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ChunkeyBert is a minimal and easy-to-use keyword extraction technique that leverages BERT embeddings for unsupervised keyphrase extraction from long text documents.


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ChunkeyBERT - Unsupervised Keyword Extraction from Long Documents


ChunkeyBert is a minimal and easy-to-use keyword extraction technique that leverages BERT embeddings for unsupervised keyphrase extraction from text documents. ChunkeyBert is a modification of the KeyBERT method to handle documents with arbitrary length with better results. ChunkeyBERT works by chunking the documents and uses KeyBERT to extract candidate keywords/keyphrases from all chunks followed by a similarity based selection stage to produce the final keywords for the entire document. ChunkeyBert can use any document chunking method as long as it can be wrapped in a simple function, however it can also work without a chunker and process the entire document as a single chunk. ChunkeyBert works with any configuration of KeyBERT and can handle batches of documents.


Install from PyPI using pip (preferred method):

pip install chunkey-bert


How does ChunkeyBERT differs to KeyBERT?

ChunkeyBERT differs from KeyBERT primarily in its approach to handling long documents for keyword extraction. While KeyBERT directly applies keyword extraction techniques to the entire document, ChunkeyBERT introduces an additional step of chunking the document into smaller, manageable pieces before applying KeyBERT's keyword extraction methods. This modification aims to improve the performance and relevance of the extracted keywords, especially for longer documents where directly applying KeyBERT might not yield optimal results due to the complexity and size of the document. Here are the key differences:

Document chunking: ChunkeyBERT uses a chunking method to divide a long document into smaller chunks. This is done through the chunker parameter in the extract_keywords method. The chunker can be any callable that takes a string (the document) and returns a list of strings (the chunks). This allows ChunkeyBERT to process each chunk independently, making it more effective at handling long documents. A chunker could be as simple as

chunker: Callable[[str], List[str]] = lambda text: [t for t in text.split("\n\n") if len(t) > 25]

or can wrap more complicated logic such as a Langchain chunker for example.

Handling of chunks: After chunking, ChunkeyBERT applies KeyBERT's keyword extraction to each chunk separately.

Keyword scoring and selection: ChunkeyBERT introduces additional logic to score and select keywords based on their occurrence across different chunks and their similarity.

Flexibility in keyword extraction

ChunkeyBERT offers flexibility in keyword extraction in a number of ways. It can work with any configuration of KeyBERT and exposes a superset of KeyBERT's extract_keywords() API, which allow fine-tuning of the keyword extraction process based on the characteristics of the chunks and the overall document. It can also work with any chunking method including semantic chunking, chunk filtering and even sampling from the document to finetune the process. ChunkeyBERT can be configured to consider the multiplicity of keywords across chunks to account for repetitions.

Batching and GPU support

ChunkeyBERT works with document batches and attempts to process these batches in parallel on the GPU if possible.

Compatible with KeyBERT return values

ChunkeyBERT returns results in a format similar to KeyBERT but can also optionally return the embeddings for each of the keywords extracted.


The following steps describe a basic example on how use ChunkeyBert for keyword extraction:

Install ChunkeyBert: First, ensure that ChunkeyBert is installed in your environment. You can install it using pip as shown below:

pip install chunkey-bert

Import required libraries: Import the necessary libraries including ChunkeyBert, KeyBERT, and any other dependencies you might need for your specific use case.

from keybert import KeyBERT
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from chunkey_bert.model import ChunkeyBert

Initialize KeyBERT: this could be done for example using a Sentence Transformer model that is used to generate embeddings for the text. Note that the quality of extracted keywords depends greatly on how KeyBERT is configured, so it is required to understand how to use KeyBERT effectively.

sentence_model = SentenceTransformer(model_name_or_path="all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
keybert = KeyBERT(model=sentence_model)

Define a chunker function (optional): If you want to chunk your text into smaller parts (which is the main feature of ChunkeyBert), define a chunker function. This function takes a string and returns a list of strings (chunks). If you don't provide a chunker, ChunkeyBert will process the entire document as a single chunk but will still apply a different keywords selection method to KeyBERT. Here is an example of a very simple chunker:

chunker = lambda text: [t for t in text.split("\n\n") if len(t) > 25]  # Example chunker that splits text into paragraphs

Create a ChunkeyBert instance: Initialize ChunkeyBert with the KeyBERT instance you created earlier.

chunkey_bert = ChunkeyBert(keybert=keybert)

Extract keywords: Use the extract_keywords method of ChunkeyBert to extract keywords from your document. You can specify the number of keywords, whether to use the chunker, and other parameters related to keyword extraction and to KeyBERT.extract_keywords.

text = "Your long document text goes here..."
keywords = chunkey_bert.extract_keywords(
    chunker=chunker,  # Pass your chunker here. If None, the entire document is treated as a single chunk.
    top_n=3,  # Number of keywords to extract from each chunk
    nr_candidates=20,  # Number of candidate keywords/keyphrases to consider from each chunk

See a more advanced example in this notebook:

Experimental results

Very limited experimental results and demonstration of the library on a small number of documents is available at

Contribution and feedback

Contributions and feedback are most welcome. Please see for further details.