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Yegor Bugayenko edited this page Sep 24, 2013 · 2 revisions

Available methods inside your test:

class MyTest extends PhpRack_Test
     * You can reload this protected method, which is executed before
     * all test methods. Here you configure the behavior of the test. For
     * example you configure how the test is rendered in AJAX web front.
    protected function _init()
                'autoStart' => false, // don't start it automatically in web
                'reload' => 5, // every 5 seconds, if possible
                'pauseWhenFocusLost' => true, // stop all AJAX operations when web front window loses focus
                'logSizeLimit' => 300, // maximum amount of Kb to be sent to AJAX
     * All methods that start with "test" prefix will be executed
     * one by one. setUp() will be executed before every method, and
     * tearDown() will be executed after every test method. You can reload
     * them.
    public function testShowLog()
        if (true) {
            $this->assert->fail("Test just failed");
        } else {
            $this->_log("This test works fine!");

More options coming...

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