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This Docker image helps you start a new DMX node.

First, you pull it:

$ docker pull yegor256/dmx-node

It is recommended to use a specific version, though, like this one:

$ docker pull yegor256/dmx-node:0.6

Then, you run it:

$ docker run -d --name=dmx --restart=always -e GITHUB_TOKEN=... -e ARGS=... yegor256/dmx-node:0.6

The GitHub token you have to get here.

The Secret you have to get in the config.yml file injected into 0dmx during deployment.

Here is how you install Docker. This manual is the simplest.

Additional params can be sent via -e ARGS=... argument. For example:

$ docker run "ARGS=--threads=1" ...

If you want to run it in an interactive mode, do it this way:

$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint= yegor256/dmx-node:0.6 /bin/bash

How to contribute?

First, fork the repo, make a branch, and make necessary changes to the files. Then, build the Docker image locally:

$ docker image build .

Then, if everything works, push the change to the branch and send a pull request.

Everything that is merged into master is picked up by Docker Hub automatically. Once you see a new green build there, you may want to create a new tag, to stabilize the version (replace the 2f1e65b6980e with the ID of the image in its latest version and 0.0 with the actual tag name):

$ docker pull yegor256/dmx-node
$ docker images
$ docker tag 2f1e65b6980e yegor256/dmx-node:0.0

And then, push the tag to the repo:

$ docker login
$ docker push yegor256/dmx-node:0.0
$ git tag 0.0 -m 'new release'
$ git push origin 0.0

Would be great to automate this via Rultor, BTW...