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React Redux Starter

Yet another minimal non-opinionated starter for modern single-page applications. This starter combines the good parts from the awesome SurviveJS Webpack Guide and Facebook's create-react-app.


Build System

  • Webpack, Webpack Dev Middleware, Webpack Hot Middleware


  • Babel 6
  • React v15 with Hot module reloading
  • Redux
  • React Router


  • Bootstrap 4 with Bulma theme
  • Eslint (Airbnb, React presets)
  • Sass
  • Postcss (Stylelint, Autoprefixer)

Getting Started

$ npm install
$ npm run build:dll # Do this whenever you update dependencies or change vendor bundle
$ npm start


Using the awesome webpack.DllPlugin, build (and rebuild) speeds can be increased. But first, you will have to generate the dll file.

$ npm run build:dll
$ npm start

If you want to run the build for development without dll (why would you want to do that?), use the -no-dll flag.

$ npm start -- -no-dll

Build for Deployment

$ npm run build

The built files will be generated in dist folder.


  • Code splitting example