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SQSPeek is a CLI application, that lets you peek messages in SQS.


When debugging messages present in DLQ, I am always frustrated with the default UI AWS provides. If there are 10 message, not a problem, this becomes a problem when there are a lot of messages and pagination kicks in.

Secondly, there is no convenient interface to download all the messages that are present in the SQS. We might need those messages for analysis.

Coming to rescue, sqsPeek


sqsPeek is a very simple CLI tool, that allows to download the messages present in SQS (Simple Queue Service).

It provides following options:

Flag Type Usage
-d, --delete boolean Purge the messages in DLQ
-f, --fileName string Output file name
-h, --help none Help menu
-p, --profile string AWS Profile to use to access SQS
-q, --queue string SQS Queue URL
-r, --region string AWS Region for SQS

Example Usage

Dump messages from SQS to Local disk

We can fetch the SQS messages from remote URL and store them on the local file system. Format for the stored file will be in JSON format, for easy consumption in other programs.

sqsPeek -q $QUEUE_NAME

Delete messages from SQS

We can delete the messages from remote URL, if we want to drain it.

sqsPeek -q $QUEUE_NAME -d


You can download latest binaries from here


To build the CLI from source, you can perform following steps:

go build