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3. System Design Sketches

Yasser El Kabbout edited this page May 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

In this section, we will discuss and mention the software design sketches including use-case scenarios, use case diagrams, structure diagram, database design and user interface mockups.

1. Use-Case Scenarios

1.1 A Client willing to change the holiday Lights color of his favorite store amazon

  • On Christmas eve, Jack went to buy a gift for his wife from amazon. Once he arrived, he noticed that the store is having Yellow Holiday lights.
  • Jack is not a fan of colors. He is a classic type and like the grey, black, and white colors.
  • He decided that he is gonna change the store’s holiday lights color by using tweelights.
  • He opened his twitter account in order to benefit from the tweeLights service.
  • He sent a tweet to @amazon voting for his favorite color and invited his friends to do so.
  • The raspberry pi within the store captured his tweets.
  • The raspberry pi analyzed all the received tweets and counted the number of tweets mentioning each color. For example: White-10 Green-8 Red-5
  • The raspberry pi found that the White color had the biggest number of votes.
  • The raspberry pi updated the database and ordered the holiday lights to switch to the white color.
  • Jack is now happy with his friends.

1.2 A Store willing to attract more customers by having some attractive holiday lights

  • We’ve reached the Christmas season and eBay wants to increase his sales. He is looking for a way to get his customers attraction.
  • They decided to acquire the tweeLights service, as it allows good interaction between the store and its customers, as they can vote and choose the holiday lights color they love.
  • eBay called tweeLights to acquire the service. Our IT team arrived to the store and configured his twitter account on the raspberry pi.
  • The user manual was provided to the IT team, so they know how to use the product.
  • The IT team got the product ready, and established a compaign telling their customers to vote for their favorite colors.
  • The customers started to send tweets to the eBay store account on twitter.
  • The raspberry pi acquired these tweets and stored them in an Array List.
  • The raspberry pi analyzed these tweets and counted the ones mentioning their favorite colors.
  • The raspberry pi found that the Red color had the biggest number of votes, by checking the tweets within this Array List.
  • The raspberry pi updated the database and sent the order to the LED to turn-on RED.
  • The Store’s got the customers’ attraction.

2. Use-Case Diagram

3. Structure Diagram

4. Database Design

5. User Interface Design

6. Hardware Design

The pins used in this project are the Ground pin, GPIO 14, GPIO 15, and GPIO 18.

  • GPIO 14 → Yellow LED
  • GPIO 15 → Green LED
  • GPIO 18 → Red LED

The anode part of the LED will be connected to the ground pin.