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File metadata and controls

388 lines (244 loc) · 10.5 KB

Don't worry, Telemeta is easy to setup as any other Django app !


Telemeta is designed to run on Linux and other UNIX based architectures. It depends on several python librairies like Django (version >= 1.3.1). See

Other needed librairies are listed below.

telemeta django-markup-mixin django-pagination django-notes django-extensions postman django-timezones xlwt xlrd

Install the system dependencies

  • On Debian (Squeeze recommended) or Ubuntu Lucid:

    Install all dependencies like this:

    sudo aptitude install python python-dev python-pip python-xml python-mysqldb mysql-server \
        python-ctypes python-setuptools python-support python-docutils \
        python-libxml2 python-lxml python-numpy \
        python-scipy python-imaging python-mutagen python-gobject python-gst0.10 \
        gobject-introspection python-psutil nginx \
        gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good \
        gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly webp
    sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio

    To get MP3 reading and writing:

    echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources-list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-lame

    More packages:

    sudo pip install -U django==1.4.5 south django-pagination django-registration django-extensions \
                        django-notes django-timezones django-markup-mixin sorl-thumbnail django-json-rpc \
                        xlwt pytz googletools
  • On other linux platforms:

    Please install all the equivalent dependencies thanks to your application manager or manually.

Install Telemeta

Pip method (highly recommended!)

We strongly advise you use the python package tool as it installs some good dependencies automatically:

sudo aptitude install python-pip
sudo pip install telemeta

or (deprecated):

sudo easy_install telemeta

From sources

Download the latest tar archive at

Uncompress and install it. For example:

tar xzf telemeta-1.0.tar.gz
cd telemeta-1.0
sudo python install


All those modules have been automatically installed if you used one of the previous methods to install Telemeta. In this case only, you can PASS this stage.

But, if you need to hack Telemeta without installing it (i.e. link it through your $PYTHONPATH), you need to install those libraries manually.

TimeSide (web audio components)

Install it using pip:

sudo pip install timeside

Or, download the last archive at :

Uncompress it and read README and INSTALL to install the dependencies and then the module.

JSON-RPC server

Install it using pip:

sudo pip install django-json-rpc

or, from source:

git clone git://
cd django-json-rpc
python install
South (schema migration)

It is strongly advised to use South and then enable data schema migrations between the models and the database. It will allow automatic DB updates when your / our models are modified. Because the first one you use is not only the best one...

Install it using pip:

sudo pip install south


sudo easy_install South

Fast testing (sandbox)

If you just want to test Telemeta just now, a sandbox is available in the example/ directory:

cd example/sandbox_sqlite
./ syncdb
./ runserver 9000

Now browse http://localhost:9000

Create a new Telemeta project

Start the project

If you haven't already done it, start a new django project:

cd ~/my_projects
django-admin startproject mysite

Create the database

Telemeta needs MySQL to work well and fast. So you need to create a MySQL database before trying it.

Configure the telemeta project

Edit the file in a text editor. Modifiy the following variables:

ADMINS =            telemeta requires that you indicate an administrator here
DATABASES =         your database setting dict (don't forget to create the database if needed)
MEDIA_ROOT =        absolute path to the media directory you just created

Set the app lists as follow:


Set the following languages:

LANGUAGES = [ ('fr', 'French'),
              ('en', 'English'),

Set the following Middlewares:


Add the following variables:


TELEMETA_ORGANIZATION =         name of the organization which hosts this installation
TELEMETA_SUBJECTS =             tuple of subject keywords (used for Dublin Core), such as "Ethnology", etc...
TELEMETA_DESCRIPTION =          the description of the site
TELEMETA_CACHE_DIR =            absolute path to the cache directory that you just created
TELEMETA_GMAP_KEY =             your Google Map API key
TELEMETA_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED =     True to enable raw audio data download
TELEMETA_STREAMING_FORMATS =    tuple of authorized streaming formats. Ex: ('mp3', 'ogg')
TELEMETA_DOWNLOAD_FORMATS =     tuple of authorized download formats. Ex: ('wav', 'mp3', 'webm')
TELEMETA_PUBLIC_ACCESS_PERIOD = number of years above which item files are automagically published
EMAIL_HOST =                    your default SMTP server
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL =            the default sending email address

Just paste the lines below:

LOGIN_URL = '/login'
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'telemeta.userprofile'
CACHE_BACKEND = "file://" + TELEMETA_CACHE_DIR + "/data"

Optional: if you want some personal templates, for example:


You can find an example for there:


Configure your urls

Add this dictionary to get Javascript translation:

js_info_dict = {
    'packages': ('telemeta',),

The simplest case is to have telemeta running at public root. To do so, add this url in

# Telemeta
(r'^', include('telemeta.urls')),

# Languages
(r'^i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n')),
(r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),

You should also bring the django admin:

(r'^admin/django/', include(,

Please also uncomment:

from django.contrib import admin

You can find an example for there:


Initialize the database

This synchronizes the DB with the model:

./ syncdb

If you want tu use the data schema migration system (South needed, see previous paragraph):

./ migrate telemeta

Start the project

We are ready to start the telemeta server:

python runserver

By default, the server starts on the port 8000. You can override this with, for example:

python runserver 9000

To get it on your network interface:

python runserver

Test it

Go to this URL with your browser:





Configure the site domain name in admin > general admin > sites

Test it and enjoy it !

Template customization

Please see

Deploy it with Apache 2

If you want to use Telemeta through a web server, it is highly recommended to use Apache 2 with the mod_wsgi module as explained in the following page

This will prevent Apache to put some audio data in the cache memory as it is usually the case with mod_python.

You can find an example of an Apache2 VirtualHost conf file there:


IP based authorization

It is possible to login automatically an IP range of machines to Telemeta thanks to the django-ipauth module:

sudo pip install django-ipauth

See for setup.

Import ISO 639-3 languages

From Telemeta 1.4, an ISO 639-3 language model has been implemented.

The ISO language table content can be initialized with the official code set. Here is a import example where telemeta_crem5 is the SQL database:

mysql -u root -p
load data infile '' into table telemeta_crem5.languages CHARACTER SET UTF8 ignore 1 lines (identifier, part2B, part2T, part1, scope, type, name, comment);

If you upgraded Telemeta from a version previous or equal to 1.3, please update the media_items table as follow:

mysql -u root -p
use telemeta_crem5
ALTER TABLE media_items ADD COLUMN 'language_iso_id' integer;
ALTER TABLE 'media_items' ADD CONSTRAINT 'language_iso_id_refs_id_80b221' FOREIGN KEY ('language_iso_id') REFERENCES 'languages' ('id');

Contact / More infos

See README.rst and