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4. Project Plan

Yasser El Kabbout edited this page May 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

4. Project Plan

4.1 Plan Overview

The project should follow the waterfall development pattern. We have the required time to develop the project and plan in a good manner. The stages to be followed are domain analysis, Requirements Analysis, Product and software design, Software implementation, Testing and finally deployment. The plan’s Gant chart is shown in the figure below.

4.2 Plan in action

After the development of the gant chart, the project is to follow the project board provided on the github platform. Each milestone was defined on the github board as an “issue:Milestone” having the numbers M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 for MileStone 1 to 5 respectively.

The steps to be followed and work packages were listed in there as well as issues. Please refer the figure below for reference.

4.3 Work Packages

4.3.1 Requirements Analysis M1

4.3.2 Product/Software Design M2

4.3.3 Implementation M3

4.3.4 Testing Phase M4

4.3.5 Deployment/Maintenance M5