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An easy way to use Esri JS API. You can easily create map and add marker, point, line or polygon onto created map. Also if you want to give some information to client about geometries, you can use infoWindow parameter. And also you can change basemap, colors, styles if you do not want to default values. If you create map in runtime or another time you can use events.


npm install --save adogis


import Adogis from 'adogis';

let adogis = new Adogis({
    version: "3.26", // optional, default = "3.29"
    mapDivId: "mapDiv", // optional, if null create new mapDiv and append body automatically
    basemap: "gray", // optional, default = "osm",
    center: [0, 40], // optional, default = [29, 41]
    layers: [{
        url: "", // required
        type: "ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer", // required
        layerOptions: {
            id: "test", // required
            opacity: 0.75 // optional
    }] // optional 

// for change basemap

// for layer visibility change

// for add-remove layer after create
    url: "",
    type: "ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer",
    layerOptions: {
        id: "test",
        opacity: 0.75

// for events
adogis.on("map-load", function(e){...});

// for add/remove marker
    x: 29, // required
    y: 41, // required
    spatialReference: new SpatialReference(...), // optional, default EPSG:4326
    markerUrl: "somefolder/marker.png", // optional, default red marker
    markerWidth: 50, // optional, default = 25
    markerHeight: 50, // optional, default = 25
    attributes: {
    }, // optional
    infoWindow: {
        title: "", // required
        content: "" // required
    } // optional
}, (marker) => {


// for add/remove point

    x: 29, // required
    y: 41, // required
    spatialReference: new SpatialReference(...), // optional
    size: 20, // optional, default = 12
    color: [0, 255, 0, 0.5], // optional, default = [125, 125, 255, 1]
    outlineColor: [0, 0, 0, 1], // optional, default = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    outlineWidth: 2, // optional, default = 1
    attributes: {
    }, // optional
    infoWindow: {
        title: "", // required
        content: "" // required
    } // optional
}, (point) => {


// for add/remove line or multiline

    coordinates: [
        [x1, y1],
        [x2, y2],
    ], // required, for multiline [[[x1, y1], [x2,y2], ...], [[x1, y1], [x2,y2], ...]]
    spatialReference: new SpatialReference(...), // optional, default EPSG:4326
    lineStyle: "STYLE_DASHDOTDOT", // optional, default = "STYLE_SOLID"
    color: [100, 100, 100, 1], // optional, default = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    width: 1, // optional, default = 3
    attributes: {
    }, // optional
    infoWindow: {
        title: "", // required
        content: "" // required
    } // optional
}, (line) => {


// for add/remove polygon or multipolygon

    coordinates: [
        [x1, y1],
        [x2, y2],
        [x1, y1]
    ], // required, for multipolygon [[[x1, y1], [x2,y2], ..., [x1, y1]], [[x1, y1], [x2,y2], ..., [x1, y1]]]
    spatialReference: new SpatialReference(...), // optional, default EPSG:4326
    polygonStyle: "STYLE_CROSS", // optional, default = "STYLE_SOLID"
    outlineStyle: "STYLE_DASHDOTDOT", // optional, default = "STYLE_SOLID"
    color: [0, 0, 255, 1], // optional, default = [125, 125, 255, 1]
    outlineColor: [0, 0, 0, 1], // optional, default = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    outlineWidth: 1, // optional, default = 3
    attributes: {
    }, // optional
    infoWindow: {
        title: "", // required
        content: "" // required
    } // optional
}, (polygon) => {


// for clear all geometries


// for load any modules
adogis.loadModules(["esri/SomeModuleOne", "esri/SomeModuleTwo"], (modules) => {
    let someModuleOne = new modules.SomeModuleOne(...);
    let someModuleTwo = new modules.SomeModuleTwo(...);


Name Summary
map-load fires when map create process complete
layer-added fires when layer added complete
layers-added fires when layers added complete
basemap-change fires when basemap change


Name Summary
dark-gray The Dark Gray Canvas basemap is designed to be used as a soothing background map for overlaying and focus attention on other map layers.
dark-gray-vector The Dark Gray Canvas [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features.
gray The Light Gray Canvas basemap is designed to be used as a neutral background map for overlaying and emphasizing other map layers.
gray-vector The Light Gray Canvas [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features.
hybrid The World Imagery with Labels map is a detailed imagery map layer and labels that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications:
national-geographic The National Geographic basemap is designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes:
oceans The Ocean Basemap is designed to be used as a basemap by marine GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone interested in ocean data.
osm The OpenStreetMap is a community map layer that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications.
satellite The World Imagery map is a detailed imagery map layer that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications:
streets The Streets basemap presents a multiscale street map for the world:
streets-navigation-vector The World Navigation Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a custom navigation map style.
streets-night-vector The World Street Map (Night) [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a custom "night time" street map style.
streets-relief-vector The World Street Map (with Relief) [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style designed for use with a relief map.
streets-vector The World Street Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style.
terrain The Terrain with Labels basemap is designed to be used to overlay and emphasize other thematic map layers.
topo The Topographic map includes boundaries, cities, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, transportation, and buildings:
topo-vector The World Topographic Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri topographic map style designed for use with a relief map.


Line Styles

Name Summary
STYLE_DASH The line is made of dashes.
STYLE_DASHDOT The line is made of a dash-dot pattern.
STYLE_DASHDOTDOT The line is made of a dash-dot-dot pattern.
STYLE_DOT The line is made of dots.
STYLE_LONGDASH Line is constructed of a series of dashes.
STYLE_LONGDASHDOT Line is constructed of a series of short dashes.
STYLE_NULL The line has no symbol.
STYLE_SHORTDASH Line is constructed of a series of short dashes.
STYLE_SHORTDASHDOT Line is constructed of a dash followed by a dot.
STYLE_SHORTDASHDOTDOT Line is constructed of a series of a dash and two dots.
STYLE_SHORTDOT Line is constructed of a series of short dots.
STYLE_SOLID The line is solid.


Polygon Styles

Name Summary
STYLE_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL The fill is backward diagonal lines.
STYLE_CROSS The fill is a cross.
STYLE_DIAGONAL_CROSS The fill is a diagonal cross.
STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL The fill is forward diagonal lines.
STYLE_HORIZONTAL The fill is horizontal lines.
STYLE_NULL The polygon has no fill.
STYLE_SOLID The fill is solid.
STYLE_VERTICAL The fill is vertical lines.



This repo has dependencies on the following repos.

Marker Demo Image Point Demo Image Line Demo Image Polygon Demo Image