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Hedron is a collection management app for Magic: The Gathering, which I produced in my spare time as a way to teach myself Vue/Nuxt - and keep track of all the cardboard I've got stacked about. This repository, specifically, contains the client app. It consumes the Scryfall API to provide search functionality, card data, and card images. Otherwise, Hedron is pursuing an offline-first dApp model with user authentication, data persistence and synchronization provided by GUN. A deployed instance of Hedron complete with a relay peer is available at, however I encourage you to run Hedron locally and/or with your own peers if you desire!


Found a problem? Notice something missing that absolutely needs to be included? Please feel free to file an issue, and I'll do what I can to resolve it. Help with development is also appreciated, so don't be shy about making a PR to address issues that have been filed!


The following commands may help you get set up once you've forked and/or cloned this repository:

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

Unlike the default Nuxt project, the Hedron client is a statically generated app, so if you wish to run or test a production build, you should use:

# generate static app files in ./dist
$ npm run generate

The Nuxt docs are a good starting point for further information about configuring, building, and running the project.

Disclaimer and License

Hedron makes use of textual and visual information, including card text and images, that is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. This use constitutes unofficial Fan Content as permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Hedron is in no way produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast or its parent company.

Card data and images used by Hedron are provided courtesy of Scryfall. Hedron is in no way produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Scryfall.

The GitHub logo is copyright GitHub, Inc. Hedron is not produced or endorsed by GitHub.

Hedron is (c) 2021 Yazatamorph and Friends. This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. All dependencies and bundled software are copyright their authors and subject to their original licenses.