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Preference-Aware LID

Implementation for the ACL2022 findings paper "Unsupervised Preference-Aware Language Identification".


  • Python = 3.6 (or 2.7)
  • TensorFlow = 1.12.0 (>= 1.4.0)
  • pyyaml
  • nltk


The "U-LID" is collected from a real-world translation system Alibaba Translate. This benchmark consists of 21 languages and 11,031 samples. The average word count in each sample is 2.08, and the average number with respect to character is 13.27.

The "KB-21" is a publicly available test set from Kocmi and Bojar (2017)[1], using a subset of 21 languages. "KB-21" consists of 2,100 samples, the average amounts of words and characters in each sample are 4.47 and 34.90, respectively.

  • Instruction

The "test.ulid" represents the user's language preference, and the format is "language abbreviation: probability value; language abbreviation: probability value". The "test.trg" is the language label with abbreviations. The "test.src" is the user's input text.


test.ulid is ar:0.00,de:0.00,en:0.12,es:0.80,fr:0.00,he:0.00,hi:0.00,id:0.01,it:0.04,ja:0.00,ko:0.00,ms:0.00,nl:0.00,pl:0.00,pt:0.03,ru:0.00,th:0.00,tr:0.00,vi:0.00,zh:0.00.

test.trg is pt. test.src is monitor cardiaco esportivo.

Meaning is The language label of text "_monitor cardiaco esportivo_" is "_Portuguese_", and the user language preference is "_80% Spanish, 12% English, 4% Italian, 3% Portuguese, 1% Indonesian_".

  • Language label and abbreviations

English (en), Chinese (zh), Russian (ru), Portuguese (pt), Spanish (es), French (fr), German (de), Italian (it), Dutch (nl), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko), Arabic (ar), Thai (th), Hindi (hi), Hebrew (he), Vietnamese (vi), Turkish (tr), Polish (pl), Indonesian (id), Malay (ms), and Ukrainian (uk).


Sample 100,000 training dataset in corpus21_ulid.

Model Instruction

"transformer_model_fn" is the main function of the model, which calls the training function "get_loss". Compared with the normal transformer based text classification model, our innovation is mainly focused on the "output_layer" function. In the "output_layer" function, we define the variable "use_user_lang_map". When the variable value is "1", the Revision-Based Model is implemented, and when the variable value is "2", the Representation-Based Model is implemented.

Train & Evaluation

Transformer-Based Model ( Baseline )

## For Train
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_vbase --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 0
## For Evaluation on U-LID Testset 
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_vbase --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_ulid --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 0 --postfix ".test_ulid
## For Evaluation on KB-21 Testset
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_vbase --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_kb21 --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 0 --postfix ".test_kb21

For Revision-Based Model ( Preference-Aware Model )

## For Train
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v1 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 1
## For Evaluation on U-LID Testset 
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v1 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_ulid --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 1 --postfix ".test_ulid
## For Evaluation on KB-21 Testset
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v1 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_kb21 --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 1 --postfix ".test_kb21

For Representation-Based Model ( Preference-Aware Model )

## For Train
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v2 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 2
## For Evaluation on U-LID Testset 
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v2 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_ulid --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 2 --postfix ".test_ulid
## For Evaluation on KB-21 Testset
python --exp_name ulid_transformer_v2 --corpus_dir corpus21_ulid/test_kb21 --vocab_dir corpus21_ulid --vocab_size 15000 --class_num 21 --use_user_lang_map 2 --postfix ".test_kb21


[1] Tom Kocmi and Ondrej Bojar. 2017. Lanidenn: Multilingual language identification on character window. CoRR, abs/1701.03338.


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