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Xubiod edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 1 revision

Draws text with an outline


draw_text_outline(x, y, text, outline width, bc1, bc2, bc3, bc4, tc1, tc2, tc3, tc4, text alpha)

Argument Description
x The x position of the text.
y The y position of text.
outline width The width of the outline.
bc1-4 Outline color, starting from top left and going clockwise.
tc1-4 Text color, starting from top left and going clockwise.
text alpha The opacity of the text being outlined.

Returns: Nothing


This function draws text to the window or surface with an outline with a specific outline width and colors.


_color_1 = make_color_rgb(128, 255, 0);
draw_text_outline_color(4,4, "Health: " + string(health), 4, _color_1, c_black, _color_1, c_black, c_white, c_white, c_white, c_white, 100);

Draws the built-in health variable 4 pixels from the left and top with an outline width of 4 pixels, with the text being white and the outline being a transition from yellow to black.

GML Equivalent:

The GML Equivalent isn't shown because of its complexity.