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Advanced Settings

Antony edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Advanced filtering

Note on filtering PixivForMuzei3 does not sanity check your filtering settings, and will blindly apply them. If your filters result in no possible artworks, then the app will not return any artworks.

Artwork aspect ratio

Filters for artworks of a particular aspect ratio.

Possible options:

  • Portrait and Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Landcscape

Default option: Portrait and Landscape

Show manga

A toggle to show manga or not in yoru feed of artworks. Note, this setting is dependent on the artist correctly tagging their works as manga or not. Manga can and will slip through, there is very little I can do except for ML inferencing

Default option: false

Artwork minimum views

A slider that counts up in increments of 500, from a minimum of 0 views to 50,000 views. Artworks with less views than set here will be filtered out.

Default setting: 0

Minimum picture width

A slider that counts up in increments of 10 px, from a minimum of 0 pixels to 4000 pixels. Artworks that have a width less than set here will be filtered out.

Default setting: 0 px

Minimum picture height

A slider that counts up in increments of 10 px, from a minimum of 0 pixels to 4000 pixels. Artworks that have a height less than set here will be filtered out.

Default setting: 0 px

File Options

Automatically clear cache at 1 AM daily

A toggle to enable automatic daily cache clearing When enabled, all artworks currently in the cache are deleted at around 1 AM, and new artworks will start to be downloaded.

Default option: false

Save pictures into external storage

This setting has lead to much complexity and many headaches behind the scenes

When the setting is toggled to true:

  • If you are running Android 9 / P / Pie / API 28 or lower, then artworks will be saved to "/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/PixivForMuzei3"
  • If you are running Android 10 / Q / API 29 or newer, then you also get a choice on which storage device to save artworks to; interal storage or removable SD card. File storage paths are othersise the same as the above case.

Default option: false

Number of artworks to download at a time

Sets how many artworks are download everytime Muzei requests new artworks

Note, this setting is somewhat unreliable, sometimes n-1 artworks are added, where n is what you set.

Default option: 3

Postprocessing Options

Auto crop

Not functional at the moment

Default option: false

App settings

Night mode preference

Possible options:

  • Follow System Dark mode
  • Light Mode Selected
  • Dark Mode Selected
  • Auto Battery Dark Mode

Default behaviour: Follow system dark mode

Mobile data saver

When toggled true, this setting prevents new artworks from being downloaded when on mobile data. A duplication of an option already present in Muzei, but that option seems to be too tucked away and hidden from user view.

Befault option: false

Enable network filter bypass

When toggled true, enables a bypass to evade network filters. Useful on some networks in some regions of the world. I personally (the developer) am unable to test the efficacy of this setting, so no advice is provided if this setting works or if it's appropriate to enable

Default option: false

Use reverse proxy for image downloads

When toggled true, may speed up image downloads for users in some regions of the world. I personally (the developer) am unable to test the efficacy of this setting, so no advice is provided if this setting works or if it's appropriate to enable

Default option: false