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Configure the yadtshell

mriehl edited this page Nov 3, 2014 · 4 revisions

Logging configuration

Relevant file: /etc/yadtshell/


  • LOG_DIR_PREFIX: top level dir for all logs, must exist and be writeable example: LOG_DIR_PREFIX='/var/log/yadtshell'


The package providing this configuration must also rpm-provide the capability yadtshell-config.

Configuring the broadcast-client (for use with a yadtbroadcast-server and yadtreceiver)

The yadtshell can "talk" to a yadt-broadcaster through the yadtbroadcast-client. This will enable you to observer the state of any given target through the broadcaster web interface. In order to activate usage of the broadcast-client, you will need to create the file /etc/yadtshell/

The contents should be:

import yadtbroadcastclient

def create(name):
    return yadtbroadcastclient.WampBroadcaster('BROADCASTER_HOST_NAME', 8081,

where BROADCASTER_HOST_NAME is the fqdn of your yadt-broadcaster installation and 8081 is the port (the broadcaster always runs on port 8081, per convention).