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Frequently asked questions from the community.


What are the drawbacks of using Fluxible? In contrast to Facebook's Flux library?

It depends on whether you are building a server-side app. Facebook’s Flux only works on the client, but it may be easier to figure out since it doesn’t have to deal with concurrency issues.

Is there a way to render a reactComponent only client side?

Use the componentDidMount lifecycle event to set an internal state that re-renders itself on the client (i.e, this.state.mounted).


Can I fire the navigation function manually?

Yes, you can call the navigate action from flux-router-component directly.


Should getStore and executeAction be required in the contextTypes of FluxibleMixin?

It is not required because we still support passing context as a prop to all of the components that need it. This is how things were done before we started using context. Some people still prefer this method since React’s context is not guaranteed to stay the way it is right now.


Can I call an action from a store?

Right now, it is not possible. This will require some thought on how to ensure that the server can keep track of actions that are executed from stores.

Data Fetching

What does the error message "invalid csrf token" from Fetchr mean?

This is caused by the csrf middleware. You need to make sure you pass the csrf token to the createContext method on the server. Check the server.js of chat or todo examples.


Which should I use, react-router or flux-router-component?

react-router has some features that flux-router-component does not have, like nested routes, component willTransitionTo hooks, and built-in re-directs. If you feel like you do not need them, then you will be fine with flux-router-component. We prefer the flux-like flow, so we use flux-router-component internally.

In react-router, how do I get access to the Fluxible context from willTransitionTo?

Since willTransitionTo is defined statically on the component, it will not have access to the Fluxible context. There is a open issue from react-router to provide access but, as of this writing) it has yet to be resolved.