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@xvik xvik released this 14 Apr 22:26
· 273 commits to master since this release
  • Fix gradle configuration fail: "Cannot access last() element from an empty List"
    (project with explicit quality configuration fails to open in the new IDEA)
  • Fix concurrent default configs initialization clash (#22)
  • Update spotbugs 3.1.12 -> 4.0.1
  • Spotbugs classpath changes ("spotbugs" configuration):
    • Removed sl4j-simple dependency: you will see default slf4j warnings
      but everything will work in all cases and will no more fail due to sl4j version class with gradle's own sl4j (#20)
    • asm 7.3.1 is directly specified to force 7.3.1 because otherwise gradle (5.6) downgrades it to 7.2 (which leads to execution fails "no class def found").
  • Update codenarc 1.4 -> 1.5
  • Update codenarc config:
  • Fix codenarc link in console report (docs moved from sourceforge to github)
  • Update checkstyle 8.29 -> 8.31
  • Update checkstyle rules:
  • Fix checkstyle link in console report ( changed to to avoid redirect)
  • Update pmd 6.21 -> 6.22

WARNING (spotbugs related):

  1. If you want to downgrade spotbugs version (with quality.spotbugsVersion = ..) then you'll have
    to also force correct asm version on spotbugs configuration.
  2. If you need to see spotbugs logs, then manually add slf4j-simple dependency to spotbugs configuration.
    (normally, spotbugs logs are not important and removing dependency fixes some environments)
  3. If you don't want to see sl4j default warnings then simply put slf4j-nop dependency into spotbugs
    configuration. I can't do it automatically because I may introduce new sl4j compatibility problems due to incorrect version.
  4. I know, there is a new spotbugs plugin 4.0.5,
    but it is conceptually different, so old version would be used for some time. (I tried to upgrade, but it requires time to resolve all issues)
  5. BUT with all this, spotbugs 4 should work without problems for everyone!