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Data Point Semantics

Tina Müller (tinita) edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

The Test Suite has tests with these data points:

  • in-yaml

    YAML input used by parser and loader tests.

  • test-event

    A linear DSL for encoding the events produced by a parser, or the events fed to an emitter. test-event

  • out-yaml

    YAML output that would be created by an emitter or a dumper (with a default configuration).

  • in-json

    The JSON is intended to represent an in memory data structure that would be dumped. Note: not all things that YAML can dump can be expressed as JSON.

  • error

    The presence of this data point, indicates that in-yaml would fail to parse. The format of the data for this point has not yet been defined.

Not every test has every point.

Supported Test Strategies

You can use the data provided to support any test strategy that you wish, but the following strategies are the ones that the suite defines.

  • *in-yaml.parse-to-events == *test-event

    A parser parses in-yaml into events and then serializes them to our DSL. The results matches test-event.

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