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💻 StrataScratch SQL Question and Answer -

🎯 Difficulty Level - Easy

Q.1 Count the number of user events performed by MacBookPro users.Output the result along with the event name. Sort the result based on the event count in the descending order.

Company Name - Apple


user_id: int
occurred_at: datetime
event_type: varchar
event_name: varchar
location: varchar
device: varchar

Solution -

select distinct count(*) as event_count, event_name
from playbook_events
where device = 'macbook pro'
group by event_name
order by event_count;

Q.2 Find the average number of bathrooms and bedrooms for each city's property type. Output the reasult along with the city name and property type.

Company Name - Airbnb


Unnamed: 0: int
id: int
price: float
property_type: varchar
room_type: varchar
amenities: varchar
accommodates: int
bathrooms: int
bed_type: varchar
cancellation_policy: varchar
cleaning_fee: bool
city: varchar
host_identity_verified: varchar
host_response_rate: varchar
host_since: datetime
neighbourhood: varchar
number_of_reviews: int
review_scores_rating: float
zipcode: int
bedrooms: int
beds: int

Solution -

select city, property_type, avg(bathrooms) as avg_bathrooms, avg(bedrooms) as avg_bedrooms
from airbnb_search_details
group by city,property_type
order by city,property_type desc;

Q.3 Find the most profitable company from the financial sector. Output the result along with the continent.

Company Name - Forbes


company: varchar
sector: varchar
industry: varchar
continent: varchar
country: varchar
marketvalue: float
sales: float
profits: float
assets: float
rank: int
forbeswebpage: varchar

Solution -

select continent, company
from forbes_global_2010_2014
where sector = 'Financials'
group by continent
order by continent asc
limit 1;

Q.4 Find the activity date and the pe_description of facilities with the name 'STREET CHURROS' and with a score of less than 95 points.

Company Name - City of Los Angeles


serial_number: varchar
activity_date: datetime
facility_name: varchar
score: int
grade: varchar
service_code: int
service_description: varchar
employee_id: varchar
facility_address: varchar
facility_city: varchar
facility_id: varchar
facility_state: varchar
facility_zip: varchar
owner_id: varchar
owner_name: varchar
pe_description: varchar
program_element_pe: int
program_name: varchar
program_status: varchar
record_id: varchar

Solution -

select activity_date, pe_description
from los_angeles_restaurant_health_inspections
where facility_name = 'STREET CHURROS' and score < 95;

Q.5 Find the details of each customer regardless of the whether the customer made an order Output the customer's first name, last name and the city along with the order details You may have duplicate rows in your results due to a customer ordering several of the same items. Sort records based on the customer's first name and the order details in asending orders.

Company Name - Apple, Amazon


id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
phone_number: varchar


id: int
cust_id: int
order_date: datetime
order_details: varchar
total_order_cost: int  

Solution -

select first_name, last_name, city, order_details
from customers
left join orders on = orders.cust_id
order by first_name, order_details desc;

Q.6 Find the order details made by Jill and Eva. Consider the Jill and Eva as first names of customers. Output the order date, details and cost along with the first name. Order records based on the customer id in asending order.

Company Name - Amazon, Shopify


id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
phone_number: varchar


id: int
cust_id: int
order_date: datetime
order_details: varchar
total_order_cost: int

Solution -

select c.first_name, o.order_date, o.order_details, o.total_order_cost
from customers as c
join orders as o on = o.cust_id
where c.first_name in ("Jill", "Eva")
order by;

Q.7 Compare's of each employees salary with the average salary of the corresponding department. Output the department, first name, and salary of employees along with the average salary of that department.

Company Name - Glassdoor, Salesforce


id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
age: int
sex: varchar
employee_title: varchar
department: varchar
salary: int
target: int
bonus: int
email: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
manager_id: int

Solution -

select department, first_name, salary, avg(salary) over (partition by department) as avg_salary
from employee;

Q.8 Find libraries who haven't provided the email address in circulation year 2016 but their notice preference definition is set to email. Output the library code.

Company Name - City of San Francisco

library_usage -

patron_type_code: int
patron_type_definition: varchar
total_checkouts: int
total_renewals: int
age_range: varchar
home_library_code: varchar
home_library_definition: varchar
circulation_active_month: varchar
circulation_active_year: float
notice_preference_code: varchar
notice_preference_definition: varchar
provided_email_address: bool
year_patron_registered: int
outside_of_county: bool
supervisor_district: float

Solution -

select home_library_code
from employee
where provided_email_address = 0 and circulation_active_year = 2016 
      and notice_preference_definition = 'email';    

Q.9 Fine the base pay for Police Captains. Output the employee name along with the corresponding base pay.

Company Name - City of San Francisco

sf_public_salaries -

id: int
employeename: varchar
jobtitle: varchar
basepay: float
overtimepay: float
otherpay: float
benefits: float
totalpay: float
totalpaybenefits: float
year: int
notes: datetime
agency: varchar
status: varchar

Solution -

select employeename, basepay
from sf_public_salaries
where jobtitle = 'CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT)';    

Q.10 Find how many times each artist appeared on the Spotify ranking list. Output the artist name along with the corresponding number of occurrences. Order records by the number of occurrences in descending order.

Company Name - Spotify

spotify_worldwide_daily_song_ranking -

id: int
position: int
trackname: varchar
artist: varchar
streams: int
url: varchar
date: datetime
region: varchar

Solution -

select artist, count(artist) as number_of_occurrences
from  spotify_worldwide_daily_song_ranking 
group by artist
order by number_of_occurrences desc;    

Q.11 Find all Lyft drivers who earn eithers equal to or less than 30K USD or equal to more than 70K USD. Output all details related to retrived records.

Company Name - Lyft

lyft_drivers -

index: int
start_date: datetime
end_date: datetime
yearly_salary: int

Solution -

select *
from  lyft_drivers 
where yearly_salary <= 30000 or yearly_salary >= 70000;        

Q.12 Meta/Facebook has developed a new programing language called Hack. To measure the popularity of Hack they ran a survey with their employees. The survey included data on previous programing familiarity as well as the number of years of experience, age, gender and most importantly satisfaction with Hack. Due to an error location data was not collected, but your supervisor demands a report showing average popularity of Hack by office location. Luckily the user IDs of employees completing the surveys were stored. Based on the above, find the average popularity of the Hack per office location.Output the location along with the average popularity.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

facebook_employees -

id: int
location: varchar
age: int
gender: varchar
is_senior: bool

facebook_hack_survey -

employee_id: int
age: int
gender: varchar
popularity: int  

Solution -

select fe.location, avg(popularity) as avg_popularity
from  facebook_employees as fe 
left join facebook_hack_survey as fh
group by fe.location;            

Q.13 Find all post which were reacted to with a heart. For such posts output all columns from facebook posts table.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

facebook_reactions -

poster: int
friend: int
reaction: varchar
date_day: int
post_id: int

facebook_posts -

post_id: int
poster: int
post_text: varchar
post_keywords: varchar
post_date: datetime

Solution -

select fp.*
from  facebook_reactions as fr
join facebook_posts as fp on fr.post_id = fp.post_id
where reaction = 'heart';     

Q.14 Count the number of movies that Abigail Breslin was nominated for an oscar.

Company Name - Google, Netflix

oscar_nominees -

year: int
category: varchar
nominee: varchar
movie: varchar
winner: bool
id: int

Solution -

select movie, count(movie) as count_of_movie
from  oscar_nominees 
where nominee = 'Abigail Breslin'
group by movie;         

Q.15 Find the last time each bike was in use. Output both the bike number and the date-timestamp of the bike's last use (i.e., the date-time the bike was returned). Order the results by bikes that were most recently used.

Company Name - Lyft, DoorDash

dc_bikeshare_q1_2012 -

duration: varchar
duration_seconds: int
start_time: datetime
start_station: varchar
start_terminal: int
end_time: datetime
end_station: varchar
end_terminal: int
bike_number: varchar
rider_type: varchar
id: int

Solution -

select bike_number, max(end_time) as last_time_use
from  dc_bikeshare_q1_2012
group by bike_number
order by end_time desc;             

Q.16 We have a table with employees and their salaries, however, some of the records are old and contain outdated salary information. Find the current salary of each employee assuming that salaries increase each year. Output their id, first name, last name, department ID, and current salary. Order your list by employee ID in ascending order.

Company Name - Microsoft

ms_employee_salary -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
salary: int
department_id: int

Solution -

      max(salary) as current_salary
from  ms_employee_salary
group by id,
order by id asc;           

Q.17 Write a query that calculates the difference between the highest salaries found in the marketing and engineering departments. Output just the absolute difference in salaries.

Company Name - LinkedIn, Dropbox

db_employee -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
salary: int
department_id: int

db_dept -

id: int
department: varchar

Solution 1 - (MySql)

select abs(max(e.salary) - max(d.salary)) as sal_diff
from db_employee e, db_dept d
where e.department_id = 4 and d.department_id = 1;

Solution 2 - (MS SQL Server)

 with cte as 
                max(salary) as max_salary
          from db_employee as e
          join db_dept as d on
          where department in ('marketing','engineering'
          group by department
      select abs(max(case when department = 'marketing' then max_salary end) - max(case when department = 'engineering' then max_salary end)) salary_differnce
      from cte

Q.18 Write a query that returns the number of unique users per client per month.

Company Name - Apple, Dell, Microsoft

fact_events -

id: int
time_id: datetime
user_id: varchar
customer_id: varchar
client_id: varchar
event_type: varchar
event_id: int

Solution -

select client_id, extract(month from time_id) as month,
count(distinct user_id) as user_num
from fact_events
group by client_id, month;    

Q.19 Write a query that will calculate the number of shipments per month. The unique key for one shipment is a combination of shipment_id and sub_id. Output the year_month in format YYYY-MM and the number of shipments in that month.

Company Name - Amazon

amazon_shipment -

shipment_id: int
sub_id: int
weight: int
shipment_date: datetime

Solution -

select to_char(shipment_date, 'YYYY-MM') as year_month,
count(concat(shipment_id,sub_id)) as user_num
from amazon_shipment
group by year_month;    

Q.20 Find the number of workers by department who joined in or after April. Output the department name along with the corresponding number of workers. Sort records based on the number of workers in descending order.

Company Name - Amazon

worker -

worker_id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
salary: int
joining_date: datetime
department: varchar

Solution -

select department, count(*) as num_worker
from worker
where date_part('month', joining_date)>=4
group by department
order by num_worker desc;    

Q.21 Find the number of employees working in the Admin department that joined in April or later.

Company Name - Microsoft, Amazon

worker -

worker_id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
salary: int
joining_date: datetime
department: varchar

Solution -

select count(*) as n_admin
from worker
where department = 'Admin' and date_part('month', joining_date)>=4;

Q.22 You have been asked to find the 5 most lucrative products in terms of total revenue for the first half of 2022 (from January to June inclusive). Output their IDs and the total revenue.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

online_orders -

product_id: int
promotion_id: int
cost_in_dollars: int
customer_id: int
date: datetime
units_sold: int

Solution -

select product_id, sum(units_sold*cost_in_dollars) as revenue
from online_orders
where date between '2022-01-01' and '2022-06-30'
group by product_id
order by revenue
limit 5;  

🎯 Difficulty Level - Medium

Q.23 Find the email activity rank for each user. Email activity rank is defined by the total number of emails sent. The user with the highest number of emails sent will have a rank of 1, and so on. Output the user, total emails, and their activity rank. Order records by the total emails in descending order. Sort users with the same number of emails in alphabetical order. In your rankings, return a unique value (i.e., a unique rank) even if multiple users have the same number of emails. For tie breaker use alphabetical order of the user usernames.

Company Name - Google

google_gmail_emails -

id: int
from_user: varchar
to_user: varchar
day: int

Solution -

select from_user, count(to_user) as total_emails,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by count(to_user) desc, from_user asc) as row_number
from google_gmail_emails 
group by from_user;

Q.24 Identify projects that are at risk for going overbudget. A project is considered to be overbudget if the cost of all employees assigned to the project is greater than the budget of the project. You'll need to prorate the cost of the employees to the duration of the project. For example, if the budget for a project that takes half a year to complete is $10K, then the total half-year salary of all employees assigned to the project should not exceed $10K. Salary is defined on a yearly basis, so be careful how to calculate salaries for the projects that last less or more than one year. Output a list of projects that are overbudget with their project name, project budget, and prorated total employee expense (rounded to the next dollar amount).

Company Name - LinkedIn

linkedin_projects -

id: int
title: varchar
budget: int
start_date: datetime
end_date: datetime

linkedin_emp_projects -

emp_id: int
project_id: int

linkedin_employees -

id: int 
first_name: varchar 
last_name: varchar 
salary: int

Solution -

select title, budget, ceiling((end_date - start_date)*(sum(salary)/365)) as 
from linkedin_projects as lp
join linkedin_emp_projects as lep 
join linkedin_employees as le 
group by title, budget,end_date, start_date
having ceiling((end_date - start_date)*(sum(salary)/365)) > budget; 

Q.25 Find the number of Apple product users and the number of total users with a device and group the counts by language. Assume Apple products are only MacBook-Pro, iPhone 5s, and iPad-air. Output the language along with the total number of Apple users and users with any device. Order your results based on the number of total users in descending order.

Company Name - Google, Apple

playbook_events -

user_id: int
occurred_at: datetime
event_type: varchar
event_name: varchar
location: varchar
device: varchar

playbook_users -

user_id: int
created_at: datetime
company_id: int
language: varchar
activated_at: datetime
state: varchar

Solution -

select language, count(distinct
              case when device in ('macbook pro','iphone 5s','ipad air')
              then pe.user_id else null end ) as n_apple_users, count(distinct pe.user_id) as n_total_users
from playbook_events as pe
left join playbook_users as pu on pe.user_id = pu.user_id
group by language
order by n_total_users desc;

Q.26 Calculate the percentage of spam posts in all viewed posts by day. A post is considered a spam if a string "spam" is inside keywords of the post. Note that the facebook_posts table stores all posts posted by users. The facebook_post_views table is an action table denoting if a user has viewed a post.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

facebook_posts -

post_id: int
poster: int
post_text: varchar
post_keywords: varchar
post_date: datetime

facebook_post_views -

post_id: int
viewer_id: int

Solution -

select post_date, (100 * count(distinct fp.post_id) filter(where post_keywords like '%spam%') / count(distinct fp.post_id)) as 
from facebook_posts as fp
join facebook_post_views as fpv on fp.post_id = fpv.post_id
group by post_date;  

Q.27 Find the second highest salary of employees.

Company Name - Amazon, Dropbox

employee -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
age: int
sex: varchar
employee_title: varchar
department: varchar
salary: int
target: int
bonus: int
email: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
manager_id: int

Solution -

select max(salary) as salary
from employee 
where salary < (select max(salary) from employee);  

Q.28 Find the percentage of shipable orders. Consider an order is shipable if the customer's address is known.

Company Name - Google, Amazon

orders -

id: int
cust_id: int
order_date: datetime
order_details: varchar
total_order_cost: int

customers -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
phone_number: varchar

Solution -

select count(address)*100.00/count(*)
from orders as o 
left join customers as c on o.cust_id =;  

Q.29 Make a report showing the number of survivors and non-survivors by passenger class. Classes are categorized based on the pclass value as: pclass = 1: first_class, pclass = 2: second_classs, pclass = 3: third_class. Output the number of survivors and non-survivors by each class.

Company Name - Google, Tesla

titanic -

passengerid: int
survived: int
pclass: int
name: varchar
sex: varchar
age: float
sibsp: int
parch: int
ticket: varchar
fare: float
cabin: varchar
embarked: varchar

Solution -

select survived, 
       sum(case when pclass = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as first_class,
       sum(case when pclass = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as second_class,
       sum(case when pclass = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as third_class
from titanic 
group by survived;  

Q.30 What were the top 10 ranked songs in 2010? Output the rank, group name, and song name but do not show the same song twice. Sort the result based on the year_rank in ascending order.

Company Name - Spotify

billboard_top_100_year_end -

year: int
year_rank: int
group_name: varchar
artist: varchar
song_name: varchar
id: int

Solution -

select year_rank, group_name, song_name
from billboard_top_100_year_end 
where year = '2010'
order by year_rank asc
limit 10;

Q.31 Find the number of times each word appears in drafts. Output the word along with the corresponding number of occurrences.

Company Name - Google

google_file_store -

filename: varchar
contents: varchar

Solution -

select word, nentry
from ts_stat('select to_tsvector(contents) FROM google_file_store where filename ILIKE ''draft%''')
order by nentry desc;

Q.32 Classify each business as either a restaurant, cafe, school, or other. • A restaurant should have the word 'restaurant' in the business name. • A cafe should have either 'cafe', 'café', or 'coffee' in the business name. • A school should have the word 'school' in the business name. • All other businesses should be classified as 'other'. Output the business name and their classification.

Company Name - City of San Francisco

sf_restaurant_health_violations -

business_id: int
business_name: varchar
business_address: varchar
business_city: varchar
business_state: varchar
business_postal_code: float
business_latitude: float
business_longitude: float
business_location: varchar
business_phone_number: float
inspection_id: varchar
inspection_date: datetime
inspection_score: float
inspection_type: varchar
violation_id: varchar
violation_description: varchar
risk_category: varchar

Solution -

select distinct business_name,
            when business_name ~* 'restaurant' then  'restaurant' 
            when business_name ~* 'cafe|café|coffee' then  'cafe' 
            when business_name ~* 'school' then 'school'
            else 'other' end as classification
 from sf_restaurant_health_violations

Q.33 Output ids of students with a median score from the writing SAT.

Company Name - Google, Kaplan, General Assembly sat_scores -

school: varchar
teacher: varchar
student_id: float
sat_writing: float
sat_verbal: float
sat_math: float
hrs_studied: float
id: int
average_sat: float
love: datetime

Solution -

select student_id
from sat_scores
where sat_writing = (
                 select PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sat_writing)
                 from sat_scores

Q.34 Which user flagged the most distinct videos that ended up approved by YouTube? Output, in one column, their full name or names in case of a tie. In the user's full name, include a space between the first and the last name.

Company Name - Google

user_flags -

user_firstname: varchar
user_lastname: varchar
video_id: varchar
flag_id: varchar

flag_review -

flag_id: varchar
reviewed_by_yt: bool
reviewed_date: datetime
reviewed_outcome: varchar

Solution 1 (PostgreSQL) -

select fullname
from (select concat(user_firstname,' ',user_lastname) as fullname, 
        rank() over (order by count(distinct video_id) desc) as rnk
     from user_flags as u
     join flag_review as f on u.flag_id = f.flag_id
     where reviewed_outcome = 'APPROVED'
     group by fullname)
 where rnk = 1;  

Q.35 For each video, find how many unique users flagged it. A unique user can be identified using the combination of their first name and last name. Do not consider rows in which there is no flag ID.

Company Name - Google, Netflix

user_flags -

user_firstname: varchar
user_lastname: varchar
video_id: varchar
flag_id: varchar

Solution -

select video_id, 
       count(distinct concat(user_firstname,' ',user_lastname)) as num_unique_users
from user_flags
where flag_id is not null
group by video_id;

Q.36 Output share of US users that are active. Active users are the ones with an "open" status in the table.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

fb_active_users -

user_id: int
name: varchar
status: varchar
country: varchar

Solution -

select 1.00*count(case when status = 'open' then 1 else null end)/count(user_id) as 
from fb_active_users
where country = 'USA';  

Q.37 You are given a dataset that provides the number of active users per day per premium account. A premium account will have an entry for every day that it’s premium. However, a premium account may be temporarily discounted and considered not paid, this is indicated by a value of 0 in the final_price column for a certain day. Find out how many premium accounts that are paid on any given day are still premium and paid 7 days later. Output the date, the number of premium and paid accounts on that day, and the number of how many of these accounts are still premium and paid 7 days later. Since you are only given data for a 14 days period, only include the first 7 available dates in your output.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook, Asana

premium_accounts_by_day -

account_id: varchar
entry_date: datetime
users_visited_7d: int
final_price: int
plan_size: int

Solution -

select pre1.entry_date, count(pre1.account_id) premium_paid_accounts, 
       count(pre2.account_id) premium_paid_accounts_after_7days
from premium_accounts_by_day pre1
left join premium_accounts_by_day pre2 on pre1.account_id = pre2.account_id
and pre2.final_price > 0 and datediff(pre2.entry_date, pre1.entry_date) =7
where pre1.final_price > 0
group by pre1.entry_date
order by pre1.entry_date
limit 7;      

Q.38 You are given a table of product launches by company by year. Write a query to count the net difference between the number of products companies launched in 2020 with the number of products companies launched in the previous year. Output the name of the companies and a net difference of net products released for 2020 compared to the previous year.

Company Name - Saleforce, Tesla

car_launches -

year: int
company_name: varchar
product_name: varchar

Solution -

select company_name,
       sum(case when year=2019 then -1
       when year=2020 then 1 end) as net_products
from car_launches
group by company_name
order by company_name; ### Q.19 Classify each business as either a restaurant, cafe, school, or other.

Solution -

        when business_name like '%restaurant%' then 'restaurant'
        when business_name like '%school%' then 'school'
        when business_name like '%café%' then 'cafe'
        when business_name like '%coffee%' then 'cafe'
        when business_name like '%cafe%' then 'cafe'
        else 'other' end as classification
from sf_restaurant_health_violations
group by binary business_name;  

Q.39 You're given a dataset of health inspections. Count the number of violation in an inspection in 'Roxanne Cafe' for each year. If an inspection resulted in a violation, there will be a value in the 'violation_id' column. Output the number of violations by year in ascending order.

Company Name - City of San Francisco

sf_restaurant_health_violations -

business_id: int
business_name: varchar
business_address: varchar
business_city: varchar
business_state: varchar
business_postal_code: float
business_latitude: float
business_longitude: float
business_location: varchar
business_phone_number: float
inspection_id: varchar
inspection_date: datetime
inspection_score: float
inspection_type: varchar
violation_id: varchar
violation_description: varchar
risk_category: varchar

Solution -

select extract(year from inspection_date) as year, count(violation_id) as n_inspections
from sf_restaurant_health_violations 
where business_name = 'Roxanne Cafe'
group by year
order by n_inspections asc;   

Q.40 Find the rate of processed tickets for each type.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

facebook_complaints -

complaint_id: int
type: int
processed: bool

Solution -

select type, avg(processed) as processed_rate
from facebook_complaints
group by type;    

Q.41 Calculate the total revenue from each customer in March 2019. Include only customers who were active in March 2019. Output the revenue along with the customer id and sort the results based on the revenue in descending order.

Company Name - Amazon, Meta/Facebook

orders -

id: int
cust_id: int
order_date: datetime
order_details: varchar
total_order_cost: int

Solution -

select cust_id, sum(total_order_cost) as revenue
from orders
where date(order_date) between '2019-03-01' and '2019-03-31'
group by cust_id
order by revenue desc;    

Q.42 Find employees who are earning more than their managers. Output the employee's first name along with the corresponding salary.

Company Name - Walmart, Best Buy, Dropbox

employee -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
age: int
sex: varchar
employee_title: varchar
department: varchar
salary: int
target: int
bonus: int
email: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
manager_id: int

Solution -

select e.first_name, e.salary
from employee e
join employee em on e.manager_id =
where e.salary > em.salary;  

Q.43 Find the employee with the highest salary per department. Output the department name, employee's first name along with the corresponding salary.

Company Name - Twitter, Asana

employee -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
age: int
sex: varchar
employee_title: varchar
department: varchar
salary: int
target: int
bonus: int
email: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
manager_id: int

Solution -

select department, first_name, salary
from employee
where salary in (select max(salary) from employee group by department);  

Q.44 Find the highest target achieved by the employee or employees who works under the manager id 13. Output the first name of the employee and target achieved. The solution should show the highest target achieved under manager_id=13 and which employee(s) achieved it.

Company Name - Saleforce

salesforce_employees -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
age: int
sex: varchar
employee_title: varchar
department: varchar
salary: int
target: int
bonus: int
email: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
manager_id: int

Solution -

with target_achived as
(select first_name, target, rank() over(order by target desc) as rnk
from salesforce_employees
where manager_id = 13)

select first_name, target
from target_achived
where rnk = 1;  

Q.45 Find the customer with the highest daily total order cost between 2019-02-01 to 2019-05-01. If customer had more than one order on a certain day, sum the order costs on daily basis. Output customer's first name, total cost of their items, and the date.

For simplicity, you can assume that every first name in the dataset is unique.

Company Name - Amazon, Shofify

customers -

id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
city: varchar
address: varchar
phone_number: varchar

orders -

id: int
cust_id: int
order_date: datetime
order_details: varchar
total_order_cost: int

Solution -

select, order_date, first_name, sum(total_order_cost) as tl_cost
from customers
right join orders on = orders.cust_id
where order_date between '2019-05-01' and '2019-05-01' 
group by, order_date
order by tl_cost desc
limit 1;  

Q.46 Find the Olympics with the highest number of athletes. The Olympics game is a combination of the year and the season, and is found in the 'games' column. Output the Olympics along with the corresponding number of athletes.

Company Name - ESPN

olympics_athletes_events -

id: int
name: varchar
sex: varchar
age: float
height: float
weight: datetime
team: varchar
noc: varchar
games: varchar
year: int
season: varchar
city: varchar
sport: varchar
event: varchar
medal: varchar

Solution -

select games, count(distinct id) as athletes
from olympics_athletes_events' 
group by games
order by athletes desc
limit 1;  

Q.47 Find songs that have ranked in the top position. Output the track name and the number of times it ranked at the top. Sort your records by the number of times the song was in the top position in descending order.

Company Name - Spotify

spotify_worldwide_daily_song_ranking -

id: int
position: int
trackname: varchar
artist: varchar
streams: int
url: varchar
date: datetime
region: varchar

Solution -

select trackname, count(position) as times_top1
from olympics_athletes_events
where position = 1
group by trackname
order by times_top1 desc;  

Q.48 Find the top 5 businesses with most reviews. Assume that each row has a unique business_id such that the total reviews for each business is listed on each row. Output the business name along with the total number of reviews and order your results by the total reviews in descending order.

Company Name - Yelp

yelp_business -

business_id: varchar
name: varchar
neighborhood: varchar
address: varchar
city: varchar
state: varchar
postal_code: varchar
latitude: float
longitude: float
stars: float
review_count: int
is_open: int
categories: varchar

Solution -

select name, review_count as total_review
from yelp_business
order by total_review desc
limit 5;  

Q.49 Find all wineries which produce wines by possessing aromas of plum, cherry, rose, or hazelnut. To make it more simple, look only for singular form of the mentioned aromas. HINT: if one of the specified words is just a substring of another word, this should not be a hit, but a miss.

Company Name - Wine Magazine

winemag_p1 -

id: int
country: varchar
description: varchar
designation: varchar
points: int
price: float
province: varchar
region_1: varchar
region_2: varchar
variety: varchar
winery: varchar

Solution -

select distinct winery
from winemag_p1
where lower(description) regexp '(plum|rose|cherry|hazelnut)([^a-z])'; 

Q.50 Find the top business categories based on the total number of reviews. Output the category along with the total number of reviews. Order by total reviews in descending order.

Company Name - yelp

yelp_business -

business_id: varchar
name: varchar
neighborhood: varchar
address: varchar
city: varchar
state: varchar
postal_code: varchar
latitude: float
longitude: float
stars: float
review_count: int
is_open: int
categories: varchar

Solution -

              SELECT 1
              UNION ALL
              SELECT n+1 FROM CTE WHERE n<12)
   substring_index(substring_index(categories,';',n),';',-1) category,
   SUM(review_count) total
   yelp_business JOIN CTE
  n <= char_length(categories) - char_length(replace(categories,';','')) + 1
 order by total desc;

Q.51 Write a query that'll identify returning active users. A returning active user is a user that has made a second purchase within 7 days of any other of their purchases. Output a list of user_ids of these returning active users.

Table: amazon_transactions

Company Name - Amazon

yelp_business -

id: int
user_id: int
item: varchar
created_at: datetime
revenue: int

Solution 1-

select distinct a1.user_id
from amazon_transactions as a1
join amazon_transactions as a2 on a1.user_id=a2.user_id and<> and datediff(day, a1.created_at, a2.created_at) between 0 and 7 
order by a1.user_id;

Solution 2-

select distinct a1.user_id from amazon_transactions as a1 join amazon_transactions as a2 on a1.user_id=a2.user_id and<> where datediff(day, a1.created_at, a2.created_at) between 0 and 7 order by a1.user_id

Q.52 Find the 3 most profitable companies in the entire world. Output the result along with the corresponding company name. Sort the result based on profits in descending order.

Table: forbes_global_2010_2014

Company Name - Forbes

forbes_global_2010_2014 -

company: varchar
sector: varchar
industry: varchar
continent: varchar
country: varchar
marketvalue: float
sales: float
profits: float
assets: float
rank: int
forbeswebpage: varchar

Solution -

select top(3) company, max(profits) as profits
from forbes_global_2010_2014
group by comppany
order by profits desc;

Q.53 You have been asked to find the job titles of the highest-paid employees. Your output should include the highest-paid title or multiple titles with the same salary.

Table: worker, title

Company Name - Amazon, DoorDash

worker -

worker_id: int
first_name: varchar
last_name: varchar
salary: int
joining_date: datetime
department: varchar

title -

worker_ref_id: int
worker_title: varchar
affected_from: datetime

Solution 1 -

select t.worker_title 
from worker as w
join title as t on w.worker_id=t.worker_ref_id
where salary in (select max(salary) from worker)

Solution 2 -

with cte as 
       (select 1.worker_id, t1.salary, t2.worker_tittle
       from worker as t1
       join title as t2 on t1.worker_id=t2.worker_ref_id)
with ct1 as (
       select *, dense_rank()over(order by salary desc) as rnk 
       from cte
from cte1
where rnk =1

Q.54 Calculate each user's average session time. A session is defined as the time difference between a page_load and page_exit. For simplicity, assume a user has only 1 session per day and if there are multiple of the same events on that day, consider only the latest page_load and earliest page_exit, with an obvious restriction that load time event should happen before exit time event . Output the user_id and their average session time.

Table: facebook_web_log

Company Name - Meta

facebook_web_log -

user_id: int
timestamp: datetime
action: varchar

Solution -

with cte as
(select user_id,
datediff(second,max(case when action='page_load' then timestamp end),
min(case when action='page_exit' then timestamp end)) as session_time
from facebook_web_log
group by user_id, cast(timestamp as date))

select user_id, round(sum(session_time)*1.0/count(session_time),1) as session_time from cte where session_time is not null group by user_id

🎯 Difficulty Level - Hard

Q.51 Given a table of purchases by date, calculate the month-over-month percentage change in revenue. The output should include the year-month date (YYYY-MM) and percentage change, rounded to the 2nd decimal point, and sorted from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The percentage change column will be populated from the 2nd month forward and can be calculated as ((this month's revenue - last month's revenue) / last month's revenue)*100.

Company Name - Amazon

sf_transactions -

id: int
created_at: datetime
value: int
purchase_id: int

Solution 1 -

              SELECT to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM') as date_month, sum(value) as revenue,
              LAG(sum(value), 1) over(order by to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM')) as prev_revenue 
GROUP BY to_char(created_at, 'YYYY-MM')
order by total desc)

select  date_month,
    round((revenue - prev_revenue) / prev_revenue * 100, 2) as revenue_diff_pct
from cte;

Solution 2 -

    WITH cte AS (
          CONCAT(YEAR(created_at), '-', RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), MONTH(created_at)), 2)) AS YearMonth,
          FROM sf_transactions
  cte1 AS (
             SUM(value) AS current_month_revenue 
       FROM cte
      GROUP BY YearMonth
cte2 AS (
        SELECT *, 
              LAG(current_month_revenue) OVER (ORDER BY YearMonth) AS previous_month_revenue
    FROM cte1
    ROUND(((current_month_revenue - previous_month_revenue) * 100.0 / NULLIF(previous_month_revenue, 0)), 2) AS percentage_change

FROM cte2;

Q.52 ABC Corp is a mid-sized insurer in the US and in the recent past their fraudulent claims have increased significantly for their personal auto insurance portfolio. They have developed a ML based predictive model to identify propensity of fraudulent claims. Now, they assign highly experienced claim adjusters for top 5 percentile of claims identified by the model. Your objective is to identify the top 5 percentile of claims from each state. Your output should be policy number, state, claim cost, and fraud score.

Company Name - Google, Netflix

fraud_score -

policy_num: varchar
state: varchar
claim_cost: int
fraud_score: float

Solution -

SELECT policy number, state, claim_cost, fraud_score
from (select *, NTILE(100) OVER (partition by state order by fraud_score desc) as
               from fraud_score) result
where percentile <=5;

Q.53 Find the total number of downloads for paying and non-paying users by date. Include only records where non-paying customers have more downloads than paying customers. The output should be sorted by earliest date first and contain 3 columns date, non-paying downloads, paying downloads.

Company Name - Microsoft

ms_user_dimension -

user_id: int
acc_id: int

ms_acc_dimension -

acc_id: int
paying_customer: varchar

ms_download_facts -

date: datetime
user_id: int
downloads: int

Solution -

select date, sum(case when mad.paying_customer='no' then downloads end) as non_paying,
         sum(case when mad.paying_customer='yes' then downloads end) as paying
from ms_user_dimension as mud
left join ms_acc_dimension as mad 
          on mud.acc_id=mad.acc_id
left join ms_download_facts as mdf 
          on mud.user_id=mdf.user_id
group by date
having sum(case when mad.paying_customer='no' then downloads end) > 
      sum(case when mad.paying_customer='yes' then downloads end)
order by date asc;   

Q.54 Find the popularity percentage for each user on Meta/Facebook. The popularity percentage is defined as the total number of friends the user has divided by the total number of users on the platform, then converted into a percentage by multiplying by 100. Output each user along with their popularity percentage. Order records in ascending order by user id. The 'user1' and 'user2' column are pairs of friends.

Company Name - Meta/Facebook

facebook_friends -

user1: int
user2: int

Solution -

select user1, (count(user2)/count(1) over() :: decimal *100) as popularity_percentage
from (select user1, user2 
      from facebook_friends
      union all
      select user2, user1
      from facebook_friends) as a
group by user1
order by user1;   

Q.55 Find the top 5 states with the most 5 star businesses. Output the state name along with the number of 5-star businesses and order records by the number of 5-star businesses in descending order. In case there are ties in the number of businesses, return all the unique states. If two states have the same result, sort them in alphabetical order.

Company Name - Yelp

yelp_business -

business_id: varchar
name: varchar
neighborhood: varchar
address: varchar
city: varchar
state: varchar
postal_code: varchar
latitude: float
longitude: float
stars: float
review_count: int
is_open: int
categories: varchar

Solution -

select distinct state, count(stars) as n_business
from yelp_business
where stars =5
group by state
order by 2 desc, 1
limit 6;  

Q.56 Find the number of times the words 'bull' and 'bear' occur in the contents. We're counting the number of times the words occur so words like 'bullish' should not be included in our count. Output the word 'bull' and 'bear' along with the corresponding number of occurrences.

Company Name - Google

google_file_store -

filename: varchar
contents: varchar

Solution -

select word, nentry
from to_stat('select to_tsvector(contents) from google_file_store')
where ilike 'bull' or word ilike 'bear';  

Q.57 Select the most popular client_id based on a count of the number of users who have at least 50% of their events from the following list: 'video call received', 'video call sent', 'voice call received', 'voice call sent'.

Company Name - Microsoft, Apple

fact_events -

id: int
time_id: datetime
user_id: varchar
customer_id: varchar
client_id: varchar
event_type: varchar
event_id: int

Solution -

with cte as (select user_id, client_id
from fact_events
group by user_id, client_id
having avg(case when event_type in ('video call received', 
                                'video call sent', 
                                'voice call received', 
                                'voice call sent')
                                then 1 else 0 end ) >=0.5)
select client_id
from cte
group by client_id
order by count(user_id) desc
limit 1;  


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