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Xubiod edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

Creates an alarm by minutes, based on current room speed.


alarm_create_minutes(alarm id, time)

Argument Description
alarm id The alarm to set.
time The amount of minutes to set the alarm to. (Based on room speed)

Returns: Nothing


This function creates an alarm with the ID provided, and sets the time to the amount of minutes provided.

The minutes are calculated with the current room_speed, so changing room_speed while the alarm is running will change how long the alarm goes for.


alarm_create_minutes(0, 1.25);

This creates an alarm with the ID of 0 that will last for 1.25 minutes (75 seconds).

GML Equivalent:

These are how you can set up what this function does without using the function.

var min = 1.25; alarm_set(0, min * room_speed * 60); or var min = 1.25; alarm[0] = min * room_speed * 60;