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Simple utilities for use with chsc's excellent [](gogl library).

This is still a work in progress! There are still several bugs to work out.


go get

As of right now, it only works if you have gl33 installed. I'm working on letting it use any version of GoGL.


A simple library to provide matrix structs, methods and functions for vector/matrix math.


Provides a matrix stack to provide the ability to pop/push 4x4 gl.float matrices.


Provides a simple function to load .vert and .frag shaders and return a shader program id.


Provides a simple Mesh struct that keeps track of its vertex arrays and can be loaded via COLLADA (.dae), Object (.obj) and GLUT mesh (.xml) files.


Parses a Collada file and provides the raw data in a COLLADA struct.

objectloader.go INCOMPLETE

Parses a .obj file and returns the raw data in an OBJECT struct.

glutmesh.go INCOMPLETE

Reads a GLUT-style XML mesh file and returns a GLUTMESH struct.


Go doc documentation below:

package goglutils import "/Users/wyvern/GoCode/src/"

A collection of simple routines and structures to help with matrices as
well functions for common math operations.

I tried to keep the structure similar to glm's matrix and vector classes
Therefore, the matrices are stored in column order:

v0      v1      v2      v3

x | { v0x } { v1x } { v2x } { v3x } | y | { v0y } { v1y } { v2y } { v3y
} | z | { v0z } { v1z } { v2z } { v3z } | w | { v0w } { v1w } { v2w } {
v3w } |

So if you were going to scale a matrix, you'd set: mat[0].x = scaleX *
mat[0].x mat[1].y = scaleY * mat[1].y mat[2].z = scaleZ * mat[2].z

Must be careful - Can't have vector pointers inside the matrix, as the
value must be contiguous in memory if we're going to pass them to

This package also contains OpenGL-friendly math functions - these are
basically Go's math functions wrapped in pointer casts to make them use
gl.Float (glFloat)

There is also a simple matrix stack utility, as well as a functions that
loads and creates shaders from .vert and .grag GLSL files.


const Pi = (gl.Float)(math.Pi)


func Clamp(fValue, fMinValue, fMaxValue gl.Float) gl.Float Clamp - constrain a value fValue to the range delimited by fMinValue -> fMaxValue

func CosGL(Rad gl.Float) gl.Float Cosine, in gl.Float

func CreateShader(shaderType gl.Enum, filePath string) gl.Uint Create and Compile a shader, and return its object

func CreateShaderProgram(shaderFiles []string) gl.Uint CreateShaderProgram - create a shader program and attach the various shader objects defined by the files in the slice, then return the programID.

func DebugMat(m []gl.Float, s string) Pretty-print a []gl.Float slice representing a 16-item transformation matrix.

func DegToRad(fAngDeg gl.Float) gl.Float Convert degrees to radians

func Ident4() []gl.Float Identity matrix, bare

func Invert(m []gl.Float) ([]gl.Float, error) Code from the MESA library, adapted for Go

func LerpGL(start, end, ratio gl.Float) gl.Float Basic linear interpolation

func ModGL(a, b gl.Float) gl.Float Take two gl.Floats and return remainder as a gl.Float

func ReadSourceFile(filename string) (string, error) Reads a file and returns its contents as a string.

func SinGL(Rad gl.Float) gl.Float Sine, in gl.Float

func TanGL(Rad gl.Float) gl.Float Tan, in gl.Float


type Mat4 [4]Vec4 Struct that kinda, sorta represents a glm/glsl 4x4 matrix

func FromArray(arr []gl.Float) (*Mat4, error) FromArray - produce a Mat4 from a []gl.Float. Basically the inverse of ToArray

func IdentMat4() *Mat4 Return a Mat4 with identity values

func RotateX(fAngDeg gl.Float) *Mat4 Returns a Mat4 representing a rotation matrix for the angle given in degrees

func RotateY(fAngDeg gl.Float) *Mat4 Returns a Mat4 representing a rotation matrix for the angle given in degree

func RotateZ(fAngDeg gl.Float) *Mat4 Returns a Mat4 representing a rotation matrix for the angle given in degrees

func (m *Mat4) Copy() *Mat4 Create a copy of a given mat4

func (m *Mat4) Inverse() *Mat4 Returns a new Mat4 representing the inverse of the Mat4

func (m1 *Mat4) MulM(m2 *Mat4) *Mat4 Multiply receiving matrix by given Mat4 and return the new Mat.

func (m *Mat4) MulS(s gl.Float) *Mat4 Multiplies a Matrix by a scalar s and returns the new matrix

func (m *Mat4) MulV(v *Vec4) *Vec4 Multiply receiving matrix by given Vec4 and return the new Vec4

func (m *Mat4) Print(s string) Pretty-prints a Mat4 with an optional header

func (m *Mat4) Scale(s *Vec4) *Mat4 Scale - Scales a matrix using a passed Vec4, the vec4 should take the form { sx, sy, sz, 1.0 }

func (m *Mat4) ToArray() []gl.Float ToArray - produce a []gl.Float array from a given struct. Perhaps not necessary, doing &Mat4 should be sufficient!

func (m *Mat4) Translate(offset *Vec4) *Mat4 Take a translation vector {tx, ty, tz, 1.0} and translate the matrix

func (m *Mat4) Transpose() *Mat4 Returns the transpose of a given matrix

type MatrixStack struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields } MatrixStack - Represents a way to store a sequential series of transformations

func (ms *MatrixStack) Init() Creates a default identity matrix as the current matrix

func (ms *MatrixStack) Invert() Inverts the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) MulM(m *Mat4) Multiplies by another mat4 the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) Pop() Pop the last matrix off the stack and make it the current matrix

func (ms *MatrixStack) Push() Create a copy of the current matrix and push it onto the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) RotateX(deg gl.Float) X-rotates the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) RotateY(deg gl.Float) Y-rotates the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) RotateZ(deg gl.Float) Z-rotates the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) Scale(s *Vec4) Scales the topmost matrix on the stack

func (ms *MatrixStack) Top() *Mat4 Return pointer to top matrix

func (ms *MatrixStack) Translate(offset *Vec4) Translates the topmost matrix on the stack

type Vec3 struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields } Struct that kinda, sorta represents a vec3 glm/glsl vector

func (u *Vec3) Add(v *Vec3) *Vec3 Add together two Vec3's - u.Add(v)

func (u *Vec3) Cross(v *Vec3) *Vec3 Cross product - Vec3 version, u.Cross(v) = u x v

func (u *Vec3) MulS(f gl.Float) *Vec3 Multiply vector by a scalar

func (v *Vec3) Normalize() Normalize - Vec3 version

func (u *Vec3) Sub(v *Vec3) *Vec3 Subtract two Vec3's - u.Sub(v)

func (v3 *Vec3) V3to4(f gl.Float) *Vec4 Vec4 from a Vec3

type Vec4 struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields } Struct that kinda, sorta represents a glm vec4

func (v *Vec4) Normalize() Normalize - normalizes a vector, doesn't include w


Matrix and other utilities for use with GoGL (






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