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Sunguk Lee edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 5 revisions

vita-moonlight support custom key mapping like moonlight-embedded.

But we use another code value ranges. Because Vita has limited input methods, but moonlight support many HID device types, so we need to classify each device type for the avoid value conflict.

all values must be hex values. please refer vita.conf

0FFFFF keyboard inputs
100000 pause stream
20000X mouse buttons (1: left, 2: middle, 3: right)
3XXXXX gamepad buttons
40000X analog (0: left-x, 1: left-y, 2: right-x, 3: right-y, 4: left-trig, 5: right-trig)
5000XX touches (01/02/04/08: back NW/NE/SW/SE, 10/20/40/80: front NW/NE/SW/SE)
  • 000000 ~ 4FFFFF can use special buttons of moonlight.conf
  • 300000 ~ 5FFFFF can use VITA
  • 300000 ~ 4FFFFF can use PSTV
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