the message argument.
| Element | Markdown Syntax |
| Paragraph | # H1 , ## H2 ,### H3|
Expand All @@ -885,43 +874,10 @@ script:
| FontSize | [s|m|l](text)|
| BackgroundColor| [#<rgb>bg](text)|
| Mention | @<text> if mention is not @all please provide argument at_contact= email|
- name: end_position
description: The end position of the mention.
type: string
- name: start_position
description: The start position of the mention ("@") in the message string.
type: string
- name: rt_start_position
description: The start position of the rich text in the message string.
type: string
- name: rt_end_position
description: The end position of the rich text.
type: string
- name: format_type
description: The type of rich text. There is some special logic which is the same as on the Zoom client. 1. AddLink's position can not cross multi lines. 2. A BulletedList will clear the formatting of a NumberedList, Quote, or LeftIndent after it. 3. Likewise, a NumberedList will clear the formatting of a BulletedList, Quote, or LeftIndent after it. 4. Only AddLink, NumberedList and BulletedList can apply to a message which already applied a Quote. 5. A Quote will clear the formatting of all styles after it except AddLink, NumberedList, BulletedList, or Italic. 6. An AddLink will clear the formatting of BackgroundColor, FontColor, or Underline after it. 7. BackgroundColor, FontColor and Underline can not apply to a message which already applied AddLink. 8. BulletedList, NumberedList, LeftIndent, Paragraph, and Quote will automatically expand to apply to the whole line.
type: string
- FontSize
- FontColor
- BackgroundColor
- LeftIndent
- Paragraph
- AddLink
- name: format_attr
description: >
This field is required if the value of the format_type field is listed below:
1.FontSize value: s for small, m for medium, or l for large font size.
2.FontColor and BackgroundColor value: only supports RGB value. For example: FFC0CB
3.LeftIndent value: a positive pixel length.
4.Paragraph value: h1 for Heading 1, h2 for Heading 2, or h3 for Heading 3.
5.AddLink value: must be a valid URL, with an http or https prefix. For example:
type: string
- name: message
description: |-
The message to be sent. Maximum of 1024 characters.
You can provide a markdown message without any other arguments like format type,format attr,start and end position and rt start and end_position
You can provide a markdown format
| Element | Markdown Syntax |
| Paragraph | # H1 , ## H2 ,### H3|
Expand All @@ -931,7 +887,6 @@ script:
| FontSize | [s|m|l](text)|
| BackgroundColor| [#<rgb>bg](text)|
| Mention | @<text> if mention is not @all please provide argument at_contact= email|
required: true
type: string
- name: entry_ids
Expand Down
61 changes: 1 addition & 60 deletions Packs/Zoom/Integrations/Zoom/
Expand Up @@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ def test_zoom_send_file_command(mocker):
zoom_send_file_mock.assert_called_with(expected_upload_url, expected_file_info, expected_json_data)

# Assert results
assert results.readable_output == 'Message with id file_id was successfully sent'
assert results.readable_output == 'Message with id file_id was successfully sent'

def test_zoom_list_account_public_channels_command(mocker):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1400,10 +1400,6 @@ def test_zoom_send_message_command_with_file(mocker):

at_type='Mention a contact',
message='Hello from @dima!',
Expand All @@ -1429,21 +1425,6 @@ def test_zoom_send_message_command(mocker):
expected_request_payload = {
'message': 'Hello from @dima!',
'to_channel': 'channel1',
'at_items': [
'at_contact': '',
'at_type': 1,
'start_position': 11,
'end_position': 16
'rich_text': [
{'start_position': None,
'end_position': None,
'format_type': None,
'format_attr': None
'file_ids': []

Expand All @@ -1459,10 +1440,6 @@ def test_zoom_send_message_command(mocker):

result = zoom_send_message_command(client,
at_type='Mention a contact',
message='Hello from @dima!',

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1549,38 +1526,6 @@ def test_zoom_send_message_markdown_command_error_mentions(mocker):
assert str(e.value) == "Too many mentions in text. you can provide only one mention in each message"

def test_zoom_send_message_markdown_command_error_too_many_arguments(mocker):
Given -
When -
send message to channel with invalid markdown
Then -
Validate that an exception is raised
client = Client(base_url='', account_id="mockaccount",
client_id="mockclient", client_secret="mocksecret")

from Zoom import zoom_send_message_command

with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
message="@user This is an markdown",
at_type='Mention a contact',


assert str(e.value) == """Too many arguments. If you choose is_markdown,
don't provide one of the following arguments: start_position, end_position, format_type, at_type,
rt_start_position, rt_end_position or format_attr"""

def test_zoom_list_messages_command(mocker):
Given -
Expand All @@ -1592,11 +1537,9 @@ def test_zoom_list_messages_command(mocker):
Validate the command results including outputs and readable output
client = Client(base_url='', account_id="mockaccount", client_id="mockclient", client_secret="mocksecret")
page_size = 50
channel_id = "channel_id"
user_id = "user_id"
limit = 100
page_number = 2
to_contact = ""
to_channel = "channel_id"
date_arg = "2023-03-07T00:49:01Z"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1628,12 +1571,10 @@ def test_zoom_list_messages_command(mocker):

result = zoom_list_messages_command(
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Packs/Zoom/ReleaseNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

#### Integrations

##### Zoom

- **Breaking changes**: The following arguments were removed from ***zoom-send-message*** command, please use markdown in order to create formatted message:
- ***start_position***
- ***end_position***
- ***rt_start_position***
- ***rt_end_position***
- ***format_type***
- ***format_attr***
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Packs/Zoom/pack_metadata.json
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Zoom",
"description": "Use the Zoom integration manage your Zoom users and meetings",
"support": "xsoar",
"currentVersion": "1.5.0",
"currentVersion": "1.5.1",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "",
"email": "",
Expand Down

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