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Xurxe Toivo García edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Rokotin-NHH wiki!

Here is an overview of how we interact with this project:

  • Rokotin-NHH-container: a folder in your computer that contains the Rokotin-NHH folder, as well as any other files (notes, work-in-progress, etc) you may need locally.

  • Rokotin-NHH: a folder in your computer, inside Rokotin-NHH-container, which is a clone of this HitHub repository.

  • Team Vaccify: a folder on Google Drive where we share meeting notes and other files that should not go on GitHub

  • IMPORTANT: The default branch for this repository is develop. This means:

    • When you clone the repository, you will be on this branch by default.
    • When you visit the GitHub repository, you will see this branch by default.
    • When you create a pull request, the base will be develop by default.
  • 1a. Understand the repository
  • 1b. Clone the repository
  • 2a. Start your work session
  • 2b. Create a new branch
  • 3a. Start your work session
  • 3b. Use the correct tools and settings
  • 3c. Save your changes
  • 4a. Create a pull request
  • (4b. If you're a reviewer)
  • 4c. Do what you must