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Timothy Fike edited this page Jul 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

All endpoints can be accessed with HTTP requests or socket events. All HTTP routes start with "/api/minecraft-integration/" (e.g. /api/minecraft-integration/server/0/pings) All socket events begin with "plugins.MinecraftIntegration." and parameters are passed in the data object of the request.


Servers Configuration

Route: servers Socket: getServers

Returns an array of the server configuration.

Active Servers Configuration

Route: servers/active Socket: getActiveServers

Returns an array of the server configuration of all active servers.


Returns an array of all server ids.


Returns an array of all active or inactive server ids.


Returns a server object with an id of :sid.


Returns the most recent ping object for the server.


Returns an array of the 30 most recent ping objects for the server.


Returns an array of the :pings most recent ping objects for the server.