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-------Dynamic Graph Algorithms: Implementation and Analysis-------

This project contains the implementation of following algorithms:

1. Connectivity in Fully Dynamic Undirected Graphs:
    Both operations are supported in O((log n)^2) amortized time. 
    For both incremental and decremental case, a single data structure
    - Euler Tour Tree is maintained on a spanning forest of the graph.
    Euler Tour Tree is also maintained as a Binary Search Tree to support
    operations like add_edge, delete_edge, find_root, etc in O(log n).
    Each edge is given a level no. which begins with 0, when the edge is 
    added and increases only in case of deletion of edge. For each level,
    a forest is maintained. Every edge in level (i+1) is present in level (i).
    This reduces the search space for replacement edges in decremental case.

2. Minimum Spanning Tree in Decremental-only Undirected Graphs:
	This is just an extension of previous implementation of Connectivity. In 
	this case, instead of looking for replacement edges in case of deletions
	in no particular order, we look for them in increasing order of weights. For 
	this, we maintain a stl::multi_set which will keep the edges in increasing
	order of weights and answer queries in O(log n). Overall, the deletions-only
	MST will take O((log n)^4) update time. Incremental case cannot be supported 
	easily with Euler Tour Tree structure because an edge addition can potentially
	change major portion of MST and scanning through Euler Tour Tree for edges would
	be as good as reconstructing the whole MST.

3. Single Source Shortest Path in Dynamically Changing Weight Directed Graph:
	The edge-weight increment and decrement case is handled separetely. If the edge
	weight is increased, we know the node set which have to be updated. We have a set
	of nodes and increment to it's shortest distance. This value is smallest from it's
	parent node or from incoming edges. If edge (i,j) is modified, j and all it's descendants
	are examined. However, on decrement of edge weight, we don't know the nodes which need
	to be updated. All nodes which are descendants of j are examined as edges with them as
	source are potential edges. Node i is made new parent of j. All edges with source nodes
	in descendants of j are potential significant edges that could lessen the shortest 
	distances of nodes outside the subtree. These are used in the updation of SPT.

--Description of files in the folder--

BinarySearchTree.cpp / BinarySearchTree.h:
    Implementation of Binary Search Tree and it's corresponding header file.

EulerTourTree.cpp / EulerTourTree.h:
    Implementation of Euler Tour Tree using Binary Search Tree and it's corresponding
    header file.

connectivity.h / connectivity.cpp:
    Implementation of Fully-Dynamic Connectivity in Undirected Graph and it's corresponding
    header file.

MST.cpp / MST.cpp:
    Implementation of Decremental-only Minimum Spanning Tree in Undirected Weighted Graph 
    and it's corresponding header file.

SPT.cpp / SPT.h:
    Implementation of Single Source Shortest Path in Dynamically Changing Weight Directed
    Graph and it's corresponding header file.

    Interactive program to run any one of three modules on a file and get the time taken to
    run random queries and updates.

    Run the programs on benchmark files to test the files.

    a.out: Create a.out, compiles main.cpp. ./a.out will provide the interface to run modules on
    any appropriate file.

    clean: removes a.out

    test: Compiles test.cpp, runs it on benchmark program, prints PASS if output matches with 
    correct output, FAIL otherwise.

    Converts facebook_combined.txt dataset without weights, into weighted edges(random weights).

How to use these files?

Run "make test" and check if it prints PASS.
Now, run the program on any file.
Format of file for connectivity:
<V1> <V2>
where V is number of vertices and E is number of edges. Then list of all edges is given.

Format of file for MST and SPT:
<V1> <V2> <Wt>
where V is number of vertices and E is number of edges. Then list of all edges is given with weight.

The time taken to run is appended to timefile.txt as:
<update-time> <query-time>

Major sources and references:

1) Poly-logarithmic deterministic fully-dynamic algorithms for connectivity, minimum spanning tree,
   2-edge, and biconnectivity. Journal of the ACM.-  Holm, J.; De Lichtenberg, K.; Thorup, M. (2001).

2) An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Shortest Path Tree Update in Network Routing: Bin Xiao, 
   Jiannong Cao, Zili Shao, and Edwin H.-M. Sha

3) CS 267 Lecture notes Dynamic Connectivity Virginia V. Williams

4) Video lectures by Sayan Bhattacharya(IMSc) on Dynamic Graph Algorithms


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