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MPN-922: complete exercises for Functional Programming in Scala, Chapter 4 #3

merged 10 commits into from Apr 21, 2015
46 changes: 38 additions & 8 deletions exercises/src/main/scala/fpinscala/errorhandling/Either.scala
@@ -1,24 +1,54 @@
package fpinscala.errorhandling

import scala.{Option => _, Either => _, Left => _, Right => _, _} // hide std library `Option` and `Either`, since we are writing our own in this chapter

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Nice :-)

sealed trait Either[+E,+A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Either[E, B] = sys.error("todo")
def map[B](f: A => B): Either[E, B] =
this match {
case Right(a) => Right(f(a))
case Left(e) => Left(e)

def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Either[EE, B]): Either[EE, B] =
this match {
case Right(a) => f(a)
case Left(e) => Left(e)

def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Either[EE, B]): Either[EE, B] = sys.error("todo")
def orElse[EE >: E, B >: A](b: => Either[EE, B]): Either[EE, B] =
this match {
case Right(_) => this
case Left(_) => b

def orElse[EE >: E, B >: A](b: => Either[EE, B]): Either[EE, B] = sys.error("todo")
def map2[EE >: E, B, C](b: Either[EE, B])(f: (A, B) => C): Either[EE, C] =
flatMap { aVal => { bVal => f(aVal, bVal) } }

def map2[EE >: E, B, C](b: Either[EE, B])(f: (A, B) => C): Either[EE, C] = sys.error("todo")
Using map2Either, we can combine all errors into a single value as
long as the 'E2' type can act as a container type for multiple error
def map2Either[E2 >: E, A2, A3](e: Either[E2, A2])(leftF: (E2, E2) => E2)(rightF: (A, A2) => A3): Either[E2, A3] =
(this, e) match {
case (Right(a1), Right(a2)) => Right(rightF(a1, a2))
case (Left(e), Right(_)) => Left(e)
case (Right(_), Left(e)) => Left(e)
case (Left(e1), Left(e2)) => Left(leftF(e1, e2))

case class Left[+E](get: E) extends Either[E,Nothing]
case class Right[+A](get: A) extends Either[Nothing,A]

object Either {
def traverse[E,A,B](es: List[A])(f: A => Either[E, B]): Either[E, List[B]] = sys.error("todo")
def traverse[E,A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => Either[E, B]): Either[E, List[B]] =
as.foldRight(Right(List.empty): Either[E, List[B]]) { (a, ebs) =>
f(a).map2(ebs) { (b, bs) => b :: bs }

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I guess it's nitpicking, but I like the short form: f(a).map2(ebs)(_ :: _)

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@gpoirier I like to name the args if there are more than one, for easier readability.


def sequence[E,A](es: List[Either[E,A]]): Either[E,List[A]] = sys.error("todo")
def sequence[E,A](es: List[Either[E,A]]): Either[E,List[A]] =

def mean(xs: IndexedSeq[Double]): Either[String, Double] =
if (xs.isEmpty)
Expand All @@ -33,5 +63,5 @@ object Either {
def Try[A](a: => A): Either[Exception, A] =
try Right(a)
catch { case e: Exception => Left(e) }

45 changes: 34 additions & 11 deletions exercises/src/main/scala/fpinscala/errorhandling/Option.scala
@@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
package fpinscala.errorhandling

import scala.{Option => _, Some => _, Either => _, _} // hide std library `Option`, `Some` and `Either`, since we are writing our own in this chapter

sealed trait Option[+A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] = sys.error("todo")
def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] =
this match {
case Some(a) => Some(f(a))
case None => None

def getOrElse[B>:A](default: => B): B = sys.error("todo")
def getOrElse[B>:A](default: => B): B =
this match {
case Some(a) => a
case None => default

def flatMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = sys.error("todo")
def flatMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = map(f).getOrElse(None)

def orElse[B>:A](ob: => Option[B]): Option[B] = sys.error("todo")
def orElse[B>:A](ob: => Option[B]): Option[B] =

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Why you do need the map?

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@gpoirier I need to return something of type Option[B], which has to always be actually a Some. Leaving out the map doesn't typecheck because this.getOrElse(ob) is a type conflict: A from the 'get' branch and Option[B] from the 'or else' branch.

def filter(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] = sys.error("todo")
def filter(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] =
flatMap { a => if (f(a)) Some(a) else None }
case class Some[+A](get: A) extends Option[A]
case object None extends Option[Nothing]
Expand All @@ -38,11 +47,25 @@ object Option {
def mean(xs: Seq[Double]): Option[Double] =
if (xs.isEmpty) None
else Some(xs.sum / xs.length)
def variance(xs: Seq[Double]): Option[Double] = sys.error("todo")

def map2[A,B,C](a: Option[A], b: Option[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Option[C] = sys.error("todo")
def variance(xs: Seq[Double]): Option[Double] =
mean(xs).flatMap { m =>
mean( => Math.pow(x - m, 2))) }

def sequence[A](a: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] = sys.error("todo")
def map2[A,B,C](a: Option[A], b: Option[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Option[C] =
a.flatMap { aVal => { bVal => f(aVal, bVal) } }

def sequence[A](a: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] =
a.foldRight(Some(List.empty): Option[List[A]]) { (a, b) =>
map2(a, b) { (a, b) => a :: b }

def traverse[A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[List[B]] =
as.foldRight(Some(List.empty): Option[List[B]]) { (a, obs) =>
map2(f(a), obs) { (b, bs) => b :: bs }

def sequence_using_traverse[A](as: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] =

def traverse[A, B](a: List[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[List[B]] = sys.error("todo")
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions exercises/src/test/scala/errorhandling/EitherSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

import fpinscala.errorhandling._

class EitherSpec extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
val leftObj = Left(1)
val rightObj = Right(1)
val rightObj2 = Right(2)

def add1(i: Int) = i + 1
def rightAdd1(i: Int) = Right(add1(i))
def addXY(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y

"map" should {
"map a right value using the given function" in { mustEqual rightObj2

"map a left value to itself" in { mustEqual leftObj

"flatMap" should {
"obey left identity law" in {
prop { n: Int =>
Right(n).flatMap(rightAdd1) mustEqual rightAdd1(n)

"obey right identity law" in {
prop { n: Int =>
val rightN = Right(n)
rightN.flatMap(Right(_)) mustEqual rightN

"obey associativity law" in {
def f(i: Int) = Right(i + 1)
def g(i: Int) = Right(i + 1)

prop { n: Int =>
val r = Right(n)

r.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) mustEqual {
r.flatMap { x => f(x).flatMap(g) }

"orElse" should {
"return the object value if it is a right value" in {
rightObj.orElse(rightObj2) mustEqual rightObj

"return the default value if the object is a left value" in {
leftObj.orElse(rightObj2) mustEqual rightObj2

"map2" should {
"return mapped value if both values are right" in {
rightObj.map2(rightObj2)(addXY) mustEqual Right(3)

"return first left value if first value is left" in {
leftObj.map2(rightObj)(addXY) mustEqual leftObj

"return second left value if second value is left" in {
rightObj.map2(leftObj)(addXY) mustEqual leftObj

"return first left value if both values are left" in {
leftObj.map2(Left(2))(addXY) mustEqual leftObj

"sequence" should {
"return a right value of a list of values" in {
Either.sequence(List(rightObj, rightObj2)) mustEqual {
Right(List(1, 2))

"return a left value from a list of values" in {
Either.sequence(List(rightObj, rightObj2, leftObj)) mustEqual {

"return the first left value from several" in {
Either.sequence(List(leftObj, Left(2))) mustEqual leftObj

"map2Either" should {
case class Person(name: Name, age: Age)
sealed class Name(val value: String)
sealed class Age(val value: Int)

def mkName(name: String): Either[String, Name] =
if (name == "" || name == null) Left("Empty name")
else Right(new Name(name))

def mkAge(age: Int): Either[String, Age] =
if (age < 0) Left("Out of range age")
else Right(new Age(age))

def mkPerson(name: String, age: Int): Either[String, Person] =
mkName(name).map2Either(mkAge(age)) {
(e1, e2) => e1 + "," + e2
} { (name, age) => Person(name, age) }

"combine left values if more than one" in {
mkPerson("", -1) mustEqual Left("Empty name,Out of range age")

129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions exercises/src/test/scala/errorhandling/OptionSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

import fpinscala.errorhandling._

class OptionSpec extends Specification {
val someObj = Some(1)
val someOtherObj = Some(2)
def add1(i: Int) = i + 1
def addSome1(i: Int) = Some(add1(i))
def addXY(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y

"map" should {
"map a value using the provided function" in { mustEqual someOtherObj

"map an absent value to an absent value" in { mustEqual None

"getOrElse" should {
"get the value out of a Some object" in {
someObj.getOrElse(2) mustEqual 1

"get the default value if given a None object" in {
None.getOrElse(2) mustEqual 2

"flatMap" should {
"map and then flatten" in {
someObj.flatMap(addSome1) mustEqual someOtherObj

"map an absent value" in {
None.flatMap(addSome1) mustEqual None

"map to a function that returns an absent value" in {
someObj.flatMap(_ => None) mustEqual None

"orElse" should {
"return the optional if it contains a value" in {
someObj.orElse(someOtherObj) mustEqual someObj

"return the default if the optional is missing a value" in {
None.orElse(someOtherObj) mustEqual someOtherObj

"filter" should {
"preserve the optional value if it meets the predicate condition" in {
someObj.filter(_ == 1) mustEqual someObj

"drop the optional value if it fails the predicate condition" in {
someObj.filter(_ != 1) mustEqual None

"pass through an absent optional value" in {
None.filter(_ == 1) mustEqual None

"variance" should {
"not exist for an empty list" in {
Option.variance(Seq()) mustEqual None

"exist for a non-empty list" in {
Option.variance(Seq(1)) mustEqual Some(0.0)

"map2" should {
"return mapped value if both inputs are present" in {
Option.map2(someObj, someOtherObj)(addXY) mustEqual Some(3)

"return absent value if first input is absent" in {
Option.map2(None, someObj)(addXY) mustEqual None

"return absent value if second input is absent" in {
Option.map2(someObj, None)(addXY) mustEqual None

"sequence" should {
"return some empty list if given an empty list" in {
Option.sequence(List.empty) mustEqual Some(List.empty)

"return absent value if given list with any absent values" in {
Option.sequence(List(someObj, someOtherObj, None)) mustEqual None

"return some list of values if given list with no absent values" in {
Option.sequence(List(someObj, someOtherObj)) mustEqual {
Some(List(1, 2))

"sequence_using_traverse" should {
"return some empty list if given an empty list" in {
Option.sequence_using_traverse(List.empty) mustEqual {

"return absent value if given list with any absent values" in {
List(someObj, someOtherObj, None)
) mustEqual None

"return some list of values if given list with no absent values" in {
List(someObj, someOtherObj)
) mustEqual Some(List(1, 2))