This repository contains R programs for the article, “Generalized additive regression for group testing data,” by Yan Liu, Christopher McMahan, Joshua Tebbs, Colin Gallagher and Christopher Bilder. This article was accepted by Biostatistics.
1. main_error_known.R: Reproduces Table 1 2. main_error_unknown.R: Reproduces Table 2 3. Simulated_dataset.csv: Simulated data set that resembles the data set analyzed in Section 4 of the manuscript. It contains testing responses from Dorfman testing and covariates from individuals. 4. GP_uninform_prior.R: Fits a model to Simulated_dataset.csv using Gaussian Process (GP) method. 5. GPP_uninform_prior.R: Fits a model to Simulated_dataset.csv using Gaussian Predictive Process (GPP) method.