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Starter kit for iot edge modules


Steps to run the starter kit

Step 1: Provision below resources in Azure

  • IoTHub
  • Ubuntu VM 18.*
  • Azure Function App
  • Storage Account

Step 2: Publish EventProcessor Function Project to the provisioned Function App and update the Application Configuration of the function APP

  • EventHubConnectionString (buitin event hub endpoint of the IoTHub)
  • StorageConntnectionString(Provisioned storage account connection string)
  • IoTHubConnectionString(Provisioned IoTHub connection string)

Step 3: Create messages consumer group for the built-in event hub endpoint and restart the function app

Step 4: Install IoT Edge runtime on Ubuntu machine link

Step 5: Create an IoTEdge device in IoT Hub and update the config.yaml of the IoTEdge runtime link.

Step 6: After config.yaml update navigate to root and run below commands

cd /
mkdir storage
cd storage
mkdir images
cd images
mkdir input
mkdir thumbnails
chmod 777 input
chmod 777 thumbnails

Step 7: Containerize and publish the thumbnailconverter project to ACR.

Step 8: Open the IoTEdgeStarterKit folder in VSCode update the deployment.template.debug.json with ACR credentials and the image section of thumbnailconvertermodule with the image link of the published image.

Step 9: Add Set IoTHub connection string in the VSCode explorer.

Step 10: Right click on deployment.template.debug.json and select GenerateDeploymentManifest.

Step 11: Right click on the generated deployment manifest under config/deployment.debug.amd64.json and click create deployment for single device and select the device to which it needs to be deployed.


  • .NetCore worker as IoT Edge module
  • Direct Methods Example in IoT Edge Module
  • Desired Properties Callback Example in IoT Edge Module
  • IoT Edge Event Processing with the help of a Azure Function


Started kit for iot edge modules






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