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An experiment with Flink's Debezium based flink-cdc-connectors DataStream API and Pulsar's Flink connector

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An experiment with Flink's Debezium based flink-cdc-connectors's DataStream API and Pulsar's Flink connector.


Here's the system this repo sets up

  • Source: One Postgres node, with two schemas
  • → Change-data-capture via flink-cdc-connectors (aka Flink running embedded Debezium)
  • → Flink stream processing logic - selectively picking fields, merging tables logically
  • → Sink: Apache Pulsar


  • Source: Apache Pulsar
  • → Flink streaming aggregation
  • → Sink: Postgres aggregate results table

Run it

Bring up the infrastructure, which includes:

  • One Postgres node with schemas, functioning as a source
  • Another Postgres node, functioning as a sink
  • Apache Pulsar, functioning both sink and source
docker-compose up

Run and test your application locally with an embedded instance of Flink

./gradlew run

The Flink web UI is also enabled locally. Visit http://localhost:8081.

Getting data from Postgres → Pulsar

Log into our Postgres node functioning as a source

docker-compose exec source-db1 psql experiment experiment

Examine replication slots, and insert and update some data

SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;

INSERT INTO schema1.users (full_name) VALUES ('susan smith');
INSERT INTO schema1.users (full_name) VALUES ('anne smith');
INSERT INTO schema2.users (full_name) VALUES ('bob smith');
UPDATE schema1.users SET full_name = 'sue smith' where id = 1;
UPDATE schema2.users SET full_name = 'bobby smith' where id = 1;

Now examine your Flink application's stdout. You should see something like this. If not, see Troubleshooting.

UsersEvent{key='schema1|1', fullName='susan smith', id=1, op='c', schema='schema1', table='users'}
UsersEvent{key='schema1|2', fullName='anne smith', id=2, op='c', schema='schema1', table='users'}
UsersEvent{key='schema2|1', fullName='bob smith', id=1, op='c', schema='schema2', table='users'}
UsersEvent{key='schema1|1', fullName='sue smith', id=1, op='u', schema='schema1', table='users'}
UsersEvent{key='schema2|1', fullName='bobby smith', id=1, op='u', schema='schema2', table='users'}

Now let's look for the same events in Pulsar, in the persistent://public/default/users topic.

docker-compose exec pulsar ./bin/pulsar-client consume -s mysub2 -n 0 -p Earliest users

# ----- got message -----
# key:[c2NoZW1hMXwx], properties:[], content:{"key":"schema1|1","op":"c","schema":"schema1","table":"users","fullName":"susan smith","id":1}
# ----- got message -----
# key:[c2NoZW1hMXwy], properties:[], content:{"key":"schema1|2","op":"c","schema":"schema1","table":"users","fullName":"anne smith","id":2}
# ----- got message -----
# key:[c2NoZW1hMnwx], properties:[], content:{"key":"schema2|1","op":"c","schema":"schema2","table":"users","fullName":"bob smith","id":1}
# ----- got message -----
# key:[c2NoZW1hMXwx], properties:[], content:{"key":"schema1|1","op":"u","schema":"schema1","table":"users","fullName":"sue smith","id":1}
# ----- got message -----
# key:[c2NoZW1hMnwx], properties:[], content:{"key":"schema2|1","op":"u","schema":"schema2","table":"users","fullName":"bobby smith","id":1}

Getting data from Pulsar → Postgres

Now, let's take a look at our Postgres node functioning as a sink

docker-compose exec sink-db1 psql experiment experiment

For reference, our Flink job should be upserting aggregated data there, like so:

INSERT INTO user_count_by_pgschema (pgschema, user_count)
SELECT schema, COUNT(1) as user_count
FROM users_from_pulsar
GROUP BY schema

Check out the aggregated results

SELECT * FROM user_count_by_pgschema;

#  pgschema | user_count
# ----------+------------
#  schema1  |          2
#  schema2  |          1

Now try inserting and updating rows in the Postgres source and watch the Postgres sink reflect updated results.


So what just happened?

First, we captured changes from Postgres → Pulsar

  • We started with one Postgres node with multiple Postgres schemas as a data source
  • Our Flink job captures changes from these via flink-cdc-connectors
  • Our Flink job selectively grabs column data from these change events
  • Our Flink job merges the changes from all of the Postgres schemas to a single stream per table
  • Our Flink job then writes the merged streams to Pulsar, one topic per table.

Then, we computed and wrote aggregated data from Pulsar → Postgres

  • Given our Postgres changes written onto Pulsar from the previous step...
  • We leveraged the pulsar-flink connector and Flink's SQL API to fetch data from Pulsar
  • We leveraged Flink's SQL API to compute some aggregates
  • We leveraged Flink's SQL API to write the aggregate results to a JDBC sink

Next steps


  • deletes
  • writing to different kinds of sinks


If you see this, until this issue is fixed, you may need to switch your JDK to Java 8.

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.misc.Unsafe.monitorEnter(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
        at io.debezium.embedded.ConvertingEngineBuilder.lambda$notifying$2(
        at io.debezium.embedded.ConvertingEngineBuilder$
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at java.base/

Installing JDK

Switching between JDK's

List JDK's available on your computer

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

Switch to the desired version. For example, to switch to JDK 8:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`

For 11.0, switch 1.8 with 11.0

Check your JDK version

java -version


To package your job for submission to a Flink cluster:

./gradlew shadowJar

Then look for the jar to use in the build/libs folder.

Flink project bootstrap

I bootstrapped this project via the template here:

Feel free to start from scratch and adapt your own.


An experiment with Flink's Debezium based flink-cdc-connectors DataStream API and Pulsar's Flink connector




