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s-isomorphism edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 107 revisions



  • Trait: I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.
  • Ideal: Sincerity. There’s no good in pretending to be something I’m not. (Neutral)
  • Bond: My tools are symbols of my past life, and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots.
  • Flaw: Secretly, I believe that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land.



Level 9 Unchained Rogue, Human, Male, True Neutral
Str 10 Dex 24 = 19+2(Lv)+1(CP)+2(Belt) Con 14 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 7

HP 70 = 8+4+5+4+5+4+5+7+7(roll)+9x2(Con)+3(FC)
Speed Land 30
BAB +6/+1
Initiative +11 = +7(Dex)+4(Familiar)


Type Attack Threat Damage
Melee +15/+10 = +6/+1(BAB)+7(Dex)+1(Weapon)+1(Weapon Training) 19-20/x2 1d6+7(Finesse Training)+1(Weapon)+5d6(Sneak Attack)
DW main +13/+8 = +6/+1(BAB)+7(Dex)+1(Weapon)+1(Weapon Training)-2(TWF) 19-20/x2 1d6+7(Finesse Training)+1(Weapon)+5d6(Sneak
DW offhand +13/+8 = +6/+1(BAB)+7(Dex)+1(Weapon)+1(Weapon Training)-2(TWF) 19-20/x2 1d6+3(Finesse Training)+1(Weapon)+5d6(Sneak Attack)
Ranged +13/+8 = +6/+1(BAB)+7(Dex) 20/x3 1d6+5d6(Sneak Attack)

Comment: Normally use shortsword and shortbow


AC 23 = 10+5(Armor)+6(Dex)+1(Natural)+1(Deflection)
Touch 17 = 10+6(Dex)+1(Deflection)
Flat-Footed 17 = 10+5(Armor)+1(Natural)+1(Deflection)

Comment: +3 against attacks made by traps (Dodge, Danger Sense)

Combat Maneuver

CMB, w/ weapon 15 = 6(BAB)+7(Dex)+1(Weapon)+1(Weapon Training)
CMB, w/o weapon 6 = 6(BAB)+0(Str)
CMD 24 = 10+6(BAB)+0(Str)+7(Dex)+1(Deflection)
CMD, Flat-Footed 17 = 10+6(BAB)+0(Str)+1(Deflection)

####Save throws

Save Value Situational
Fort +8 = +3(Base)+2(Con)+3(Cloak)
Ref +16 = +6(Base)+7(Dex)+3(Cloak) +3 avoid traps (Danger Sense)
Will +7 = +3(Base)+1(Wis)+3(Cloak)


Skill Value Situational
Acrobatics 24 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+7(Dex)+5(Boots)
Climb 4 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)+0(Str)
Disable Device 25 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+7(Dex)+4(Trapfinding)+2(Tool)
Escape Artist 19 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+7(Dex)
Knowledge(Arcana) 10 = 9(Rank)+1(Int)
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 7 = 3(Rank)+3(Class)+1(Int)
Knowledge(Local) 7 = 3(Rank)+3(Class)+1(Int)
Knowledge(Nature) 10 = 9(Rank)+1(Int)
Perception 20 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+1(Wis)+2(Alertness)+5(Lens) +4 locate trap (Trapfinding), +3 avoid being surprised by a foe (Danger Sense)
Sense Motive 15 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+1(Wis)+2(Alertness)
Sleight of Hand 11 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)+7(Dex)
Stealth 19 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)+7(Dex)
Swim 4 = 1(Rank)+3(Class)+0(Str)
Survival 1 = 0(Rank)+1(Wis) +5 when tracking (Lens)
Use Magic Device 10 = 9(Rank)+3(Class)-2(Cha)
Total skill ranks 90/90 = (9 Level) x (8 Rogue + 1 Human + 1 Int)


Finesse Training (Short Sword)
Sneak Attack 5d6
Debilitating Injury debuff on SA damage: -2/-4 AC or -2/-4 AB or half speed and no 5-ft step
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Trapfinding +4
Danger Sense +3
Rogue's Edge (Escape Artist) at –10 penalty: escaping grapple/pin as move action, net/animate rope/command plants/control plants spell as standard action
- Unchained Rogue

Weapon Training (Shortsword)
Trap Spotter get an immediate Perception check within 10 feet of a trap, made by GM
Resiliency gain 2xlv temporal HP on negative HP, 1/day
Offensive Defense +5 dodge bonus on AC against target, 1 round, SA ability
Combat Trick -> Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
- Unchained Rogue Talent

Two-Weapon Fighting
Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Dervish
- Feat

Familar (Greensting Scorpion) initiative +4, master gains the Alertness feat if familiar is within arm's reach
Shift teleport as move action up to 20 feet (as Dimensional door), 4/day
- Variant Multilassing: Wizard (Teleportation)

Quick Runner's Shirt as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn, 1/day
- Item

Leveling choice

Lv 1, Two-Weapon Fighting, Dimensional Agility
Lv 2, Trap Spotter
Lv 3, Familar (Greensting Scorpion), Finesse Training (Short Sword)
Lv 4, Resiliency, +1 Dex (Lv)
Lv 5, Dimensional Assault, Rogue's Edge (Escape Artist)
Lv 6, Offensive Defense*, Weapon Training (Shortsword)
Lv 7, Shift
Lv 8, Combat Trick(Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), +1 Dex (Lv), +1 Dex (10 CP)
Lv 9, Dimensional Dervish


Slot Item Weight Comment
Armor +1 Mithral Shirt 10 +4 Armor Bonus, +6 Max Dex Bonus, no ACP, light
+1 short sword 2
+1 short sword 2
Sap 2*
Alchemical Silver Light Mace 4*
Cold Iron Dagger 1*
Wooden Stake 1*
Shortbow 2*
Eyes Lens of Detection 1 +5 Perception (competence), +5 Survival when tracking (competence)
Shoulders Cloak of Resistance +3 1
Neck Amulet of Natural Armor +1 -
Chest Quick Runner's Shirt - Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn
Belt Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 1
Boots Boots of Elvenkind 1 +5 Acrobatics (competence)
Ring Ring of protection +1 -
Potion of CMW * 1
Elixir of Hiding *1 +10 Stealth (competence), 1h
Wand of Shield (45/50 Charges, Wizard) +4 AC (shield)
Arrow*20 3*
Masterwork Thieves' Tools 2* +2 Disable Device (competence)
Handy Haversack 5
Ioun Torch -
Total 23
*: Put in Handy Haversack. Drawing requires a movement action, but doesn't provoke AoO.
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