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Executing YADT commands

aelgru edited this page Aug 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

All involved hosts have to be accessible via *paswordless ssh.

In general there are two ways to execute YADT commands.

1. Entering the yadtshell

Enter the yadtshell by executing


This will change your bash environmnet:

  • activates autocompletion
  • allows to omit "yadtshell" when executing a YADT command.

Exiting the yadtshell

TO restore your shell environment you can use


or the classic: CTRL + D

2. Using the yadtshell command

Use the yadtshell command if you prefer to execute yadtshell without entering the yadtshell itself:

yadtshell [options] <command> [<component_uri> ...]