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Welcome to the 'C++ Pro' Course My Projects Showcases!

This repository serves as a platform for showcasing my C++ projects completed throughout a coding course 'C++ Pro' which taught by IT Education Academy in Ukraine. Each project within this repository represents a culmination of my skills and main knowledge gained during the course.

How to Explore: To explore the projects in this repository, simply navigate to the project folders that pique your interest. Feel free to examine the source code where will be link to online compiler called and experiment with the projects to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques employed.

Contribution: As this repository solely showcases my personal projects, it is not open to external contributions. However, I welcome constructive feedback, suggestions, or inquiries related to the projects. You can reach out to me through the provided contact information if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: Please note that the projects in this repository are intended for demonstration purposes only and may not be suitable for production environments. The projects may contain limitations, incomplete features, or potential security vulnerabilities. Kindly use them responsibly and at your own discretion.

Thank you for visiting the C++ Course Project Showcase repository. I hope these projects provide valuable insights into my proficiency and passion for C++ programming.